On February 14 2011 06:28 TALegion wrote:Show nested quote + Note: We are not affiliated with the US political movement in any way, shape or form (We're from Australia, mate).
I care so little about the political party, that when I read this, I thought you were talking about the Boston Tea Party for a few minutes.
In Australia Voting in Mandatory, so the many people like myself who actually do not care for politics just end up donkey voting. So sometimes elections are won out of luck (our last one was a very close vote apparently).
Thus spawned our first female PM in Australia - Julia Gillard (lol, just kidding, of course she won out of merit and good campaigning)
At least in the U.S (and UK) voting is optional so you don't get donkey voters inflating the party that happened to be placed on top of the ballet paper.
YEAH! Thanks for having me as a guest on the second episode! Even though I said like 4 useless lines, still cool!
Hey dear aussie mates, thanks for this gem. I've grown up in Australia so I love when people that speak proper english talk about Starcraft 
Keep up the work, although please fix the following points: - turn of skype sounds while recording, its nerv-wrecking  - maybe try to level out the microphone volumes, and even do test runs before recording, because it was very inequal in possibility of understanding what is said depending on who was talking.
Great stuff but as others have said and I'm sure you're aware, audio quality/volume could use some adjustments.
Keep making these and I'll keep listening! I can somehow never get enough of hearing and talking about starcraft...
Thanks for the support guys! I got a new headset/mic just in time for the 3rd episode so I hope the audio quality is satisfactory. The third episode will be uploaded in about an hour! (even more lulz this time around).
Please remember to send in feedback or suggestions to this thread, via PM or to starcraft2.teaparty@gmail.com
EDIT: Isn't the new forum banner awesome? INORITE?
Well done guys. I'll listen in and give feedback :D
Just finished listening to it, and thought it was pretty good.
I got a bit confused at the start as to who was talking, but Henry seemed to start announcing people by their names before they spoke so it got heaps better towards the end.
I especially liked that you guys were making people aware of www.sc2sea.com etc (cause i had no idea about that site, and a few other tournies etc).
Just thought i'd add at the end that i'm simply only saying this stuff constructively but i thought it was a really good podcast, and i like the idea of the lolx channel too.
Nice work guys.
Thanks for listening fusihunter
we'd like suggestions on what you guys would like us to cover and any other feedback is heaps good
I want to know when Breaker will get out of diamond. Frankly he's an embarrassment to the show.
It's still great though. I hope this podcast will grow the SEA community.
Come to channel 'lolx' and practice with me, Loring. I'm secretly masters level .... cough ..... ye ........
But cheers for the support, we appreciate it 
P.S. What will you do when I'm finally masters? WHAT WILL YOU DO?
Start laddering breaker, your rank is a disgrace - less sleeping more laddering.
On February 19 2011 03:36 Breaker 1st Class wrote:
What will you do when I'm finally masters? WHAT WILL YOU DO?
Well, I don't think that's something I have to worry about.
By the way, I'm already in lolx, hiding in the massive amount of people here. Just gathering information until I have enough to humiliate you in an incredible showmatch.
This is Grade A espionage I'm talking about. I almost feel sorry for you.
Question, how can you have a tea party without TB? o.O
It makes no sense!
@ Loring: I knew it Loring. Obvious troll is obvious. >
@ StarStruck: Help us get TB on the podcast and life will be perfect
Breaker. I'm just having a laugh mate. I am in lolx, and I think the channel is good for SEA.
Good luck with episode 4.
Episode 4/5 is now up!
Fun Fact#9000: You can listen to us on your way to work/school/uni! AWESOME :D
*ahem... episode 4/5 is probably the best....maybe keep that guy. He sounds good.
This is the best baller pod cast ever!!!
More episodes guys! plz! I live and breathe this stuff!
On February 09 2011 05:11 bramapanzer wrote: Yeah I hate to be an annoying american, but if you want to appeal to anyone in USA I recommend getting rid of the Tea Party slogan. Tea Time? Tea Break? Who knows, but Tea Party will only attract 80 year old white Americans. If you aren't trying to get American supporters, may as well keep it, however.
This post offends me. I'm a tea party member at age 24. The Starcraft community is diverse, ethnically, politically, etc. I would have hoped that the more liberal members would refrain from posting their hatred in this thread, too bad that didn't happen. I don't go around threads slagging moveon or huffpo or SEIU.
More on topic, great stuff! Loving the cast.