Firstly, wasn't the Viking stack first used by TLO in GSL 1?
I seem to remember him using it against Hyperdub.
Then again, something as easy to do as putting Vikings on patrol was probably used by tons of different Terrans during their practice games, so we can't really credit anyone as being the "creator."
On November 05 2010 15:17 TheDoctor wrote:
I just jizzed in my pants...
I honestly rather have boxer pick a "fan favorite" team instead of just the best players. Pick up nada, fruitdealer, cellawerra, idra, TLO, julyzerg, tester, fake boxer, zergbong, and intotherainbow!!
Every single person you just listed already has a team.
The foreigners aren't even good enough that Boxer would want them.
If Boxer, after a few months' practice, can make it to the Ro4 in the GSL, why would he want TLO and Idra on his team, when they've been playing since Beta and can't get past Ro32 and 16? Is he trying to recruit the new Hyuks of his team?
Plus, they don't speak Korean, so they can't even discuss strategies and tactics with him in detail. Wasn't the communication barrier the primary reason why Idra never got far in the Korean proscene in BW? Why would that change in SC2?
As for the Koreans, Cool and Tester are the founders of TSL, and two of its best players. If Fruitdealer leaves, they lose their best member and the only one who's ever done anything significant on the team. The team would have such a hard time attracting new members when other teams like oGs and Prime can offer so many better practice partners. TSL would probably disband if Cool left. Cool knows this, and would probably not ditch his friends for cash. The exception is if he convinced Boxer to take on the majority of the roster along with himself as a package deal, or at the very least, take on the people he cares most about in TSL.
Cella JUST reformed the WeRRa clan (forgot their new name) after Gundam molested its members to death. The team is on shaky ground, and if he vacated his leadership position, the clan would be in the same position as TSL. Why would new, promising players join NeoWeRRa when oGs, Prime, and Zenix can offer so much more? Therefore, Cella would also be morally obligated to stay. Plus, why would Boxer even want him? I'm looking through the GSL 1 results, and I can't find his name. Is this guy actually good? Or is he just known because of his position in WeRRa?
Almost everyone else on the list belong to Prime or oGs, the two most famous/dominant clans in existence for SC2. Boxer would need to recruit a KILLER lineup before any of them would give up their positions to join his team. Think about it, Prime and oGs can provide their players with the best SC2 practice partners in the world. Would you give that up to sit on Boxer's team, if the only good person on the team was the Emperor himself? Who would you practice with and devise new strategies with, if everyone else on the team is not A-class?
That leaves Rainbow as the last candidate. As far as I know, his team, Startale or whatever, isn't very good, given that he's the only big name from the team to make it far into either GSL. He also has past connections to Boxer. Combine that with a healthy pay raise, and I could see him making the switch to join Boxer's new team.
If Boxer is to form a dominant team that will carry on SKT1's legacy, he's going to have to do it the same way he formed the original SKT1: recruiting nobodies that have potential, and growing them into powerhouses. All the current best players already have homes, and it'll take a lot more than a percentage of ~$300,000 to get them to move.