On May 14 2011 12:04 GTR wrote: any idea why na'vi weren't in contention to sign him? i guess they cant afford him.. afaik, that rich guy who sponsors na'vi does it only for the CS team and there are rumors that even that sponsorship will end this year
navi is just not a safe bet - fxo.imba instead is
so strelok not only smart in his decisions ingame but inlife aswell very smart regarding the future im happy for him hes a nice person
Great news, love watching Strelok and it seems FXO is getting better and better players (even if it's not the same team).
Congratulations to Strelok!
ah thiiis explains it. i went on streloks tlpd earlier and it was telling me he wasn't on mouz, on this team i hadn't heard of and i was wondering how out of date that was. i guess tlpd is actually up to date more than seems reasonable to me!
This is Huge news sad for Mouz T.T but yea i really hope he does great in his new team
Didn't Mouz nab ThorZain recently? Obviously losing Strelok is huge, but they've still got a very powerful lineup
Surprised that Sterlok would leave such an established and highly talented team, not to say that fxo.imba isn't very good, but I thought mouz is definitely more established Best of luck to him and his new team.
I don't understand why he would leave mouz, they are an amazing team. Not saying that FXO isn't, I'm just saying that the move seems pointless unless he did it for either money or he had problems with how mouz was being run or something.
On May 14 2011 13:30 overshard wrote: I don't understand why he would leave mouz, they are an amazing team. Not saying that FXO isn't, I'm just saying that the move seems pointless unless he did it for either money or he had problems with how mouz was being run or something.
Well as Xeris said in the OP he tried too recruit him, but imba.FXO just has more money and more too offer. So that is why he joined them
Looks to me like Strelok just grabbed an offer to coach the players on imba.FXO. Knowing mouz we will probably be suprised by the crazy team they will assemble over the next months with their endless funds (joke and reference to their wc3 "mercenary" purchases here). In any case, GL to mouz, an organisation that has been a staple for eSports and of course the up and coming imba.FXopen!
btw he looks like a PIMP
Didn't mouz just pick up Thorzain? So not a huge issue, if you consider a Starcraft 2 so fragile in composition. This is because teams are really for support, as it's not like football where 11 players play at the same time. For example, Strelok mentioned Dimaga in his recent win in NASL as a great practice partner, although they aren't on the same team. Imo, until team leagues really develop, teams are more just for financial support, tags and ID purposes, as well as cool swag and gear.
GLGL to Strelok and imba!
btw Xeris how did you know that he would be leaving mouz to try and recruit him?
Is this the first time in history that teamliquid took a story from gosugamers and not the other way around? T_T
Wow, interesting switch. I've heard of Imba, but they're on NA, but I guess they're different.
Strelok is such a cool person and a great representative for E-sports. Also a beastly player, i think its only a matter of time until he wins something BIG (top score in NASL!)
nice pickup by imba.fxopen ^^ grats strelok