Out of the Korean players, you have the most experience with tournament overseas. If you had to compare NASL with other foreign tournaments, how would you compare them?
First of all, I think out of the foreign tournaments, I think American tournaments have better responses from the fans and are better about providing room and board. So I preferred events like NASL or MLG. In terms of scale, I think there isn't too much of a difference between Dreamhack or MLG or NASL or other tournaments. I think it's a tournament that will have a lot of improvements in the future.
Your interviews in English left a deep impression on the fans. Do you do this as fanservice towards your foreign fans?
While fan service is fan service, I think I picked up English quickly so I could get by when I go overseas. And because I live with Jinro and Huk at TeamLiquid, I think I'll be able to improve my English in the future also.
You revealed in your Interview in the GSL that you wouldn’t be going to any more overseas tournaments for some time. When should we expect you back?
I want to practice in Korea. I feel like I've fallen behind. I think you may be able to see me again in about two months time.
Your games against Sen left a deep impression. We’re curious how you approached the series as you entered the game, and if there were any memorable moments during that series.
Because I haven't lost to Sen before, I approached the game thinking it'd be easy. But as I played I felt that Sen has really improved. The most memorable moment during the game was when I destroyed Sen's expansion in the last game with Dark Templars. I was really happy then.
Please say something to your many fans in TeamLiquid
I visit the fanclub there often. They post a lot of funny pictures. And I'm thankful because their reactions are always so positive. I actually made a TeamLiquid account recently, so I'll make sure to visit often so I can communicate with my fans.
(Special Thanks to SeleCT for making this interview happen)
What did you think of the series? Were you nervous?
I was really nervous, and I was even more nervous for the final match. I think I've had two of the most chilling and trembling games I've had in my life at this tournament.
Would you be encouraged to come back to foreign tournaments?
Of course. I'll work really hard just so I can come back to feel this kind of passionate atmosphere again.
Are you excited to back to Korea and play now that you have beaten oGsMC?
Because I beat MC, I think I will be able to play against other Protosses without being intimidated. Without intimidation, but with confidence.
Please say something to your fans in TeamLiquid
I think this was the opportunity I had to get myself known to the foreign community. If you keep watching me and cheering for me, I will return to you with better results in Korea and in foreign tournaments.
Everyone thank GHOSTCLAW, shindigs, and SeleCT for making this interview possible!