On December 15 2011 09:28 The Stapler wrote:
Naniwa is on Live on Three right now and just said himself that he thought he had a Code S spot after Providence
Thanks for the heads up, listening right now.
"LR"- He thought he had a seed for Code S
- He had no idea why it was such a big deal
- After all this he realised that people wanted to see Nani vs Nestea rematch.
- Didn't realise what the koreans thought about it.
- I guess I will just have to accept what happened and try to requalify.
Do you feel like GOMs new statement is strange?
- GOM never said that they would give me a Code S seed, all other sourced did though. Neither MLG or GSL is going back on their word I'm very confused.
SirScoots: Players are on both sides of this fence (Idra/Huk examples), the format is stupid. I wish they would have let you forfeit. Firm believer that every match should mean something. Naniwa was the guinea-pig, make every match mean something if it's going to be played. As the team guy he wants players to give it their all. "It's just not me and nestea anymore, it's his fans, it's my fans".
(Note that because of this he got players into Code S, ofcourse he won't completely side with Naniwa). (He cleared this up, Idra was getting in anyways) Attacks GOM for vague rules. This would not have happened if there was a clear rule that matches should not be thrown. Takes up the notion that Naniwa is the bad guy, this probably would not have happened the same way with for example TLO.
- Naniwa did not ask to not play that match.
Slasher, MLG (HOLY SHIT HE SHAVED, LOOKS 20 YEARS YOUNGER): I don't know shit. I don't represent anything.
Wheat: Even if it is miscommunication, Naniwa is the victim.
- "When I realised how koreans see it I understand I fucked up. Their definition of progamer is different, it's not making a living of it, it's pride and honour and such".
Nani (Regarding StarTale house): The Startale guys were never any problems. It was his first place in korea and it's were he feels at home. He got no problems with the Startale guys.
- TL:DR from
Wheat: Now that Naniwa see it in the Korean perspective he shouldn't have done that.
Do you feel that you're still getting shit even though you've apologised?
Nani I hope they can realise I did not think the same way as them. (Something about cultural difference) I hope that eventually they'll give me another shot.
Nani: I missed the bigger picture.
Slasher: He feels for Naniwa, he enjoys a proper fake match then a hidden one.
- Slasher hyping up the match and still doesn't find it that bad.
Scoots: None of the matches are meaningless for the playing viewers. You did not "entertain".
Slasher: It's frikking meaningless..
- MLG wouldn't have done anything, different culture.
Wheat: Going forward how important is this thing going forward for "BM" players
Nani: Not so much about the korean culture, I didn't think of anything then myself in that moment. An advice would always to think of the bigger picture.
Scoots: Players need to think of it as a job, paid to play, paid to preform. Organizers should also look at themselves and avoid this situation. Naniwa has gotten a lot of shit lately, noone needs this amount in their life. Naniwa has sent a message with his actions.
Wheat asks about Quantics reaction:
Nani: Did not expect them to stand with him, he thought he was done. He would have quit if Quantic dumped him. They have been really supportive and will for sure repay them.
Wheat: What do you value more walking away from this situation, what have you learned?
Nani: Being a progamer is very fragile, I will never go 50%, I will always go 100% from here on.
Scoots: You're all young people, you will grow stronger. Huk learned from his NASL thing. People need to give you slack, you don't have the paid staff to tell you how to act. People will keep stepping into shit, the scene is young. Let's move on.
Wheat : Is the Naniwa going out of this a new Naniwa
Nani: It's not like I'm trying to kill Esports, I didn't know what I was doing. Changed Naniwa? I don't know, I've learned.
- Scoots hoping for GOM to change too.
- Slasher hyping the first 3 games being really close, How close are you to the top?
Nani: Nani saying he was kinda jetlagged, bad excuse, doesn't like bo1.
Slasher: Do you think bo1 hurts you?
Nani: It's ok in a group stage, but considering the status of the tournament they should have gone with bo3.
>>>Final questions<<<
Wheat: Thinks nani has gained some fans, people are liking the reflection. How do you feel about your fans, what kind of emotional attachment do you have with them. Any words? Plans to interact more
Nani: I have gotten a lot of shit for a lot of things. I thought it would be easier if I didn't think about it. It really warms my heart when I read nice comments on TL. I really want to make my country proud. I hope they will keep with me during all this.
Scoots: Still has the support from the Swedish fans?
Nani: Definitely.
Scoots: Plans for the holiday?
Nani: I don't have time to spare, no holidays. I will practise as hard as I can, I feel like I'm living on borrowed time.
Slasher: Wow, don't feel that way, you're one of the 2 foreigners there.. Good luck in Code A!
- Thanks to my fans and especially my team, did not expect them to keep with me.