Alot of you seem to have the memory of a goldfish. When SC2 was still new protoss players were complaining that they would hit a wall in high diamond where the winrate just dropped dramatically and everyone told them protoss is unexplored and that people need to try new things. Now they've done that and protoss has dozens of openers and some really strong playstyles, all of which, came after mostly nerfs to the race. The buff to scouting was the only positive really since release, but some good protoss strategies developed and here we are. Zerg, its your turn to learn to play perfect.
Case and point, guy I was talking to after our ladder match.. he had hit masters as zerg last season and got so frustrated and thought protoss would be easy so decided to switch for season 2 since it was going to be "sooo easy". He went 1-20 as protoss in his first games up until I played him. To be honest, it took the better part of a year for protoss players in the upper leagues to become confident in their matchups because its so unforgiving until you really get dug in. You miss an offensive or defensive forcefield or don't make the perfect early game comps, you just lose. You can lose in the blink of an eye from the tiniest mistake or delayed reaction. I'm not saying other races don't lose to small mistakes and im not even implying that terran don't benefit the most, for instance, from really great micro. I'm saying that protoss play depends upon it more to actually survive and that it took the game being out a long time before they were really powerful at upper levels. We were seriously getting shit on by everyone until we learned to play better consistently.
I don't feel bad for the zerg's growing pains at all...Well maybe a little bit at lower levels because of the strength of 4-gate at that level.