Vatican City State1650 Posts
Source: http://sports.media.daum.net/general/news/esports/breaking/view.html?cateid=1079&newsid=20101105083210813&p=dt
Formation of a new Stracraft 2 Pro team led by Boxer is imminent.
Sources say that Intel is currently in negotiations with Boxer over personal sponsorship and formation of his own pro team. An agreement is expected to be reached soon.
According to the source, Intel will sponsor Boxer personally with $180,000 and will also invest in a new Starcraft 2 Pro Team centered on Boxer to the tune of $270,000.
Boxer's name was removed from KeSPA's official Pro Gamer list on November 3rd. It appears that Boxer has now completely severed his ties with the starcraft 1 pro scene.
Boxer has been a major part of the Korean e-Sports Scene ever since 2000 when he first started as a Starcraft pro gamer. The current pro league system where major corporations such as SKT, KT and CJ created and sponsored their own teams was started in 2004 when SKT1 recognized Boxer's name value and created the T1 professional team around him.
Boxer joined the Air Force ACE professional gaming team on 2006 as a part of his mandatory military service. When he returned to his team upon discharge, he could not perform to the standards and was often left out of the team's roster entry.
Recently, Boxer has transformed himself into a Starcraft II professional gamer and successfully reached the semifinals of GSL season 2, perhaps signaling the second return to his prime.
스타2, 임요환사단 출범 초읽기
스타크래프트2(이하 스타2)로 종목을 전향한 후 명성을 이어가고 있는 임요환을 중심으로 한 팀이 곧 결성될 잔망이다.
4일 관련업계에 따르면 인텔이 임요환에 대한 개인 후원 및 게임 팀을 결성하기 위해 논의를 진행 중이며 최종 계약을 앞두고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.
이에 따르면 인텔은 임요환 개인에게 2억원의 후원을 하는 한편 임요환을 중심으로 하는 스타2 게임단을 창설, 해당 게임단에 3억원을 투자하는 방안을 구상중인 것으로 알려졌다.
임요환은 지난 3일 e스포츠협회의 공시를 통해 협회 인증 공식종목인 스타크래프트 프로게이머 명단에서 제외된 바 있다. 스타2로 종목 전향한 후 기존 스타크래프트 리그와 최종결별하며 신변정리를 마친 것이다.
임요환은 지난 2000년부터 스타크래프트 종목 프로게이머로 활동하며 한국 e스포츠의 중심으로 자리잡아 왔다. SKT ,KT, CJ 등 주요 기업들이 프로게임단을 유치하고 이들이 연간 단위의 상설 프로리그를 개최하는 현재의 틀도 지난 2004년 SK텔레콤이 임요환의 상품성을 인정하고 그를 중심으로 한 프로게임단 T1을 창단하면서 구체화된 것이다.
임요환은 2006년 군 입대와 동시에 공군 프로게임단에 몸담으며 선수 생명을 이어갔으나 하향세를 면치 못했고, 제대 후에는 팀 엔트리에 좀체 포함되지 못하는 상황이 지속됐다. 최근 스타2로 전향한 후 GSL 시즌2 8강 진출에 성공하며 제2의 전성기를 열어가고 있다.
Some Korean Netizen Reactions The only professional gamer above 30 who can support himself and more purely from gaming!
I knew it would be "Im"-Tel!
Once again, it's gonna be the Age of Boxer hahaha
SCII's reach now includes international sponsors! I bet KeSPA's asses are burning now lolol
I thought it was gonna be Intel... Anyway now KeSPA's fate is sealed...
Now company "A" has to sponsor Yellow... (T/N: Referring to AMD)
30대 넘어서 게임으로 먹고 살만큼 이상의 돈을 버는 유일한 게이머
혹시나 했는데 역시나 [임]텔
다시 임요환의 시대 ㅎㅎㅎ
스2 스폰서는 국제적으로 논다고 ㅋㅋ 개스파랑 스꼴 애들 꼴좀 받겠군요
인텔인 줄 알고 있었음... 아무튼 이걸로 캐스파는 꿈나라로..
이렇게 된 이상 'A'사는 콩을 지원하지 않을수가 없군..
Can't wait to see who he picks up.
omg, sounds awesome :D
can't wait to see who ends up in it
Lol wow......Intel sponsoring boxer and his own team, absolutely unreal.
Sick sponsorship. I can't wait to see who Boxer recruits.
Well I wasn't there to admire "boxer's prime"
but so far in SC2 he defnitely isn't what most people make him out to be.
( bad macro, godly micro, innovative )
His macro seems absolutely on par with the majority of the players. His micro does not seem anything extraordinary He is not innovative in any way (not that you NEED to be, idra for ex)
If anything
players like Foxer, TLO, Fruitdealer seem to be on top of the innovation and micro section.
BoxeR to me seems like simply a great all round player. I thnk people tend to label him too much and can't just admire him for what he currently is.
Canada1842 Posts
Wow, this is huge! Curious as to who will become head coach and potential players joining the team. Please pick a team name that does not have to do with weird acronyms as well.
iloveoov to sc2 please.
So much good news every day! And every day I wonder how it could get better.
It just did.
Team intel? Pretty sick sponsorship right there. Should probably pick up boxer as his first recruit....
Boxer getting far in GSL is so good for esports.
Question is.. what would make the perfect team with BoxeR.
Who should he scoop up. I'm sure there would be a lot of pros old and new that would love to join his team.
Awesome sponsor and awesome player who definitely deserves it.
Damn thats a lot of money
very interesting. this shows basically how much Boxer means to both financial and gaming/community aspects of sc2.
Holy crap. Great news! I love how KeSPA removes him from the list just the day before something like this is officially announced.
Weeeh time for PL 2.0 . !Boxers team iloveoov + mantoss + effort . haha I would implode in a explosion.
Nice to see Intel doing this. I am super excited to see who Boxer brings onto his team. I am sure whoever he chooses will become very successful in SC2. Boxer isn't the type of player to just choose anyone for his team.
Hmm, I wonder what his team name will be?
at least its better than I thought...Titty Sambo Intel'SlayerS_BoxeR
Hyrule18947 Posts
Intel to sponsor him? That's pretty damn impressive. I can't wait to see who he brings together to form his team, though. That's the most exciting part of this announcement, imo.
On November 05 2010 14:45 Vz0 wrote: Well I wasn't there to admire "boxer's prime"
but so far in SC2 he defnitely isn't what most people make him out to be.
( bad macro, godly micro, innovative )
His macro seems absolutely on par with the majority of the players. His micro does not seem anything extraordinary He is not innovative in any way (not that you NEED to be, idra for ex)
If anything
players like Foxer, TLO, Fruitdealer seem to be on top of the innovation and micro section.
BoxeR to me seems like simply a great all round player. I thnk people tend to label him too much and can't just admire him for what he currently is.
I don't give that a shit.
As far as I am concerned, Boxer can just banshee rush his way to the trophy x4 and I will still call him an Emperor and bow to his name.
What you underestimate is that Boxer's appeal is able to reach to those who are not hardcore starcraft perfectionists. It's that charisma that sponsors are looking for, the ability to appeal to the masses for maximum advertising effect.
I will be very interested in the details regarding Boxer's contract. I need to know whether that $450k commitment is an annual budget or something like a three year contract.
Intel is a sick sick sponsor. But keep in mind that Intel's name power in Korea isn't the same as here in the western worlds.
He needs to get Foxer into his team. There is no way that Foxer would refuse. Iloveoov is a strong possibility as well.
such an amazing opportunity, good luck ill see you soon :D