edit: Nope. PuMa and MC looks so good! Wish I had a player with enough trade for them. Really wish I grabbed PuMa with GuineaPig last week before GuineaPig's value dropped.
Fantasy GSTL Team Discussion - Page 87
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United States415 Posts
edit: Nope. PuMa and MC looks so good! Wish I had a player with enough trade for them. Really wish I grabbed PuMa with GuineaPig last week before GuineaPig's value dropped. | ||
Japan2800 Posts
This time, I'm not really happy about my trade from sC to theStC, when I could have bought Yoda (I hesitated between the 2). Now all my players seem to have the same (low) value so I'll have the hard time trading for the players I want. At least I was right thinking Hack would get exactly 0 points this week and trading him for Puma. Now let's see how it goes next week | ||
42 Posts
I've read the rules,went to sign up thread there http://www.teamliquid.net/fantasy/gstl/Standings.php?r=1 and I don't understand how to use this-( can someone help me or point me to a beginner guide for this? or are sign up closed? thx for help | ||
Belgium2043 Posts
On July 11 2011 01:30 AGK wrote: hi I'd like to participate but I don't understand how to create a team/sign up. I've read the rules,went to sign up thread there http://www.teamliquid.net/fantasy/gstl/Standings.php?r=1 and I don't understand how to use this-( can someone help me or point me to a beginner guide for this? or are sign up closed? thx for help Its too late, the season has begun, wait until next month. Then click the features tab and select "fantasy". here's a guide, i dont agree with soem of the posters points, but its a good guide. http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=236096 | ||
42 Posts
On July 11 2011 01:33 godemperor wrote: Its too late, the season has begun, wait until next month. Then click the features tab and select "fantasy". here's a guide, i dont agree with soem of the posters points, but its a good guide. http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=236096 thx! | ||
United States16236 Posts
On July 10 2011 03:08 DystopiaX wrote: Conflicted about Alicia. Worth alot, and Slayers is playing soon, but I could get Sage, Puma, etc. for him. edit- thing is, Alicia is one of slayers' only good non-Terran, but TSL isn't that deep period, so in a question of playing time Puma would probably win out, yet Slayers will probably win more and therefore get more of those +1s. Ended up trading Alicia for Puma. What made the decision for me is that TSL is a smaller team, has comparatively fewer really good players, and so is therefore more likely to see play than Alicia. Alicia is a really good Toss, perhaps one of the only really good non terrans on Slayers, but with so much talent I could see Alicia only being good for win points...on top of that TSL has a better schedule than slayers, both for wins and likelihood of good players needing to be sent out. | ||
Belgium2043 Posts
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United States415 Posts
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United States113 Posts
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Canada31 Posts
On July 11 2011 07:50 mrbamboo wrote: OMG whyyyyyyy didn't I get PuMa with GuineaPig last week HE IS SO GOOD he's gonna reverse all kill every team TSL plays and never drop to enough trade value for me to get him #&$(&(&($&*(&$@ Yeah, but his weakest matchup is, by far, TvP. In order for PuMa to be successful against slayers he's going to have to take down Alicia, and possibly Frozen depending on well the team thinks his TvP is. You can be rest assured that SlayerS is preparing snipers to take down Alive and PuMa as the rest of their roster hasn't posted many significant results or even displayed many respectable games. Not to mention that with all the in-house practice of the SlayerS team there has to be at least a few that are VERY confident in the vs T matchup on multiple maps. I think expecting 2 wins from PuMa next week is an optimistic prediction. That series will likely go 4-3 or 4-2 in SlayerS favor and PuMa isn't a good pick to have for this matchup. The big point scorer for the next week is going to be whatever player gets the biggest streak from fOu against FXO. I would say the same about ST but ZeNeX has really been posting results in both this season of GSTL and other korean-only tournaments. Byun and puzzle have also really shown impressive play. I wish I was more familiar with the rest of the likely players from their team to be able to make a good decision for this fantasy pool. All I can do is hope that July (an original pick of mine) sees some play and does well in the series. It's a very hard series to predict IMO... | ||
Canada4885 Posts
On July 11 2011 09:08 Strausticles wrote: Does anyone know when they come out and say who's playing next week? It's been a different day every week so far lol Mon-Wed... some time in there. Just wait to do any trades you want until the very last minute (best way to go). | ||
United States2965 Posts
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United States415 Posts
