![[image loading]](http://www.thegiftedape.com/xo/webteaser.png) Server: NA/Americas Team Name: Team xO Gaming, Hug's N Kisses! Leader/Managers: TL ID / BNet ID xOTian.739 , xOEclipse.362 , TickleMeElmo.179, or you can pm me on tl.net TheGiftedApe Clan Channel: xO General Team League Level: Masters Goals of team: Competitive / Casual. We play clan wars weekly. Members also participate in z33k and playhem tourneys as well as friendly matches and koth's almost everyday. As well as a good amount of friendly banter and good natured ribbing between clan mates U EZPZ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (づ。o‿o。)づ HUGS! ⊂(.o‿o.⊂). Other: Our website: http://www.xo-gaming.com Or a direct link to our forum to fill out a recruitment app: http://www.xo-gaming.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=14 We are looking to bolster our clan war roster with a few more masters players. We are a well established mature clan average age 20-22, Everyone is welcome in our channel "xO", usually people are looking for a game or to start a KOTH. We are looking for active gamers who have atleast some personality and talent(sc1 experience is a plus). Masters & Grandmasters players feel free to apply either by filling out the recruitment app on our website, or ask a member in our channel on battle.net. If you want to improve your game and play with some friends check us out. (we are not clan xoxo, that is a different team, we are Team xO)
We have regular practice, and an A-Team/B-Team, Academy, style system with weekly challenges to be promoted.
New Clan eXe
Server: US and EU Servers Team Name: eXe Recruitment Managers: greedyfarmer, exe,effex [TL] / Marvellosity.523 (EU), Firnafth.864 (NA) [Bnet] Clan Channel: eXe (EU), Team eXe (US) General Team League Level: Bronze-Masters (All levels) Goals of team: Large clan of over 650 with varying skill levels and work ethics (multiple teams in the clan). All levels are catered for. We aim to help those who want to improve to improve, and those who just want to play for fun, to play. We have multiple in house tournaments, external clan wars and open tournaments as well with larger prize pools. Other: Clan site is here http://exe-clan.org. If you have any questions, PM me on TL.
Server: NA Team Name: SoV - Sovereign Gaming Leader: SoVAesir Chat Channel: sovgaming on Bnet B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: VeritaS.182 or SoVAesir.509 General Team League Level: Platinum-Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: We are a very new team that aims to take players of all skill levels, help them improve, and hopefully compete in clan wars and have our members participate in individual tourneys. Other: Only NA for now. Talk to me in game or sign up at sreigngaming.enjin.com
Server: NA Server Team Name: Team OpTiK - Www.TeamOpTiK.net Leader/Managers: B.Net ID: OpTiKNuBrGNi.689 Chat Channel: Team OpTiK. General Team League Level: Grandmaster (Top 200) & High Masters (breaking GM) Race(s) you are looking for: 1x Terran, 2x Protoss. Maybe 1x Zerg. Goals of the Team: We are a serious small team that is focused on every individual member to push out tournament results. We are sponsored and expect to see active practice partners to go to LAN's and tournaments. LAN fees, hardware, Team accessories will be discussed on later dates. All new recruits must go through a tryout then given a 2-3 weeks of testing to see activeness or improvement to game play. Other Requirements: TeamSpeak3 & Facebook for meetings. No ego problems/BM. 18+ preferred, due to issue with contracts and travel. Contact: Email: NooborghiniTV@Gmail.com. Website: Www.TeamOpTiK.net
Thanks for the quick update <3
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/eXfXd.jpg) Teams/Clan Info Server: NA Team Name: TC ( Tactical Carnage ) Leader/Managers TL ID: Kloxlord Clan Channel: Tactical Carnage
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: TaCSecreT.667 - Clan Leader Wattabeast.775 - Competitive Team manager Jun.? - General Clan recruiter Vizva.523 - General Clan recruiter ScV.535 - General Clan recruiter General Team League Level: Gold to High Masters Race(s) you are looking for: ALL
Current Goals: Team Sponsorship, Cash prizes & Hardware give aways, Filling Competitive Team spots
Goals Achieved Thus far: Competitive team formed Academy Team formed Clan Wars Tournament hosting Live streamed Events
Other: Tactical Carnage is a Large multi-platform gaming community with a strong dedicated player base in SC2. Being part of such a large gaming community gives us advantages and opportunities not readily available to most SC2 clans. So if your casual player just looking to improve, or a skilled gamer looking for competitive gameplay. Visit our channel or check us out @ www.TacticalCarnage.com
External Community Website(s): Follow us! Twitch.tv: www.Twitch.tv/tacticalcarnage YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/TacticalCarnage Facebook: www.facebook.com/taccarnage Twitter: www.twitter.com/TacticalCarnage Steam: www.steamcommunity.com/groups/TcGc-Public Xfire: www.xfire.com/communities/tacticalcarnage/
Teamname: give-it-all.de SC2 Website: www.give-it-all.de Language: english Skill: GM/Top Masters Server: EU Leader Bnet IDs: doggy. 236 About us: We've got a experienced management, and give-it-all has several top teams (EPS, 4PL Proleague). Here we want to attach directlys to. Appropriate behavior as well as the interpersonal level is also important to us.
