1. state of the game is awesome
2. every time idra speaks i'm forced to agree because hes never wrong
3. incontrol is awesome
4. My original thoughts were that JP is kind of meh, but his personality is actually perfect for being the host of things like this and co commentating. He makes it seem more professional than it would be if any other regular SOTG member hosted it, which is a good thing.
5. Day9s laugh gets me everytime.
6. Lots of quality topics get discussed which is awesome. I enjoy hearing about the pro scene and opinions on the players/matches being played lol. Even though every time a comment is made someone dies of rage, keep that up!
7. Extended series are a good thing. Idra still managed to almost convince me otherwise though. (with the bit about you made a mistake that I wouldn't have)
I look at like; if i beat you 2-0, I would be pissed to later on get knocked out by you in a 1-2 series as i'll have beat you 3 times and only lost twice.
8. incontrol is awesome
I'm really looking forward to hear next week's casts to hear the thoughts on "ActionJesuz"
We'll have MLG Lee (Senior Vice President) on next weeks show. Please submit questions for him and I will ask plenty of them! Thanks
I hope that T-Pain will read this post ,
Regarding the upgrades in TvT , I trully think that bio armor upgrade will shortly become a key to negate banshee play. Since it basicly turn bashee 2 shot on marines / scv into 3 shots.
On November 27 2010 20:41 itmeJP wrote: We'll have MLG Lee (Senior Vice President) on next weeks show. Please submit questions for him and I will ask plenty of them! Thanks
On November 27 2010 21:58 Mr_Kzimir wrote: I hope that T-Pain will read this post ,
Regarding the upgrades in TvT , I trully think that bio armor upgrade will shortly become a key to negate banshee play. Since it basicly turn bashee 2 shot on marines / scv into 3 shots.
Isn't this the same reason why protoss don't like to rely on mass cannons? It's better to play to stop harass outright rather than play to lose your workers 50% slower.
if jughead makes anymore racist comments, i wont be D/Ling the podcast anymore
On November 27 2010 20:41 itmeJP wrote: We'll have MLG Lee (Senior Vice President) on next weeks show. Please submit questions for him and I will ask plenty of them! Thanks
Will MLG ever come back to Canada since the Canadian SC2 scene is pretty strong?
Does MLG have any plans to come back to Boston or atleast New England?
Will MLG ever drop the retarded Halo rules? Also, will they ever get a decent map pool?
On November 28 2010 03:44 zergplayerr wrote: if jughead makes anymore racist comments, i wont be D/Ling the podcast anymore
u mad?
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On November 28 2010 03:44 zergplayerr wrote: if jughead makes anymore racist comments, i wont be D/Ling the podcast anymore
Haven't heard a single racist comment and have listened all the podcasts through like 100 times -.-
Will MLG consider to switch to bo3 group play followed by single elimination bracket in the play off? Double elimination makes for a very anti-climatic final, when it should be the highlight of the whole tournament.
United States182 Posts
Other than plans to change the tournament formant/rules, does MLG have any plans to change the stage for the players? The audience and commentary noise can really be harmful in keeping games honest. Any thoughts on adding gaming booths like the korean use?
On November 28 2010 03:44 zergplayerr wrote: if jughead makes anymore racist comments, i wont be D/Ling the podcast anymore
I think you should + Show Spoiler +
I've only recently started listening to State of the Game (from episode 17) and I'm currently listening through old episodes, I've gotten up (or down) to episode 8 so far and it's noticeable how the quality has increased by each podcast. I'm also liking how they've gotten longer as of late.
I think the next podcast (when ever JP reaches 85 in Cataclysm) you mentioned you'll have some MLG authority on. I hope you have a list of all the concerns that have been voiced so the viewers and supporters of the event can have some clue as to what direction they're hoping to take it in. Such things include: Octoshape (people using free restreams to avoid this), repeated adverts, extended series, commentators being heard by players, seating, amount of computers, map choices, that bm rule that was mentioned (or general Halo rules) and foreigners who don't think the prize pool is big enough to come over and compete for. There are probably lots of others I'm missing too.
Good luck on levelling your character in the mean time.
It'll be interesting to hear what SotG thinks of Dreamhack, both in terms of organization and player-level. Did any lesser known European players surprise? What could've been done better @ Dreamhack vs. what can other tourneys learn from Dreamhack?
On November 28 2010 05:16 dizzy101 wrote: It'll be interesting to hear what SotG thinks of Dreamhack, both in terms of organization and player-level. Did any lesser known European players surprise? What could've been done better @ Dreamhack vs. what can other tourneys learn from Dreamhack?
You can be shure theyll discuss Dreamhack anyways. (Actionjesus making it out of groupstage through 6pooling because of bo1 lol)
USA29055 Posts
coin flip is bigger lol tbh
Hah! Actionjesus made my day.
On November 28 2010 05:40 {88}iNcontroL wrote: coin flip is bigger lol tbh
can you body slam JP so he won't ditch SOTG next week?