On July 20 2010 15:43 Mohdoo wrote: I can confirm the bad manner rumors about WC3. I was active in the community, friend played their team before. Fairly known fact, kind of an icon like Idra to BW lol.
not like idra to bw what the FUCK mohdoo...stop making people think he was actually a semipro or a pro
idra actually has skill. huk had none he was just bad at the game, 2s'd with a maphacker, and shittalked so much the screen was full of caps every second of the game (see the cecil audio posted lol) he never played solo very well, was not even at lower level/amateur league level.
Will you just drop this? We're not talking about warcraft fucking 3 ok? He is good at SC2 and would destroy most people in this thread that are flaming him, end of flame ok?
I think his point is, Idra was known for being a progamer with rage of the avg struggling D+ terran. I would say AT LEAST 10% of gamers are just as BM as idra if you go by the avg amount of games you receive rage at on b.net...
HuK was so horribly mannered that, even tho he was just a lowly D+ terran (equivalent), he actually made a name of himself by being just that disgustingly bad mannered... Nath's point isn't whether or not he's a good sc2 player, it's whether or not you should re-think the way you judge him as a person... I'll stop there
On July 20 2010 15:43 Mohdoo wrote: I can confirm the bad manner rumors about WC3. I was active in the community, friend played their team before. Fairly known fact, kind of an icon like Idra to BW lol.
not like idra to bw what the FUCK mohdoo...stop making people think he was actually a semipro or a pro
idra actually has skill. huk had none he was just bad at the game, 2s'd with a maphacker, and shittalked so much the screen was full of caps every second of the game (see the cecil audio posted lol) he never played solo very well, was not even at lower level/amateur league level.
Will you just drop this? We're not talking about warcraft fucking 3 ok? He is good at SC2 and would destroy most people in this thread that are flaming him, end of flame ok?
I think his point is, Idra was known for being a progamer with rage of the avg struggling D+ terran. I would say AT LEAST 10% of gamers are just as BM as idra if you go by the avg amount of games you receive rage at on b.net...
HuK was so horribly mannered that, even tho he was just a lowly D+ terran (equivalent), he actually made a name of himself by being just that disgustingly bad mannered... Nath's point isn't whether or not he's a good sc2 player, it's whether or not you should re-think the way you judge him as a person... I'll stop there
But people accepted IdrA because he was good at a game... This is the same situation with HuK, he is good now and people relate him to a game he doesn't play anymore and an attitude he doesn't have anymore.Yeah. he's cocky but so what? I hate the players that never give credit to themselves. If you win because you played well then say so damn it, don't sit there in an interview and say you got lucky because your opponent had an off game or that they mismicroed.
he got great spirit and attitude, but i wonder if he has the core strength to stay on the top with the koreans. awesome guy and i hope he will represent the US for sc2 rather than a bm Idra who whines at whatever u do. sure idra is good for but from esport perspective i think its better to give ppl the impression that u can be a progamer at same time be a normal and manner person
its impossible to say whos really gonna become good because sc2 is very shallow and easy game right now so in 1 week pretty much anyone can go to the top it feels like, its all gonna become better within the first months tho. im just saying the ppl we have on the top is not set in stone at all, there will be so much more competition in a while that its doubtful many of the current players will stand a chance
creativity in a newbs eye is most of times just poor uncalculating risky allin shitstyle play. creativity is to create something new thats brilliant and solid, something most us cant see difference from atm
but i seriously think ppl throw around the "progamer" word too much, we got 1 non-asian thats a progamer, guess who. yep, idra. he makes a living on this game and thats what a progamer is, not that u make some silly side money on a game. the word will lose all its meaning if we call ppl who win 100 bucks on the internet a progamer. this was not at all directed towards huk but im talking about general, dont feel deserved to be a called a progamer because the ppl in korea, flash jaedong, man those r progamers, REAL progamers...
no wonder ppl dont have respect for progamers if anyone can become a progamer just like that, seriously, stop throwing that word around like it has no meaning
You hates him because he is (was? don't know much this player) bad manner et he wants to be a pro. But while, everybody is so happy that UpMagiC could be playing sc2 .. wtf ?
On July 20 2010 22:49 ionlyplayPROtoss wrote: I still don't understand how you guys say hes good...
Explain how he is not good? He's beaten some of the best of the best on a reliable basis. He's got very good mechanics, and can go one base better than any other Protoss I've seen. What makes him not good?
With Boxer you never knew what build was coming, you never knew what he had developed nad was planning to unleash in the next big tournament
With Huk, you expect 4 gate off one base, with the occasional 5 gate when he's even more all in. Doesn't matter the matchup, doesn't matter the map, doesn't matter what playstyle he's up against.