Our goals: Mainfocus is the 4PL Proleague Qualification and Cups. In addition to lanevents and bootcamps, streams and replay content are also key points of our program. Nice teamshirts are also available, lan-/cup and other support is possible, give-it-all has several sponsors, just speak to us!
About you: Firstly, you should be able to identify with the clan and our objectives. Furthermore, we are looking for motivated and talented high masters and grandmaster only players. Another important point is activity – and I mean not that anyone shall play all day long. However, it is important for us as a team, that ladder, training (cgs) and cups can be connected with eachother. Therefore it would be important that you want to spend a few hours on a regular day to Starcraft. We assume appropriate behaviour and kindness as a matter of course.
Server: EU Server Team Name: eXe Recruitment Managers: greedyfarmer, exe.effex [TL] / Marvellosity.523 [Bnet] Clan Channel: eXe General Team League Level: Bronze-Masters (All levels) Goals of team: Large clan of over 650 with varying skill levels and work ethics (multiple teams in the clan). All levels are catered for. We aim to help those who want to improve to improve, and those who just want to play for fun, to play. We have multiple in house tournaments, external clan wars and open tournaments as well with larger prize pools. Other: Clan site is here http://exe-clan.org. If you have any questions, PM me on TL. glhf!!!
Server: NA Server Team Name: eXe Recruitment Managers: greedyfarmer, exe.effex [TL], Firnafth.864 [Bnet] Clan Channel: Team eXe General Team League Level: Bronze-Masters (All levels) Goals of team: Large clan of over 650 with varying skill levels and work ethics (multiple teams in the clan). All levels are catered for. We aim to help those who want to improve to improve, and those who just want to play for fun, to play. We have multiple in house tournaments, external clan wars and open tournaments as well with larger prize pools. Other: Clan site is here http://exe-clan.org. If you have any questions, PM me on TL. glhf!!!
![[image loading]](http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll103/captberit/dbd_logo_100.jpg) Server: EU Server Team Name: dBd (Death Before Dishonor) Leader/Managers TL ID: dBdHellRider aka SWEHellRider B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: EU Server: SWEHellRider id 938 General Team League Level: Bronze-Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Protoss, Zerg Goals of team: Casual at first / competitive later. Other: We are a friendly clan that are searching for people that are active. We aren't going to force you to play if you don't want to, and we will have rules. Website is up (www.team-dbd.eu) for communication we use Raidcall and you can download it from our website, pm me on tl, or add me on sc2 and chat away.
Requirements: Be nice and have fun
Server: EU Server (Only German!) Team Name: teamKR B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: EU Server: ends.277 Baudusau.158 General Team League Level: High Masters, 800-1000 points in average (sc2ranks Race(s) you are looking for: zerg and especially terran Goals of team: very competitive, ESL ladder top10, SC2CL&sk.de very active and successful Other: more information: http://forum.gamesports.net/starcraft/showthread.php?t=4808
Server: US Server Team Name: Team Skynet Team Tag: SkyZ Leader/Managers TL ID: Beast B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: BeastSkynet.387 General Team League Level: 900 masters or Top 8 Masters. Race(s) you are looking for: Any race Goals of team: Competitive, Clan Leagues, Sponsorships Other:Competitive, Clan Leagues, Sponsorships Other:
We had a pretty good run from Jan 2010 to September 2011. We were in multiple team leagues, and had a couple GM's/high masters. A few people moved to new teams, and we only have a few core people, like WaZSkynet and MogSkynet. Were hoping to get back into team leagues, and become competitive in the North American Scene again.
