On November 09 2010 03:30 Belligerent wrote:Show nested quote +On November 09 2010 03:16 taLbuk wrote:On November 09 2010 03:13 ensis wrote:On November 09 2010 00:13 dcemuser wrote:On November 08 2010 23:59 ensis wrote: damn, noisy backround. and at some point i really thought day and wheat should take a room for a night together.... broakback mlg or something like that.
and i´m so happy, that im not the only one who might say wtf this is nothing like sotg. its dunno smthing weapon of guest everyones daily.
without nony geoff jp or a jewish toad/vulture this not funny at all. Skip to 1:19:00 of part 2. It's during Geoff's section... and it is hilarious. didnt watch that far, especially because i dont like wheat. I realize it is a matter of opinion, but damn how come someone not like Wheat, he's done so much over the years for esports. he has a voice that is very annoying to some people
His voice is fine.
His laugh... well, it's something else 
Great caster in my opinion, knows how to commentate and has a really strong passion for both the game and e-sports in general.
On November 09 2010 06:47 Gooey wrote: The technicality that I am assuming he is trying to refer to is the one that can be called resulting in the choosing to eliminate one unit from being made. This was mentioned during the tournament. Basically, if you are called for a technical foul (be it some form of verbal abuse, or other non-acceptable behavior), your opponent may declare an attacking unit unable to be made. Say for instance, you are just knocked down into the losers bracket and the person you are facing says "Good luck!" before the game starts, and you respond with "fuck off", the ref may deem this unacceptable and call a technical. The opponent may then deem, say, stalkers from being used by you in the game. This is a rule that was brought over from Halo, in which under the same circumstances, you could eliminate a certain weapon from being used by that player. I personally think that this is not an applicable mechanic to an RTS game, especially SC2. I believe InControl even brought this up on the live stream that it will need to be addressed to the MLG rules committee in regards to future events next season.
Did you read the posts in the thread about using handicap instead?
What do you see would be wrong with a health handicap in place? I think it would be a good rule, even though it would very rarely, if ever, come into play.
Sorry guys. Weekend was crazy busy for me and I just wanted to relax and hangout for our last event. We'll be back tomorrow night (Tuesday) with our regular podcast. Unsure who the guest will be right now.
Cool no problem JP you do great work
Thanks for all you contribute to SC and the community, don't worry that a specific SotG wasn't done, the Lo3 party last night made up for it, since it had all the SotG guys on anyway
Looking forward to it JP!
Thanks for the update JP. Don't blame you for not doing minicasts each night. That's just too much work considering your continuous involvement in the event.
Look forward to tomorrows podcast. You should bring lazarus on to talk about supporting the SC2 community. Lots of people talk about it but he backs it up. I'd like to hear him talk about that and hopefully encourage others who have the means to support.
Pretty amazing that they still had the patience to stream at the party after those 3 days of marathon casting. It's sad that we can only watch it and not be a part of it. However next time you do a party like that I want to see at least Day9&DjWheat cast one of those beer pong clan wars. Or even a whole series of different party games to see which team is the best. 
I think it makes sense that MLG didn't change the rules this season. Yes, they're only minor rules, but everyone agreed to them. If they had changed these rules they might have changed other rules too. Imagine the §$$&storm if they changed the mappool to iccup maps only 2-3 weeks before the tournament..
Now they have a lot of time to improve the SC2 ruleset and nobody will have a disadvantage when the next season starts.
The halo rules work well or else they would've changed over time, but they're fps rules and they obviously can't be applied to a rts game.
The map restart makes sense there, because teams don't seem to pick maps, but rather have a fixed map order for each round. Also wrong map type, probably means wrong game type or special weapon settings too and that could cause a huge disadvantage for a team. In SC2 there might be a advantage for one player, but it doesn't have a huge impact on the game like a wrong map/game type in halo. I don't think that SC2 needs that restart rule, it probably only makes things worse. Just double check it, make sure that every admin/caster has a printed copy of all the matchups WITH the starting map and you won't have this issue. The only reason why it happened was confusion between matchups, which round they're in and what map was assigned to that round.
The technical rule for halo makes _a lot_ of sense, because halo players or XBL in general have serious BM. You have to parent them if you want a clean tournament. "If you want your sniper rifle, play nice with the other kids or I'll take it away and you won't get to watch Sesame Street either!" xD Halo is about individual skill, even without control of those weapons you can still win, but if a SC2 player picks a core unit it's gg. Or try to leave your base without observers if your enemy builds DTs, have fun building that photon canon highway.. xD
If a player shows serious BM throughout a tournament just kick him out or find another rule, maybe something like "You're not allowed to scout the enemies base until the x minute/food mark" or "You're not allowed to take a second gas until.." It would be a disadvantage, but it isn't as gamebreaking one like removing a core unit.
I think the extended series isn't a bad rule for halo either, because you have 4 vs. 4 players and a single game is 'guranteed' to run 15-30 minutes. That is a lot of room for decisions and if a team doesn't have players with similar skill it would only draw the series out if they win a game or two.
