Surprised no one picked up on this, copy and pasted from
The pro league will be released post-ship and it will be based on an invitational basis. Being in the pro league there will be some privileges and being in the pro league your replays will be automatically uploaded online. The specifics of the pro league are forth coming and they do expect to release an esports focused release.
I see this as being good and bad, depending on the type of player you are. If your a player who follows the latest trends and just does the standard then its probably no harm. However top players who are always trying new stuff and who use the ladder as a way to test new strategies, they might be turned away from this.
From a casual player perspective, this is great.
Wow...that's going to make a lot of players not want to join the proleague.
If replays are automatically uploaded then no one's going to do anything innovative in that league. They should hide replays and leave it up to the players to decide whether or not to upload them. If they want people to see the matches then just make it so people can spectate or something.
EDIT: I read the source and it's interesting how Browder himself thinks that ultras are useless x]
Hm that is very interesting wonder if you can get "cash" if your in proleague. I doubt it but hope they live stream some games or something
this is awesome , I can't wait to hear more
I hope they let some unknowns in. There are several unknown players out there that can definitely hold up their own, myself included.
I don't see the issue. Plenty of high level players ladder without smurfing. Sure, they ladder, but they practice the strategies that they are planning for huge tournaments like WCG or something with their team mates. I really see no problem with this.
I highly doubt it will automatically upload pro-league player matches from custom games. And if they do, the professional players will buy another account that they use for practicing internally with team mates in custom games.
What this really does is create another league sort of tournament thing. What I do hope, however, is that players have the ability to disable the chat being saved.
On April 25 2010 09:16 blade55555 wrote:Hm that is very interesting wonder if you can get "cash" if your in proleague. I doubt it but hope they live stream some games or something  They might have to offer cash as incentive for people to join :p. With this pro league though itll promote more practice partners to try new builds as to not show them in pro league.
Sweden33719 Posts
Funny - we'll have a league called proleague, with almost NO real professional players 
The only exception to this would be if being in the proleague meant you could win a lot of money, in which case it'd be fine. If it's just "the highest division".... I forsee a lot of people playing custom games.
theres gotta be a perk to being in the "proleague"
Depending on how exclusive pro-league is that could be incentive enough, as the popularity from X amount of people viewing your games could get you invites into other cash tournaments.
I think you are also exaggerating the amount of people who hold back winning builds... For instance ill play my placement games like there is 10k$ on the line :D
United Kingdom12022 Posts
It'll force people to innovate more, which is a good thing.
Blizzard seems to favor a top-down approach these days. Battle.net 2.0 is really an attempt to centralize everything, and I'm not sure how it'll all work out. I was hoping that they'd be more hands-off and just provide the tools that'll make running tournaments easy, but apparently they want players to play the way they want them to play ala WoW. Personally, I'm really against the limitations they've placed on Battle.net 2.0 and hope that organizations like ICCUP will be able to provide alternatives - though legally speaking Blizzard is probably capable of shutting them down if they wanted to.
this is a pretty cool idea
it at least gives blizzard a list of people that are at that skill level for them to follow
"Unit discussion involved a confirmation that the Broodlord was 'insanely overpowered'. However, they are leaning more towards nerfing rather than changing the design of the unit. Statistically the Battlecruiser is the least used unit, but it has some prominence in some Terran vs Terran games, while the Archon is second least used, but being a recycle unit they feel that this is normal. The idea behind the Archon being a recycle for the Dark Templar is that if the enemy has too much detection you have the option of recycling them into an Archon. Although Dustin Browder admits that the fans may prove him wrong, he does not feel the Ultralisk can be played in a lot of viable scenarios." wow... just wow There should be a 2 week delay or something on replays, allowing players to get some use out of innovations. Most halo pro's play customs 90% of the time, I've seen some of there accounts where they have over 15000 customs played and under 1000 matchmaking. I would be surprised if sc2 isnt similar in this reguard.
not sure if i like this. Sure its sweet to have their reps but think about it. If someones practicing a build they made up to use in a tournament and its a build that'll leave our jaws open cause its so amazing and creative, then everybody will know about it before that tournament even takes place. I like that tournament replays will be made available to us but just them practicing their builds, idk.
But then again they would probably just play custom games and even if the reps weren't publicly available, other ppl in the pro league would get the reps and know their enemies build, so maybe its not a bad idea at all. Actually its probably a good idea.
lol if a professional scene ever develops there will be zero "pro" players on it at all, and anyone aspiring to be an actual pro will probably not play on it either.
If people were going to be using a creative build they would rely on thier practice partners in custom games not to reveal that build.
Also I noticed that there will not be chat channels in B.net 2.0 at the time of release. This is very dissapointing.
the players create the scene not blizzard. blizzard can try and implement whatever they want but the players will go for what they like.
I imagine there will be some incentive for players to join the proleague. Blizzard threw like 100k at WoW tournaments over the last year or two. If they can do that for such a crappy competitive game I would hope they can at least meet that bar for a game designed around competition.