Protoss Cont.
High Templar: These floating men can put down a storm of mind energy on you. Again, don't question why an advanced alien race would use mind power (something that has to be gathered over time over time) to call down a storm instead of just using a quick charging storm reactor, bow and surrender, you might find solace in the next life.
Collossus: These walking monstrosities are the bane of the Dominion. Run, run, call in viking support, and prepare to be roasted alive, secure in the knowledge that you have done the dominion a great service by calling in the vikings.
7. Immortal: It is against Dominion Military Policy to discriminate against anyone due to color, sex or disability. Special attention in fact is to be given to any person of a different color, sex or disability. Why do you think Medivacs are to be protected, or in the event that they belong to a rebel militia, shot down on sight? Why do you think we ARE willing to use up an Orbital Scan to spot Banshees whilst we prefer to save minerals when faced with Dark Templar? For this reason, you are to give your utmost attention to the Immortals, for inside is a handicapped Protoss warrior.
In the event of encountering one or several of these behemoths, The blades of an ultralisk are armour-piercing. Be aware that you will be required to place yourself between the ultralisk and armour. Failure to do so will result in immediate court-martial and death.
If you have passed the Dominion Military Fitness Test recently, Stims will give you the ability to temporarily outrun the ultralisk. In this scenario you may run and fire, provided you obey the rules above. Failure to pop stims or run will result in a severe waste of dominion man-hours to notify your next of kin.
Dominion Machinery Operation Guide and Requirements
Hellion Require: Dominion Issue Standard Driver's License, Pyro-tech Liability Insurance. Level 2 tech Clearance Operate similar to standard civilian Vehicle, Turret control is to your left, however the turret targeting system does not function while the vehicle is in movement thus you must come to a complete halt in order to use the armament. Attempt to target multiple enemies that are in a line. Use the "S" key to activate breaks periodically to allow turret to automatically engage the enemies
Siege Tank Driver Require: Dominion Issued Crucio Operation License, Level 4 Tech Clearance Standard Operation system similar to that of any truck type vehicle. Siege mode activation is the "E" key located on the Gear shift knob, D key next to it will resume tank mode. Cooperate with turret control is needed.
Siege Tank Fire Control Require: Fire Control License, Splash Damage Liability Insurance. Level 4 Tech Clearance Fire control is self explanatory, Fire away from friendlies, Banelings are your number 1 priorities. Target clustered units as a rule. When cooperating with other Tanks do not overkill.
Viking Require: Level 2 Air Clearance, Level 3 Tech Clearance, Mobile Suit Operation License. Standard Air Vehicle controls, Fire control manual is available inside the cockpit. The viking system operates with a number dial system If you want Rockets press 4 If you want Weapons Press 5 If you know the enemy you want to kill Press 7 You will engage your targets at maximum range. If your target attempts escape you will give chase. If your target attempts direct engagement you will re arm while trying to regain distance between target and engage target. The transformation lever is to the right of your seat. Prepare to move as you you pull the lever. Shift to the right, Lift Visor, Lean back. And then Lean forward. Transformation may kill less agile men.
Ahaha this is easier way to remember counters. Thanks for the info comrade!
Nice job, OP on adding things poeple have put in! And I LOVE THE IMMORTAL, that is truly great. I'll be addin some more on protoss, just wait!
On February 06 2011 15:13 ImmortalTofu wrote: Nice job, OP on adding things poeple have put in! And I LOVE THE IMMORTAL, that is truly great. I'll be addin some more on protoss, just wait!
As someone whose read a great many number of threads himself, I know there is a great number of good posts that people will skip through just to get to what is "Up to date" so I felt it would do other people proper justice to post theirs up on the first post so new people to the thread can catch them as well.
Thinking of starting a second thread for some of the other type of things that aren't instructions as they would be given to a Marine (Such as the vehicle operator's manual from Blasterion for one).
P.S: I'm looking forward to more Protoss descriptions.
