I was just listening to a legendary SOTG and found a great quote of a question and a brilliant on-the-spot answer that was so amazing I had to listen to it quite many times:
Question: If you dropped an alcoholic beverage on the carpet what would you do? Would you lick it?
Answer: I'm not that poor. I would buy another bottle of alcohol and I would hire a cleaning lady. And if I wasn't married she would also provide me some extra services because that's how baller I am.
I love Tyler.
Btw, yeah those might not be 100% accurate as I'm doing them from memory but should be very close.
On May 03 2012 09:58 itmeJP wrote: We go live on Friday, May 04 12:00am GMT (GMT+00:00) with Twitch.tv/StateOfTheGame.
Artosis, iNcontroL, NonY, and JP sit down for a good ol' State of the Game to discuss a recent vlog, SC2 news, and the latest balance thoughts from Blizzard.
Also, Day[9] is beyond busy and because of that is / will be on a hiatus from the show. Wheat can't make it tomorrow night. So we keepin it chill with us four.
When wheat was on the show, it seemed like he wanted to play "lead host" while it didn't bug me, cause Wheat does awesome stuff, and I am a big fan, it was kinda odd. Sucks that day 9 is super busy, but its also a good thing cause day 9 turns things into gold. I hope you get catz, qxc, destiny, demuslim, idra or heck TB? on the show sometime.
-- Dan 'Artosis' Stemkoski - A member of the Bryophyta division, Artosis hails from Seoul, South Korea where he serves as one-half of the casting archon, Tastosis. He is one of the best analytical commentators and the second best English caster in Seoul. --
Read it again, and i always find this is funny. Who is the best English caster in Seoul then? LOL. Does it imply Tasteless is?
On May 04 2012 05:32 NightOfTheDead wrote: -- Dan 'Artosis' Stemkoski - A member of the Bryophyta division, Artosis hails from Seoul, South Korea where he serves as one-half of the casting archon, Tastosis. He is one of the best analytical commentators and the second best English caster in Seoul. --
Read it again, and i always find this is funny. Who is the best English caster in Seoul then? LOL. Does it imply Tasteless is?
On May 04 2012 05:32 NightOfTheDead wrote: -- Dan 'Artosis' Stemkoski - A member of the Bryophyta division, Artosis hails from Seoul, South Korea where he serves as one-half of the casting archon, Tastosis. He is one of the best analytical commentators and the second best English caster in Seoul. --
Read it again, and i always find this is funny. Who is the best English caster in Seoul then? LOL. Does it imply Tasteless is?
From your question i guess you don't know the origin of that joke.
On May 04 2012 05:50 Vari wrote: yeah the important part is it implies artosis was the worst english caster in korea while sounding like a compliment. hilarious.
Thanks, now i get it. SOTG did get fair share of lulz.
On May 04 2012 05:32 NightOfTheDead wrote: -- Dan 'Artosis' Stemkoski - A member of the Bryophyta division, Artosis hails from Seoul, South Korea where he serves as one-half of the casting archon, Tastosis. He is one of the best analytical commentators and the second best English caster in Seoul. --
Read it again, and i always find this is funny. Who is the best English caster in Seoul then? LOL. Does it imply Tasteless is?
From your question i guess you don't know the origin of that joke.
On May 03 2012 09:58 itmeJP wrote: We go live on Friday, May 04 12:00am GMT (GMT+00:00) with Twitch.tv/StateOfTheGame.
Artosis, iNcontroL, NonY, and JP sit down for a good ol' State of the Game to discuss a recent vlog, SC2 news, and the latest balance thoughts from Blizzard.
Also, Day[9] is beyond busy and because of that is / will be on a hiatus from the show. Wheat can't make it tomorrow night. So we keepin it chill with us four.
When wheat was on the show, it seemed like he wanted to play "lead host" while it didn't bug me, cause Wheat does awesome stuff, and I am a big fan, it was kinda odd. Sucks that day 9 is super busy, but its also a good thing cause day 9 turns things into gold. I hope you get catz, qxc, destiny, demuslim, idra or heck TB? on the show sometime.
I don't think it was because he wanted to steal the show or something, it's just that he is so used to host shows
On May 04 2012 01:12 Kilby wrote: I was just listening to a legendary SOTG and found a great quote of a question and a brilliant on-the-spot answer that was so amazing I had to listen to it quite many times:
Question: If you dropped an alcoholic beverage on the carpet what would you do? Would you lick it?
Answer: I'm not that poor. I would buy another bottle of alcohol and I would hire a cleaning lady. And if I wasn't married she would also provide me some extra services because that's how baller I am.
I love Tyler.
Btw, yeah those might not be 100% accurate as I'm doing them from memory but should be very close.
This episode was FUCKING amazing! the first drunk cast. If people laughed at lot at the second drunk cast, go back and listen to the old one, imo it was more funny but they were both amazing! They were so many hilarious quote like that, I still remember Incontrol ranting about PvP, some1 asked a question that went like what do you think the state of PvP is? Than Incontrol said ' Wanna know about the state of PvP? Take a bottle, shove it up your ass, that's the pretty much the state of PvP! and than he talks about canon rushing at 15 mins with canons everywhere and long distance mining, shit is hilarious! go catch up this VoD guys sorry for bad english im french.
SotG on so early today for west coast US >_> One hour later and I could have watched live, bah. Pointless post I know, just felt like whining in here a bit.