On January 16 2011 04:03 MajorMajor wrote: This actually works on metalopolis aswell. I just checked and if you look carfully at each expo there are cracks in the concrete by the mineral patches. The cracks are no present on a zergs spawn point
i tried it and i couldnt get this to work - if your point is valid either provide screenshots before/after a video or the exact settings you used to make it happen on Meta thanks.
On January 16 2011 04:03 MajorMajor wrote: This actually works on metalopolis aswell. I just checked and if you look carfully at each expo there are cracks in the concrete by the mineral patches. The cracks are no present on a zergs spawn point
i tried it and i couldnt get this to work - if your point is valid either provide screenshots before/after a video or the exact settings you used to make it happen on Meta thanks.
Nevermind I think I am mistaken. There are cracks by the minerals on the top expos only so I got confused.
On January 15 2011 03:41 idonthinksobro wrote: Hello fellow TLers,
LT is in fact imba because you can tell the zergs spawn position without scouting since you can/cant see flowers at their starting position. This works for all spawn positions - settings can be on medium/high or ultra i dont know about the exact shaders terrain settings but it was confirmed many times that it works with medium and above.
An official Blizzard guy actually posted in the Bug report so there is no need to bump the threads but maybe you should add additional info if you find out new stuff about the bug or add your general thoughts about it.
On January 15 2011 04:39 FrostedMiniWeet wrote: I started a thread about this on Blizzard forums, hopefully Blizzard will notice. Please like it, so it will be noticed:
Does this mean that all flowers are removed as soon as a building gets placed over it? So if I build a pylon or supply depot on top of the flowers, they will disappear through the fog? Or does the game have to start out without those doodads (and therefore it can only happen because creep is the only thing that is spread out around bases)?
On January 15 2011 08:40 MOARpylons wrote: So why is this so extremely "gamebreaking?" Theyre going to have to scout either way, unless they wanna play blind, which is always the best way to play
ZvZ: 6-pool on a 4-player map is ridiculously unexpected. If I'm Zerg and I know where my Zerg opponent is without giving away my whereabouts...
This could be really, really bad for ZvZ. Knowing where your opponent is without scouting then doing an 8-pool double spinecrawler rush seems unstoppable. Hopefully this is fixed soon before its heavily exploited.
On January 15 2011 12:44 hagon wrote: re: GSL... my understanding most pro players use the low graphics details, where I am under the impression you cant see the bug?
Gom has made a custom LT for the GSL with all the flowers removed, so this can't be abused.
On January 15 2011 12:44 hagon wrote: re: GSL... my understanding most pro players use the low graphics details, where I am under the impression you cant see the bug?
Gom has made a custom LT for the GSL with all the flowers removed, so this can't be abused.
The gsl really fixed it within 2 days, thats huge as artosis would say, they didnt even need 2 days to get this information from tl, notice that this is really unfair, and to change the map - and blizzard didnt even remove the map out of the pool or anything.