Admittedly Terran is my weakest race and TvP is my weakest Terran Matchup, and 3v3 is my favorite type of game so I don't know everything that a Marine should be doing in a match and against each type of target but it was after watching and hearing so much about MKP + looking at that "Why a Marine's Life is Hell in SCII" comic strip that inspired me to make this thread.
Well congrats on making such a great thread, and thank you for putting so much work into it. People like you make TL great. And yeah, MKP is a bosssss. WE NEED TO GET SOME ZERGIES ON THIS THREAD!!!
We need some Terrans, lol.
Well, that will be for the next thread, lol... I could do a bit of terran vs. terran writeup if you need it... im not a T player though
Protoss Cont. Cont.
Phoenix: These bad boys don't have any air-to-ground weapons, but are speedy little flyers, so you will want to stim up to chase 'em. Leave their numbers alone to long, and before you know it, SCV's will be flying, your buddies won't be outfitted, and when the battles come 'round, those siege tanks will be in over their heads... Literally. Missing chances to kill these will result in Dominion aim recertification tests if it so happens to lift an SCV later during the engagement.
Void Rays: These bogeys are tricky to kill. With their slightly longer range, they can attack you over hills, and with stalkers, can easily pick off food supplies and barracks full of your friends if they are positioned too close the edge. They can even fire downward without tilting their laser generator! That's cheating. Anyway, luckily for you, they are slow and have VERY little life. Stim up and take 'em down boys. The longer they fire, the more powerful their laser gets, so get 'em fast! (Any food supply buildings incinerated will be attributed to you, and your families will be charged accordingly).
Carriers: You aren't ever going to see these. If the Protoss commander happens to have amnesia about the ole' brood war days, when they weren't underpopulated and our guns were powered by gunpowder (LOL WAT A JOKE) then know this. These are the most expensive, least powerful weapons in their arsenal, and should thus be treated as high value targets without fear. Almost like a bee's nest of activity, interceptors (small drone attackers) will fly out of them, doing small amounts of damage to your armor. Fear not, it will take 10 shots (5 interceptor blasts) to severely injure you, so comply with the golden rule to get them all taken down without injury. If you die to one of these, you will forever be remembered in the annals of your family's history as a failure. (You deserve it).
Incoming Transmission Rebels from groups such as Raynor's Raiders have landed in our Sector, quickly dispatch of them so we can continue our conquest for the Koprulu sector
Marine: Don't stare too closely at his mask, and if it is your brother in that suit...well.....find a way to play dead. Remember to always have a Medivac with you as your brother has always beaten you whenever you played Counter Corps
Marauder: Remember that these guys are the new version of firebats. Remember that they have a lot more health then you, remember to request Banshee backup....and make sure to "give her your thanks" later.
Reaper: You always hated how these guys got all the ladies because of their "hot boosters" Engage them in several numbers and request Marauder help. Concussive shell upgrades are recommended.
will do more later
lmfao man, good job, i loled for about 2 minutes.
I giggled, gives a pretty emerged view. Very creative. Especially all the little things people think of to make it more authentic.
Archon: These burning effigies of pure psionic power have the ability to rend your flesh molecule by molecule with bolts of pure energy. It is rumored they could tear the very fabric of time and space with their overwhelming power. Truly they are the single most powerful entities and should they get close enough to strike you, then we have no idea how you survived the physical training and as such, we are convinced that your prompt "Termination" as executed by opposing Archons could only serve to strengthen your unit and serve as an appropriate example of the importance of good physical conditioning.
The marine one saying the marine should play dead if the man behind the other visor is their brother really doesn't seem "Dominion-esque". You should try to slip in more of the sort of "McCarthyism" Propaganda techniques oft used by the Dominion to vilify Jim Raynor or something. You could really have some fun with the whole "He's your brother" approach though ^_^ The Marauder one seems a little dry, but I'm liking the Reaper one.
