Server: NAServer Team Name: OverKill Leader/Managers TL ID: TickleMeElmO B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: TicKleMeElmO 179 General Team League Level: All Race(s) you are looking for: Protoss, Zerg, Terran. Goals of team: Practice, improve, dominate. Other: Manners, dedication, drive to improve are a must. New clan, accepting all races and leagues. players must dedicate at least 3 hours a day. 1 hour will be with clan.
Russian Federation13 Posts
hi all. i'm looking for team. league - master(1100 pts last season), protoss, Russia, Saint-petersburg, 17yrs old student. offers to skype - rewaqq1
Between 2 Worlds is looking for new member!
Language: German Skill: High Dia - Mid Master Server: EU Leader Bnet IDs: BtWSaint #679 and BtWUhu #647 Goals of the Clan: Success in ESL-Clanwar-Ladder, Stammkneipe, SC2CL; a good community with a lot of fun
Requirements to get in the Clan: 18 Years old, Platnum or higher, ready to spend a lot of time in the evening with the clan etc.
We encourage everyone to leave an application in the Boerd on our homepage.
Hi all I'm looking for a clan to play with on either SEA or KR
Language:English Skill: Platinum SEA, Gold KR (haven't had much motivation to play lately as my friends have pretty much quit) Servers: KR/SEA BattleNet Id : OptimusYale #139 SEA, KR will give my realID in a pm Goals: To have fun, play around, practice more and get better in my skill sets, hopefully win a few low level tournaments
PM me either on here on in Game if anyone wants to hook up ^^
Team sfc_ (starcraft freaks clan) recruiting some good active players willing to play a lot of tourneys and clan wars (3-4 a week). We are playing SC2CL and ESL league, and a lot of 1v1 tourneys. We play very competetive, and we are willing to recruit some talented high diamond/master players of any race.
Server: EU Our web site: http://sfc.hcl.hr/ Contact: HighArT.628 (team captain) Our EU battle net channal: sfc_
PM me if you interested to join
Teamname: give-it-all.de SC2 Website: www.give-it-all.de Language: english Skill: High Masters Server: EU Leader Bnet IDs: doggy. 236 justJay.964 About us: We've got a experienced management, and give-it-all has several top teams (EPS, 4PL Proleague). Here we want to attach directlys to. Appropriate behavior as well as the interpersonal level is also important to us.
Our goals: Mainfocus is the 4PL Proleague Qualification and Cups. In addition to lanevents and bootcamps, streams and replay content are also key points of our program. Nice teamshirts are also available, lan-/cup support is possible.
About you: Firstly, you should be able to identify with the clan and our objectives. Furthermore, we are looking for motivated and talented high masters only players (protoss and terran). Another important point is activity – and I mean not that anyone shall play all day long. However, it is important for us as a team, that ladder, training (cgs) and cups can be connected with eachother. Therefore it would be important that you want to spend a few hours on a regular day to Starcraft. We assume appropriate behaviour and kindness as a matter of course.
Server: NA Team Name: Meta Gamers Recruiter: MGTakeDown.939 General Team League Level: Low Diamond and Higher Race(s) you are looking for: Protoss, Zerg, Terran. Goals of team: Practice, improve, and have fun Website: http://themgclan.forumotion.com/
Teams/Clan Info Server: US Server Team Name: Area 51 Gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: PenguinMURDA
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: PenguinMURDA 680 General Team League Level: Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Any Goals of team: Competitive Leagues Other: We are currently looking for one more masters/grandmasters player for ESEA league and other leagues. Area51 is looking to sponsor someone for MLG events if they play well enough. We are all striving to become better and have a solid foundation for our lineup. PM me directly on here or esea (Penguinmurda_51)
Server: US Server Team Name: Mobility-Gaming (MG) Leader/Managers TL ID: mobility-hazey Clan Channel(If you have one): Not open to public B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: hazey.682 General Team League Level: HIGH ranked masters for Season 4 and GM once bump ups. Race(s) you are looking for: ALL Goals of team: Competitive. Other: We are looking for mature 18+ yr old players who are currently taking part in competitive tournaments online or LAN. Must be active and willing to practice with the team and take part in in-team events. We are a multi-gaming organization, www.Mobility-Gaming is our website and our contact info is Staff@Mobility-Gaming.com
Teams/Clan Info Server: US Server Team Name: Alias Leader/Managers TL ID-TakaSkl, SklGhost Clan Channel-Alias B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: SklTaka.746, SklGhost.601 General Team League Level: Masters/Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Zerg, Protoss Goals of team: Our goal is to play in z33k tourneys, practice with eachother, and improve together as players and a team. Other: contact me via b.net
iNTensity is no longer an active team
Teams/Clan Info Server: US Server Team Name: TrM (Transition Matrix) Leader/Managers TL ID: Contact Skyrat, SeeDLiNg Clan Channel: TrM gaming B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: SkyratRH.144, SeeDLiNg.678 General Team League Level: Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Zerg,Terran,Protoss Goals of team: the reason behind the name TrM is that we're aiming to improve and transition to the next level.