In SC2 the favored player (2:1) can just cheese and immediately take a win, while the other player has to play conservative. (if he wants to get anywhere in the tournament) SC2 has a much more complex decision making process. A halo team might camp their flag or play very agressive and the other team can easily adjust, because they have time, but if the cheese is coming and you're not prepared it's game over.
The player from the losers bracket had to go through additional games and faced elimination the whole time. In the grand finals you still have to win 2xbo3 and if someone drops down to the losers bracket, he 'sucks' too, there is no reason why he should still be favored. Well, maybe they should keep the maps marked as played, so if you played 3 games in the first match, then you have only 4 remaining maps to pick for the second match, that would certainly make things more interesting than seeing the 3 favorite maps again..
But I guess MLG will sort these things out in the future. Maybe the big teams/very experienced contributors to the game should be more involved. It's in the interest of MLG to have the best and most fair rules for SC2, it would only make sense to have a board of people/teams with in depth knowledge to discuss/make changes to the rules instead of MLG officials/halo player who have no idea what they're talking about.
And finally I would like to see a new map pool rule, that allows to switch out 1-2 maps immediately after a tournament. If they had a rule like that, they could've switched out a imbalanced map like kulas and players only had to practice 1 or 2 new maps a month instead of a complete map pool overhaul or none at all.
Anyway, great props to all people on that cast. You could've stayed on your private party, but instead you showed even more dedication to the community by giving some additional insight on the tournament eventhough everybody was probably tired as hell.^^
I'll be surprised, but do an informal poll if you guys think GSL 3 brackets will be as rigged in favor of nada/boxer as GSL 2 was.
On November 09 2010 11:09 dacthehork wrote: I'll be surprised, but do an informal poll if you guys think GSL 3 brackets will be as rigged in favor of nada/boxer as GSL 2 was.
I'm sure that in the qualifiers that nada and boxer will not be in the same braket just has a lot of players wont be in the same braket. like the Foreigners will be in different braket for the most part. Because if u have Fruit dealer, Boxer, nada, tester, idra, and loner ect in the same braket its not good for Business. they want is many of those players in the Final 64.
Can't wait, it should be a good show. Hopefully Tyler will be on, I want to hear what he has to say about what happed at MLG.
On November 09 2010 06:08 throttled wrote:Show nested quote +On November 09 2010 06:01 Chaosvuistje wrote:On November 09 2010 05:53 NeonGenesis wrote:Regarding the technicality rule, maybe they could use the built-in handicap function instead Penalty: -10% hp on units. So now you have to fight at a disadvantage too? Why are they being punished anyway? To add drama or to tip the scales in favour of the previous winner? Technical has nothing to do with extended series. Has to do with BM, breaking the rules, cheating, etc. They wanted to take the idea from halo that if you get a "technical" your team is not allowed to use a certain weapon chosen by the other team. But their rule for SC2 is tragic. Not allowing a player to build a unit of the opponents choice means they almost have no chance to win at all. Zerg without zerglings, lol. Protoss without stalkers. I think it's an awesome idea. The handicap technical would be great. Even more limiting No workers Have fun doing something other than 6pool like that
Here's a serious suggestion for the "technical" rule. The player doesn't get to pick any maps for the rest of the series.
On November 09 2010 13:11 RME wrote:Show nested quote +On November 09 2010 06:08 throttled wrote:On November 09 2010 06:01 Chaosvuistje wrote:On November 09 2010 05:53 NeonGenesis wrote:Regarding the technicality rule, maybe they could use the built-in handicap function instead Penalty: -10% hp on units. So now you have to fight at a disadvantage too? Why are they being punished anyway? To add drama or to tip the scales in favour of the previous winner? Technical has nothing to do with extended series. Has to do with BM, breaking the rules, cheating, etc. They wanted to take the idea from halo that if you get a "technical" your team is not allowed to use a certain weapon chosen by the other team. But their rule for SC2 is tragic. Not allowing a player to build a unit of the opponents choice means they almost have no chance to win at all. Zerg without zerglings, lol. Protoss without stalkers. I think it's an awesome idea. The handicap technical would be great. Even more limiting No workers Have fun doing something other than 6pool like that
There is an exception to the rule, Drones, SCVS, Queens, Probes, Overlords can't be named
Like i said earlier, if you earned 3 fouls, it should just be a game loss.. or should be kicked out of the tournament. A professional tournament is not the place to be bming people.. then again, I doubt this is going to be a huge problem in the future
For the record the player has to get flagged for a technical 3 times before his opponent can choose a unit that they can't make, not just one.
This does not make the rule any less stupid.
On November 09 2010 07:48 itmeJP wrote: Sorry guys. Weekend was crazy busy for me and I just wanted to relax and hangout for our last event. We'll be back tomorrow night (Tuesday) with our regular podcast. Unsure who the guest will be right now.
Hey JP Any chance you could get your bosses Lee or Sundance in the podcast? Sundance has done alot of podcasts lately, So he might be willing too.
I'm really interested in what there gonna do for 2011 SC2 Season.
thanks for the update JP looking forward to the episode tomorrow night!
On November 09 2010 13:34 Zingerac wrote: For the record the player has to get flagged for a technical 3 times before his opponent can choose a unit that they can't make, not just one.
This does not make the rule any less stupid. wait... thats a real rule? i thought day was joking?