Huk is a good player. Creativity is not his strength, nor is playing for the late game and using small advantages now to compound and make it so he has a huge advantage later. He likes to all in, all the time. Doesn't mean he wont win, because obviously it goes to show he wins a lot with this strategy, but 4-5 gate on 1 base does not a Lim Yo Hwan make.
On July 20 2010 15:30 Zidane wrote: lol I was reading the comments for the wc3 rep. How bad was the trashtalk in that game? Apparently HuK and Lightknight use a bunch of profanity, racia/religious insults lol. What a dirty past if its true.
wowwwww hahahaha... uho looks like we've been missing out here.
i use to rape these kids all day on wc3... worste mannered players ever.. LK69 was soooooooo bad and so fun to play against...
if that is indeed the current huk then he seems to have mannered up alot guess hes alot better at sc2 than he was at wc3 though.. lolol
man, grow up guys, i thought TL would be more mature than this..you can hate on someone but at least with good reasons. HuK does an interview and clearly has ambitions. He never said he was as good as boxer. Let him prove himself before judging. His "4 gate", well tell me, don't all protoss actually do it? What is he supposed to do 100% of his games, 2 gate and go archons? You guys clearly hate just to hate, give him respect for what hes done so far (won tourneys and is ranked in the top in the beta), he earns credit for that no matter what you say about his 4-5 gate strat. All who hate do the same strategy basically. Do we hate Idra because he fast expands? nope.
I almost always keep up to date with most threads on TL.net, and have the whole time since this first came out until now; I debated posting or not but since there has been so many issues I will.
"HuK all-ins 5gate every game"
Not really true, I use to when my computer couldn't handle 100+ supply but now that it doesn't I expand PvZ 90+%, PvT I do whats necessary (can't really FE) but almost always start off 1gate - robo, and PvP I rarely ever do this 4-5 warpgate cheese strategy most people do. I find it funny how many people consider me a "cheesy all-in" player when the truth is I rarely do either. Then again most of you don't even keep up avidly with most happenings in the scene.
"HuK is extremely arrogant/cocky/bm or whatever" "HuK is this wc3 guy in this video"
As far as I know outside of people I talk to on a regular basis on ventrillo I'm pretty mannered, always say gg, don't talk shit, give props where they are due, even to people I generally don't like.
I never played wc3 melee, only dota. It has been said and will be said here again, I was a SC1 player.
My "semi-known" ID's: Keeper-HuK ZioN)Rogue JF-HuK CrimsonTide CoralTide CyanTide etc.
Now to pre-clarify any accusations of hacking because the majority of Keeper- was caught hacking while making it WGT-CL DIV 1 and we (as a team) were disqualified when the oblivion sting happened. I did not hack and had all my replays reviewed. I'm sure Xeris or some other admin at the time can verify this in some way.
"Blasphemy Boxer was a god you are a twat"
Lol this maybe true but I never meant any disrespect in the article, the title can be mis-deceiving so some people are jumping to conclusions and assumptions; but mainly only IF YOU DIDN'T READ THE ARTICLE. I mention many times Boxer was my favorite player, is a legend, and I looked up/idolized all pro gamers. I want to be the next Boxer for SC2, this is my goal as well as being the best player in general. Don't like it? To bad! Haters going to hate anyways. It's my goal and I will try my best to make it a reality, To say such negative things about a fan talking about his hero and wanting be like him is beyond me, get a grip.
In General to all nay-sayers / haters / trolls / anti-fans / newbs / wannabe's / etc.:
Thank you! I appreciate you maybe more then my fans, because it is you who truly motivates me to be better. There is nothing more I like to do then hear negative comments about anything I do then prove them wrong. Please keep on hating, it only adds wood to the fire of how much I want to make everything I said in this article true.
In General to all my fans:
Thank you! You will never know how much I appreciate you, I do my best every chance I get. I try to do as many interviews, show matches, tournaments, clan wars; anything all for you guys (and also for me ). I commonly stay up 24+ hours just to play in as many events as I can or only sleep 3-5 hours over a 48 hour span, just so that I can do this. I know becoming a competitive progamer will be the toughest thing in my life thus far, and by far; but I will try my best. I love you all and thank you so much.
On July 20 2010 15:43 Mohdoo wrote: I can confirm the bad manner rumors about WC3. I was active in the community, friend played their team before. Fairly known fact, kind of an icon like Idra to BW lol.
not like idra to bw what the FUCK mohdoo...stop making people think he was actually a semipro or a pro
idra actually has skill. huk had none he was just bad at the game, 2s'd with a maphacker, and shittalked so much the screen was full of caps every second of the game (see the cecil audio posted lol) he never played solo very well, was not even at lower level/amateur league level.