Requirements are:
1. Top 8 Masters or 900 points 2. Willing to participate as a team. 3. Willing to be active on the forums 4. Friendly and dedicated to getting better 5. Like having fun <3
Visit us at teamskynet.net
Team Name: Pacific Gaming - http://pacgaming.com Leader/Managers: thecoupe / thecoupe.366 Chat Channel: pacgaming General Team League Level: Platinum+ Goals of team: Improvement, Practice Partners Other: California/West Coast players preferred but not required. We are looking for players who want to improve their play and can dedicate time to practice and discuss strategy. The best way to contact me is to either fill out an application on our forum, or send me a message on TL with your bnet ID and character code.
Server: US Team Name: DirtNapGaming Leader/Managers: xXArcheronXx / xXArcheronXx.527 Clan Channel: Dirtnap General Team League Level: silver-plat Goals of team: expand into the world of sc2 Other: we are a large community that just expanded to sc2. website is www.dirtnapgaming.com we also have ts3
Server: US Server Team Name: Tactical Gaming Leader/Managers: TL ID: TGxMicro / BNet ID: Micro.187 (NA) StinkDawg.965 (NA) Clan Channel: Tactical Gaming Clan General Team League Level: Bronze - Masters Goals of team: Tactical Gaming is a community that has been around for almost 8 years! We are a very mature community and our focus is on Teamwork and Teamplay! In our Starcraft division We focus primarily on 3v3 and 4v4 gametypes, and are looking for those SC players who are tired of going in to team games with randoms, where there is almost no communication or teamwork. So if you are tired of having people on your team who, Have no Skill, Do not communicate and Act like a 2 year old. Then TG may be the right place for you! We offer private forums as well as a private Teamspeak server. We accept members of all skill levels. As we have several members who started out in bronze but are now in Plat/diamond leauges. So if you like to play team games and want to play with people who you know are going to have your back then come by and check us out. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose
Head Quarters: http://www.TacticalGaming.net
About us: http://www.tghq.org/tghq/homepage.php
Why join us: http://tghq.org/tghq/jointg.php
Server: US Team Name: Pandemic Leader/Managers: Mitch, Donnie / zakmaa.304, Darnaldo.661 Clan Channel: Pandemic General Team League Level: Diamond-Masters Goals of team: Grow together to high Masters/GM Other: Please have mumble available for use. Please be very active. We will be playing regularly. We will be analyzing games together and practicing together very frequently. Looking for 2 Zergs, 2 Terrans and 3 Protosses. We are a new team and wish to grow together to the top.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/HWNq5.png)
Team prOperty is looking for talented Swedish players!
Server: EU Server
Homepage: http://teamproperty.net
Leader/Managers TL ID: Teodice, Vandroy
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: prOpTeodice.252 General Team League Level: Currently we aim for all our players to be high master but some are as low as midd
Race(s) you are looking for: We are in desperate need of a active 2v2 team and we´re also seeking 1v1 players ofcourse. At the moment we´re active in the ESL ClanWar Ladder but will soon play in SC2CL.com and FirstBloodLeague.
Goals of team: Our previous goals has been to be become one of the top teams in Sweden which we in some way have accomplished. We´re currently one of the top fully Swedish team out there. In the past we´ve been focusing alot on online presence but now we also want to become more active in terms of offline events. With major successes at both Birdie and Dreamhack we aim to expand even further in the nordic countries. To join us you have to be Swedish and rated midd-high Masters. Be able to behave both online and offline since you represent the team and thereby all of us. We also recommend you to be 18+ which makes some things easier for the management but you are welcome to apply to us even if you´re younger.
Best regards
prOpTeodice.252 www.teamproperty.net & #Teamproperty @ Quakenet
Server: NA Team Name: SinnerS Gaming (SnS) Leader/Managers: TL ID Catatonic / BNet ID Catatonic (280) Clan Channel: Sinners Gaming General Team League Level: The founding members (me my brother an a friend of mine) are all bronze but we'll accept an level of play seeing as how higher level practice partners make for better players  Goals of team: Our only goals at the moment are just to get better togather as a team though future goals include participating in LANS and online tournaments :D Other: If you wish to join up with SinnerS then just pm me on here or in game and ill get back to you :D we just ask that you play some "tryout" matches against atleast me though possibly the other 2 founding members just so we can see if you're a bmer, or cheeser since we would like neither in the team really. From time to time is ok but consistently is just not something we would like to be representing the team seeing as how it gives a bad rep for all involved.