get a real-life friend to play you. then you only practice one match-up. (ex. i am terran, my friend is protoss i play him, i practice TvP, he practices PvT then we go play other people or watch replays/vods, learn new shit, and throw in our regular matches and we both get better the secret is finding some1 closer to your skill-level as having a too-good-for-you sparring partner or a too-bad-for-you one is helping neither. One wins too easy, the other does not understand why he lost)
the down-side of my way is that i tend to beat protoss quite often, but i suck in TvZ and especially TvT. just join a clan, who has at least 2 from either race and practice all 3 match-ups like this. Trust me, watching replays/vods will do you better than playing ladder noobs all day.
i came from hard core fps as well and had this exact problem. I stuck through it and now I can play for hours on end and most games my heart is racing. It just takes time getting used to, but once you do you can't quit.
I find that watching streams here on TL helps to relax.
just like playing basketball for too long will drain u physically, starcraft will drain you mentally. It is a mental sport and the only way to get past this is to build up ur stamina. How? same way as any other sport. Just play more and practice harder.
I have been getting over this lately, I find deep breathing when I'm feeling anxious helps me to relax.
On August 10 2010 13:26 nayumi wrote: lol i felt the same back when i was playing BW ... i created a game and prayed that no one joined so i could give myself a pat in the back saying "at least you tried" ... but someone came ... and i was like "holy shit what am i gonna do T_T" ... then he's like "gogogogo" ... im like *click Start* ... and 10 minutes later i typed out feeling like someone just fucked me in the neck ;_;
though in SC2 it's much easier since there are so many wow newbies around so i could just spam dddddddd then stim then a-move then lolgg then feel good about myself :3
I dont see any relativaty here, and this post will not be usefull at all. However, I just want to state the fact that this above statement, had me in stitches for a solid 5 minutes. Thank you for that =]
Motivation is hard to keep if u play alone on ladder or aren't on vent/ts/skype with friends. I myself am very motivated and last week I played for 20 hours straight on ladder after that I was so tired and demotivated I didn't touch sc2 ladder for few days :D Just went out and chilling
I like laddering with my friend (not 2v2's). We whine when we get 4/6 pooled 2 times in a row, laugh at something weird/odd that opponent did, and then play a 1v1. Its much better than laddering solo.
just get really drunk and you will fear nothing :D
Yep I agree OP. Every game presents a different challenge, slightly unique in how it outcomes and I guess I have a fear of the unknown. I'd love to be able to replay the same game afterwards and refine my play, rather than play a new game in a different matchup / opponent and do something silly there too.
It's not AS bad once you have 3 different openings in your mind, depending on seeing the race at the start, random can go fuck it self though.
I feel exactly the same way. All the time.
It gets easier, just play a couple a day and eventually you can play 5 or 6 in a row (or more!) without getting nervous. Even after playing BW ladder, all of beta, and now release, I STILL get the jitters before and in game. It'll go away though. Just play for fun, and don't worry too much about losing, go lose a few on purpose! Not like sac your workers, but in base proxy gate, hatch or bunker rushes win only half the time, so play cheesy for a bit just to get the fear of losing out of the way. IT'S A GAME, HAVE FUN! (and good luck :D)
Play at the rate you feel comfortable. Sitting in front of the computer uninterrupted for several hours is bad for you anyway.
One question for you guys. Do you guys only feel this way when playing on ladder, or do you feel this way when playing unranked 1v1s as well? Maybe it should be something you could try.
I actually feel the exact opposite (most of the time).
I have to be in a certain "mindset" to ladder.. but if I am in that mindset, I need to play like 15 games in a row. I cant play just 1 or 2 games, it makes me feel like I didnt play any at all (as far as skill retention)
But theres days where I cant pull together the strength (weither it be physically tired or emotionally tired) to do it, so often days I just 2s or something else and wait for a period where I am in the zone to ladder hard. Sometimes its only 1 or 2 days a week, sometimes its like 5 days straight. Lately its been only 1 day a week haha.
irs very common to think like this. starcraft puts all the pressure on u and if u dont perform well, ull think that oh darn...i lost the game (u lost the game btw) and this negative reaction (even if u win ull be like, can i risk another? like...drugs) will take its toll on u after a while because ur afraid of losing progress.
this is all mindfuck.
u can never seriously lose progress or experience in starcraft by playing starcraft. just keep playin regardless of skill and ull be where u should be. once starcraft becomes natural 2 u ull be like hell yeah bring it on 1v1ers my protoss bawl will stomp ur face and sc will cease to blind u
p.s. counter strike 1.6 is...da bomb  p.s.s. this tends 2 not happen in regular games as regular games dont change anything so the pressures off
I have this too. It's really annoying because you start to associate these "negative thoughts" with the game which makes it even worse sometimes 
I'm still not really sure what causes me to be really nerveous to push the "PLAY" button. I've played a lot of games, and I only get these kind of "jitters" in online RTS games, i can play any kind of FPS hop in and just have fun without caring whether i win or lose. But when it's an RTS I'm somehow really nervous about doing something really stupid, or losing in a really cheesy way.
I remember playing SC2 beta for a while, and in one of the games I got cheesed so badly by a P that did a proxy pylon with 2 Gateways. I was terran and I did wall in, but when I get pressured I mentally shut down and I start making these huge mistakes. Like in that game, i forgot to keep making marines to defend my wall in. And it's so frustrating. I mean i can understand that I get outmicroed by a better player, or that i forget to play my macro game and forget to use MULEs on cooldown when i'm pressured. But forgetting to make offensive units when you're gate is being harrassed by chrono boosted Zealots is like a total blank out xD
The ironic thing is, that again this only happens in RTS games. Because in a game like counter strike (which I played a lot) my favorite part of the game was when (i always played in like 16v16 servers) was the only one left on my team vs 5-6 opponents and still managing to win the game. That adrenaline rush and being pressured made my game even better; yet in an RTS i totally blank out and lose focus under nearly the same conditions 
I guess it's just lack of experience.
It takes a fair bit of mental power to player for long periods of time so its natural to play a few then take a break, there is also the fact that you are doing a lot of repetetive actions in games so it can get quite tiring in that respect.
Calgary25963 Posts
I've been playing SC for years and never gotten over this. I can't string together more than 5 competitive games at any time. I don't think it's that big of a problem to be honest.
I have this issue also but I find when playing at m8s house just taking turns on match's its alright don't really get stressed so much and we highlight each others issues during games helps us improve.
On August 14 2010 02:04 monkh wrote: I have this issue also but I find when playing at m8s house just taking turns on match's its alright don't really get stressed so much and we highlight each others issues during games helps us improve. Sounds fun! I might try this sometime.
I played 50 games yesterday and I dont think I played nearly enough T_T...I'm just an addicted nerd though