Siege Tanks: These are the pinnacle of Terran Technology, Unintelligent engagement will get you sent home in a body bag filled with...what ever scrap may remain of you, if any. You will either, request Siege tank back up of your own, file a tactical nuke request, file an air strike request, or board a medivac to engage the siege tank in close range combat. This will either result if the termination of the target, or cause other hostile tank fire to attack the target resulting in the target's death. It's a win-win situation. Your noble sacrifice will be remembered. For Humanity
Vikings: These air fighters aren't one trick ponies compared to the Protoss's Air Fighter Code "Phoenix" and the Zerg Xenomorph "Corruptors" these Terran technology are capable of switching between air mode which serves as a long range aerial sniper and an assault mode which serves as an assault mobile suit. You will follow the golden rule and engage them with stim.
Medivacs: They say that the enemy of your enemy is your friend, but at the same time the friend of your enemies is also your enemy. If you are to encounter medivacs in the field you are to neutralize them with extreme prejudice. For they will restore morale to the enemy troops and allow them to keep fighting. They also maybe transporting troops on board. Destroying Medivacs save Dominion lives.
Hydralisks: Are they in small numbers with no support? If yes, then follow the golden rule and engage with stim. Are they in large numbers with no support? If so, call in hellion support. Are they in large numbers with roach in front? Retreat to siege tank range with stim. If you find yourself out of stim and stuck on creep against them, rest assured, your next of kin will be informed promptly.
The Ghost Engagement Guide The Psionic Agents Code "Ghosts" are Psionic gifted individuals whom make up the covert ops of the Terran forces, These elite ops agents are equiped with cloaking, a c-10 Canister rifle capable of firing anti light armor rounds as well as anti-bio Armor Piercing Sniper rounds, Also equiped with EMP detonation rounds as well as a Tactical Nuke targeting system. Should you to be engaging combat with "Ghosts": A. Is the Ghost Cloaked? Of course you won't see him, but if near by marines are dying or sustaining injury due to projectile damage prepare for anti cloak engagement B: If A proves Negative you will stim and engage the Ghost with aid of other marines. Few may fall to sniper rounds but rest assured the loss of a ghost for the enemy will bring the Dominion one more step to a brighter future. C: If A Proves to be positive, then are you located near a missile turret? D: If the answer to C is yes retreat Dominion equipment and SCVs to near by missile turret, then yourself. Then engage cloaked ghost. E: If C is impossible, evacuate Dominion SCV and Tech, construct Missile turret at current location, and pray in Mengsk's name the SCV finishes its job properly F: If D is impossible, Request for raven support and engage cloak ghost according to B G: If F is impossible, and Ghosts of our own are available prepare emp detonation near by predicted ghost location. H: If G is impossible, File Request for Orbital Scan and engage cloaked ghost according to B I: If H is impossible, eventually the Cloaking system will fail due to a lack of energy and then engage according to B J: if I is taking too long you will do the following, drop your gun try to locate the ghost and hug it and request siege tank fire to target you, No sacrifice is too great for the good of the Dominion K: If you have received a tactical nuke warning refer to the Anti Nuclear engagement guide in the back of the book.
I'd like to take this moment to point out to Immortal that the Mothership was NOT the last one left... we still had the Archon and BW units ^_^
Corsair: Are you covered in a field of light and no longer have the will to pull the trigger? If so, withdraw 10 yards and open fire. Still can't fire your weapon? Keep on Running. Still unable to bring yourself to fire the weapon? Count quantity of Corsairs in the sky. If more than five, you may call in request for Viking, or Ghost support. Yes, we know Wraiths are infinitely better than Vikings against Corsairs, however we are trying to promote and advertise the Viking as the effective replacement for the Wraith so that the Dominion can reap the profits of selling new Vikings while minimizing the cut of the bottom line we'd receive if Rebel and Pirate Militias simply continue to buy up or salvage used Wraiths. The Dominion Economy takes priority over all other concerns.