Teams/Clan Info Server: NA Team Name: TC ( Tactical Carnage ) Leader/Managers TL ID: Kloxlord Clan Channel: Tactical Carnage B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Kloxlord.606 Hours.445 General Team League Level: Platinum to High Masters Race(s) you are looking for: ALL Goals of team: Casual to Competitive play, Clan Leagues/Wars, Tournament Hosting, Team sponsorship in the works.
Other: Tactical Carnage is a Large multi-platform gaming community with a strong dedicated player base in SC2. Being part of such a large gaming community gives us advantages and opportunities not readily available to most SC2 clans. So if your casual player just looking to improve, or a skilled gamer looking for competitive gameplay. Visit our channel or check us out @ www.TacticalCarnage.com
This thread has unfortunately not been updated since July >_<;
So many teams and so many pages.
Hi everyone, I'm a mid masters protoss player on the NA region under the nickname TomCruise (http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/412744/1/TomCruise/). I'm searching preferably for a sponsored multigaming team that can get me to LANs and is competitive in the league scene. I'm an ex-wc3 semi-pro player under the nickname Archibald and have competed in all the top wc3 leagues as well as having attended a few LANs, namely Blizzcon regional, and WCG qualifiers all of which I ended up in standing to go to the finals. I recently attended the IPL3 tournament as a competitor and gained a real enthusiasm for the game;I'd like to attend more events.
For serious offers please email me at: ericbeedee@hotmail.com OR Contact me on bnet: TomCruise.290
Thank you.
Teams/Clan Info Server: NA Team Name: AG (Aggression) Leader/Managers TL ID: AGBeastMode Clan Channel: #AGN B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Shadowboxin.462 General Team League Level: Masters with 400 pts + Race(s) you are looking for: Protoss, Terran, Zerg Goals of team: Competitive play, Individual league, Team league, Practice between members, Getting sponsors, Hosting tournaments. Other: We have a vent and a great website -> www.agclan.net
-----------UPDATE----------------------------------------------- German Clan/Team ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/MMdfN.jpg) Server: EU Team Name: uGm (You Game Esports) Leader/Managers TL ID: Hashmeister Clan Channel: ug esport B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: uGmHashMsTr.722 General Team League Level: Diamond-Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Protoss, Terran, Zerg About us: Ug-esport, sucht neue Member für den Starcraft 2 Squad.
Unser Focus liegt hauptsächlich beim fun-gaming allerdings bieten wir auch genügend Raum für motivierte und aufstrebende Spieler sich zu Verbessern. Für interessierte besteht auch die Möglichkeit an Teamligen für Ug-esport teilzunehmen.
Wir suchen nette Leute für eine lustige und spaßíge Gemeinschaft. Der spass am Spiel und in der Gemeinschaft steht bei uns im Vordergrund. Jedoch sind Aktivität und Disziplin genauso wichtig. Der Skill ist in erster Linie egal.
Wir machen einmal die Woche Sonntags um 19.00 Uhr Training, in dem Erscheinen pflicht ist. Einige Erfahrene Spieler(Diamant-Master) sind vorhanden welche bei Fragen rund um das Spiel immer gerne behilflich sind.
Jeder neue Member unterliegt einer 3-Wöchigen Trialzeit in der festgestellt wird ob er den Vorstellungen des Clans entspricht. Mindestalter ist 16 Jahre. Teamspeak 3 ist Pflicht, es ist in der Regel erwünscht wenn man ins Battle net geht auch ins Teamspeak kommen sollte.
Bei interesse entweder bei uns im Teamspeak 3 schauen ob jemand Online ist, am besten gegen Abend. Addresse: ug-esport.de:1337 Ansonsten entweder direkt auf unserer Homepage Bewerben http://ug-esport.de/ Oder mich im Battle.net anschreiben: emger.215 weitere Ansprechpartner sind :uGmHashMsTr.722 oder uGmCriba.347
Server: EU Team Name: Cheesecake factory Leader/Managers TL ID: Kdog3wa Clan Channel EU Bnet: Cheesecake factory B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Adapt.881 General Team League Level: Master/Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: Terran/Protoss/Zerg Goals of team: Competetive. Requirements: Play alot, aim high and bm alot. (When you lose). Also, atleast Diamond. Other: We're 3 in the clan at this moment, but we're looking to get a solid line up.
Contact Adapt.881 or join Cheesecake factory on Battle net EU, if interested, our goal is to gather a team and fight other teams.