So the channel exploded and to whoever said Game Time is a lame name, I agree. I made something up in like 10 seconds so I could start giving people somewhere to go. As far as the clan idea goes, that might be something for the future but it would be a much smaller subsection of this channel seeing as probably 150 different people have shown up over the past couple of days at least.
As far as practice goes, anyone that's still interested contact me in game...that's the best way to get in touch with me due to the sheer magnitude of this response. Shoot me a PM through Bnet and I'll get back to you asap.
For those of you who have been playing with us so far, this has worked out really well for most people and keep showing up for games. I'm finally starting to get games in with a lot of different players so I might actually know a small fraction of y'all now :D. Whereas the group started off Zerg-heavy, I think we've finally started to balance out the Terran and Protoss players over the past few days.
Either way, keep the games coming and we'll keep this sucker rolling...I'm thinking a possible KotH this weekend might be in order.
I'll be all up in this channel when I get off work in a few hours for sure. I'm a super low master Z but I really want to see how good my other races are. I'm something like 85-17 with T playing public custom 1v1's b/c most of those guys are ~plat. And I'd say my T is pretty bad so... I need to stop playing those public customs or I'll never ladder again...
Rofl, so I had the great intention of joining this group, and I did, the first day, and roamed around in the channel before that.
I had the bright idea of switching races though, and now I'm probably not diamond level yet with that race. (terran)
So I definitely appreciate anyone who puts up with me :D
Captain of the omega awesome to good to be true bronze team here. Mist code 600
Awesome! I love practicing vs people and improving, discussing strats, analyzing plays, etc. I'm usually on almost daily in the evenings since I work full-time, but definitely up to play and practice a lot vs any of you guys to improve =] Low diamond terran, ID is : Error, #341
Sounds like a great idea. I'll friend you in game OP and hopefully I'll get to watch/play a few games.
mid diamond toss
Nice, I always like/need to practice. Haven't ladder in a long while.
LazyZack 466
Diamond Zerg
Sign me up, definately need practice. Hades.866 diamond zerg
MattsEffect.515 Diamond Toss. Formidable Zerg too.
tgDamasu.578 Protoss Diamond
Add me up diamond / protoss TheHeadMan.275 im also streaming live on Tl and i would like to stream out some good matches. I think you should make a channel<
mid diamond Terran. I'm on 3-4 hours a night, 10pm cst-2-3 am
Master Protoss BetaFoil.798
masters protoss bleak #326
This seems like interesting, and I would love to play with some liquid community members.
Diamond Terran ironpiggy.916
Wouldn't mind some new practice partners. Eureka 357 diamond zerg
I am I Diamond Protoss who needs to play the damn game more. Perhaps responsibility will cure me of my "Spectatoritus" CrazyFirefox.919
i would like to join diamond protoss ShakaDEVIRGO 569
I'm a high diamond zerg, I wont be on at all this week because of finals, but I will be playing a ton this summer. Catharsis.372
channel is still very active! come come!