Will you just drop this? We're not talking about warcraft fucking 3 ok? He is good at SC2 and would destroy most people in this thread that are flaming him, end of flame ok?
I think his point is, Idra was known for being a progamer with rage of the avg struggling D+ terran. I would say AT LEAST 10% of gamers are just as BM as idra if you go by the avg amount of games you receive rage at on b.net...
HuK was so horribly mannered that, even tho he was just a lowly D+ terran (equivalent), he actually made a name of himself by being just that disgustingly bad mannered... Nath's point isn't whether or not he's a good sc2 player, it's whether or not you should re-think the way you judge him as a person... I'll stop there
But people accepted IdrA because he was good at a game... This is the same situation with HuK, he is good now and people relate him to a game he doesn't play anymore and an attitude he doesn't have anymore.Yeah. he's cocky but so what? I hate the players that never give credit to themselves. If you win because you played well then say so damn it, don't sit there in an interview and say you got lucky because your opponent had an off game or that they mismicroed.
I've really never seen Huk be bad mannered, at least in SC2. Idra however, is as big a baby when he loses to what he believes is "inferior" competition as he was in BW, and in his eyes, he is never outplayed (unless the opponent is Asian, of course)/
On July 21 2010 00:19 HuK wrote: I almost always keep up to date with most threads on TL.net, and have the whole time since this first came out until now; I debated posting or not but since there has been so many issues I will.
"HuK all-ins 5gate every game"
Not really true, I use to when my computer couldn't handle 100+ supply but now that it doesn't I expand PvZ 90+%, PvT I do whats necessary (can't really FE) but almost always start off 1gate - robo, and PvP I rarely ever do this 4-5 warpgate cheese strategy most people do. I find it funny how many people consider me a "cheesy all-in" player when the truth is I rarely do either. Then again most of you don't even keep up avidly with most happenings in the scene.
"HuK is extremely arrogant/cocky/bm or whatever" "HuK is this wc3 guy in this video"
As far as I know outside of people I talk to on a regular basis on ventrillo I'm pretty mannered, always say gg, don't talk shit, give props where they are due, even to people I generally don't like.
I never played wc3 melee, only dota. It has been said and will be said here again, I was a SC1 player.
My "semi-known" ID's: Keeper-HuK ZioN)Rogue JF-HuK CrimsonTide CoralTide CyanTide etc.
Now to pre-clarify any accusations of hacking because the majority of Keeper- was caught hacking while making it WGT-CL DIV 1 and we (as a team) were disqualified when the oblivion sting happened. I did not hack and had all my replays reviewed. I'm sure Xeris or some other admin at the time can verify this in some way.
"Blasphemy Boxer was a god you are a twat"
Lol this maybe true but I never meant any disrespect in the article, the title can be mis-deceiving so some people are jumping to conclusions and assumptions; but mainly only IF YOU DIDN'T READ THE ARTICLE. I mention many times Boxer was my favorite player, is a legend, and I looked up/idolized all pro gamers. I want to be the next Boxer for SC2, this is my goal as well as being the best player in general. Don't like it? To bad! Haters going to hate anyways. It's my goal and I will try my best to make it a reality, To say such negative things about a fan talking about his hero and wanting be like him is beyond me, get a grip.
In General to all nay-sayers / haters / trolls / anti-fans / newbs / wannabe's / etc.:
Thank you! I appreciate you maybe more then my fans, because it is you who truly motivates me to be better. There is nothing more I like to do then hear negative comments about anything I do then prove them wrong. Please keep on hating, it only adds wood to the fire of how much I want to make everything I said in this article true.
In General to all my fans:
Thank you! You will never know how much I appreciate you, I do my best every chance I get. I try to do as many interviews, show matches, tournaments, clan wars; anything all for you guys (and also for me ). I commonly stay up 24+ hours just to play in as many events as I can or only sleep 3-5 hours over a 48 hour span, just so that I can do this. I know becoming a competitive progamer will be the toughest thing in my life thus far, and by far; but I will try my best. I love you all and thank you so much.
ps. thanks for replying to the thread, I think you've clearly stated all of your intentions and goals and I can't wait to see what you can do in the Pro-scene for sc2.
HuK was okay in my books until he bashed a lan tourney for not having enough prize money to bring in anyone good(Could have been joking). Either way, I can't wait for this game to come out and have some awesome events and see how the automated Blizzard tournaments work out!
That's a really good response from HuK. He really took the high road there and clarified his position while staying respectful. Major props to HuK. Good luck man. I first saw you on Attero's stream and it's nice to see you really exploding onto the scene. Good luck in the future, especially in the King of the Beta (even though this has already happened).