On July 11 2011 13:03 vicious.e0 wrote: Yeah, but his weakest matchup is, by far, TvP. In order for PuMa to be successful against slayers he's going to have to take down Alicia, and possibly Frozen depending on well the team thinks his TvP is. You can be rest assured that SlayerS is preparing snipers to take down Alive and PuMa as the rest of their roster hasn't posted many significant results or even displayed many respectable games. Not to mention that with all the in-house practice of the SlayerS team there has to be at least a few that are VERY confident in the vs T matchup on multiple maps. I think expecting 2 wins from PuMa next week is an optimistic prediction. That series will likely go 4-3 or 4-2 in SlayerS favor and PuMa isn't a good pick to have for this matchup. The big point scorer for the next week is going to be whatever player gets the biggest streak from fOu against FXO. I would say the same about ST but ZeNeX has really been posting results in both this season of GSTL and other korean-only tournaments. Byun and puzzle have also really shown impressive play. I wish I was more familiar with the rest of the likely players from their team to be able to make a good decision for this fantasy pool. All I can do is hope that July (an original pick of mine) sees some play and does well in the series. It's a very hard series to predict IMO... I don't think beating Squirtle 2-1 and MC 4-3 makes TvP his worst match up. He's also beat HongUn 2-0, Sage 5-0, Younghwa 2-1, Puzzle 4-1, Tiger 2-0, all within the last 3 weeks. If anything I'd call that his best match up right now. I mean Alicia is PvT is very good but I wouldn't put PuMa at any sort of disadvantage right now. He just 2-0'd Min recently too who is the best zerg on SlayerS. I think it's all gonna come down to beating him in TvT with MMA/Ryung/GanZi. I think in the end SlayerS might take this week 4-3 actually. Which is good cause I want PuMa's value to drop so I can pick him up afterwards :D I think GumiHo, asd(Nuclear), leenock, all could be contenders to get 3 kills on FXO if not all kill straight out, fOu desperately needs a win to have a chance at play offs but I doubt sC will even need to play. Squirtle is a beast, July is not in bad shape but his ZvZ hasn't improved too much but all of ZENEX's zergs are horrible at ZvZ too. Not to mention there's Bomber. Fruit Dealer and Trickster just joined ST too and their team has been correspondingly altered to ST. I still think they won't get used so quickly in the team league for a bit. They need to fix Tandongho being in ST instead of ZENEX in the fantasy league too, he's suppose to be pretty good I hear. I'd have to give this one to ST and ZENEX will put up a good fight. Puzzle and Byun should each get a kill I think. I really want Puzzle to to do better but he fluctuates between absolutely brilliant play to some very silly stuff sometimes ~_~. | ||
United States415 Posts
Slayers ![]() ![]() FXO ![]() ![]() ST ![]() ![]() Sorry if I made a mistake but I double checked, but I don't read Korean and all the characters looks so similar not to mention half of them share a character or two in their name. I'd easily say Revival wins, GuMiho all kill, Byun wins. :X edit: I am so regretting my last weeks GuMiho -> TheStc trade right now. I thought he'd get 3 points for sure so I can trade back for GuMiho. Now I have to trade GuineaPig for Gumiho, but that means I can't get GanZi. Blahhhhh. What is the chance FXO breaking GuMiho, I do already have fOu as my team so if he all kills I get +8 anyway, but that could be +18!! Something about my eggs and a basket I think. :< If I just did the PuMa trade instead of TheStc last week I could have GuMiho and PuMa already and can get 2 more trades on top of that >.< | ||
Kenya1085 Posts
I traded Alicia for PuMa and FXOz for Smart/JYP. I really like Alicia, but PuMa is on such a run lately that it's hard to pass him up, and Alicia is the only player I could trade for him. This is probably the last chance to unload Oz for anyone decent, and I think Smart is one of those closet gosus who is due for a breakout performance in the GSTL in the next few weeks. So that trade was a no-brainer to me. Hopefully TSL and fOu own it up. ![]() | ||
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10776 Posts
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United States729 Posts
On July 11 2011 15:24 mrbamboo wrote: Yeah I made the fateful GuMiho -> Stc trade as well. Now the only players I can trade to get GuMiho back are PuMa and Alicia Starters Posted. Gahhhhhhhh only korean names I'm gonna filter through the TLPD to find out who they are Slayers ![]() ![]() FXO ![]() ![]() ST ![]() ![]() Sorry if I made a mistake but I double checked, but I don't read Korean and all the characters looks so similar not to mention half of them share a character or two in their name. I'd easily say Revival wins, GuMiho all kill, Byun wins. :X edit: I am so regretting my last weeks GuMiho -> TheStc trade right now. I thought he'd get 3 points for sure so I can trade back for GuMiho. Now I have to trade GuineaPig for Gumiho, but that means I can't get GanZi. Blahhhhh. What is the chance FXO breaking GuMiho, I do already have fOu as my team so if he all kills I get +8 anyway, but that could be +18!! Something about my eggs and a basket I think. :< If I just did the PuMa trade instead of TheStc last week I could have GuMiho and PuMa already and can get 2 more trades on top of that >.< ![]() | ||
United States63 Posts
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Kenya1085 Posts
On July 11 2011 16:46 FACENC wrote: Why can I only trade Sheth for other zerg's? I can trade other members with other races, but Sheth I'm locked into picking another zerg player. If I have to, I guess I'll go with oGs.Luvsic. He must be your only Zerg. Your team must have at least 1 of each race, so you can't trade away your only Zerg for a different race. | ||
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