We shouldn't procrastinate even more, we said november and it's december already.
Big ass confession/blog style ft. EpicSquatGirl:
Hello there. Let me introduce myself; my name is Ties, I'm currently eighteen years old and I'm born and living in the Netherlands. I've always been a little weird. Not 'yeuch, those D&B stoner people' weird, but weird enough. I grew up in a very posh neighbourhood which tends to make people more uniform. Maybe that's why I looked normal.
At any rate, I was bullied quite severely in junior school. This ended when I started jiu-jitsu class. I felt super confident after I began taking those classes and after I kicked the bullies' asses one day the bullying stopped. I still never really fit in, though.
In high school it was a lot better. My friends were awesome (at least in the last three years of high school). It is also the time I started getting into da womenz, but da womenz were not that into me. I was shy, wore braces for a long time and had really awful skin during highschool. The kind of skin where random people you walk past in the street turn around, catch up with you and try to give you advice. It was bad.
When I turned 16 I immediately signed up for the gym. I wanted to get the kind of confidence I had when I just started jiu-jitsu (my memory is pretty vivid, haha). I did the machine circuits for about a year, with some results. I definately got more muscular, but it wasn't huge. I was growing quite fast then, and was around 6'0 when I turned 16.
I'll try to skip the bs because this isn't a blog. This summer I was done with school and vowed that it was going to be a new era for me. I was going get HOT chicks. I was going get in better shape than any of the popular douchebags in highschool. I was going to be the guy at the schoolreünion in ten years that makes people go 'damn, I wouldn't get on his level in a thousand years'.
So I got a job in a restaurant in France. With zero work experience or experience with living on my own I just made the leap. I found the restaurant, found a room with a random woman and started working 90 hours a week. I wasn't really that nervous, because I knew I had it in me to become as awesome as I wanted to.
During these 3 months of working I also started the strength program that is so fanatically preached in this sub-forum. It's called Starting Strength and has turned more boys into men than your average prostitute (I'm dutch, I know about this stuff).
I wanted to get bigger and stronger than anybody else I knew and it was and is going amazingly. I heartily recommend it to everyone. If you want to get an awesome physique as fast as humanly possible, and you want it BAD, Starting Strength is for you. I gained 9 kilo's of lean mass on my 6'6 frame, and that's with working 90 hours of washing dishes a week.
I'd like to end up saying that I hit my first goal aswell; my girlfriend is smoking but I don't have a picture on hand. I'll post one later
I want to end with something else. Starting Strength restored my confidence, as did working in a prestigious french restaurant. Before this I was insecure, which is no excuse for the lies I told during this stay there. Epic Squat Girl IS real, but we did not have an affair, I made the whole thing up. I have had one single kiss before my current girlfriend.
Sorry for shaming your confidence. TL HF fighting!
Two years ago (I hated pictures which is why I don't really have good 'before' pics. Just believe that I've barely gained in size between Starting Strength and the taking of this picture. Also I used the trollface before I saw it on teh interwebs, what a boss). + Show Spoiler +
Current pics: 1 december. It's exam period but nothing stops me from working out, hence the super tired face lols. Cruised on like 3 hours of sleep for a full week, no energy drink. NOT a flattering picture, but I promised to upload so there.
Your spoiler doesn't work.
Also, need pics
Can't do progress pics this year as there are no "before" pics, actually there really aren't any pictures of me at all as far I as I know.
My Camera is at home - I'll take pictures as soon as winter break starts (2 weeks).
What I can do, is give you a before picture right now. When I say I used to be "skinny" I absolutely mean it. 6'3 135 lbs is not a "funny" number. Don't have any shirtless pictures, obviously didn't like those. I think I still have this shirt at home though, so I'll take a picture in it for some "direct" comparison. Also, girl beside me is my twin sister. Complete opposite genetics. + Show Spoiler +
edit - found a shirtless pic. This is after I had gained ~10 pounds from previous pic, and it's also in a more flattering body position than I would like. I think I was flexing, it was cold at that party. + Show Spoiler + edit - found a camera. Wish I had another month to get ready for this - but no excuses. I suppose it will be motivating. Taken today, 12/3/2011. + Show Spoiler +
I'm currently sitting around 180 lbs, maybe 185 depending on how much fluid I have in me. So that's what ~50 lbs looks like on a 6'3 frame (~23kg on 193cm). Never satisfied though - I want to add at least as much over again by the time I graduate, a year and a half from now.
Rofl Phyre you go from super cuddly to athletic. Cool of you to just grab a camera; this isn't facebook, nobody cares about your eyes amirite.
Sick progress though. What are your stats right now?
I currently weigh 88kg @ 1.96.
Squat: 95kg 3x5 Bench: 70kg 3x5 Deadlift: 127,5 1x5 OHP: 48,5kg 3x5 Powerclean: 70 5x3
Also is it me or are you actually MORE lean in your last picture, or are you tensing your abs?
herp derp, will post more constructive stuff tomorrow BUT!
Please take the picture is a brightly lit room, not using shades to enhance your profile. It makes looking back at them soooo much more rewarding.
On December 04 2011 07:56 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote: Rofl Phyre you go from super cuddly to athletic. Cool of you to just grab a camera; this isn't facebook, nobody cares about your eyes amirite.
Sick progress though. What are your stats right now?
I currently weigh 88kg @ 1.96.
Squat: 95kg 3x5 Bench: 70kg 3x5 Deadlift: 127,5 1x5 OHP: 48,5kg 3x5 Powerclean: 70 5x3
Also is it me or are you actually MORE lean in your last picture, or are you tensing your abs?
I am more lean, i've had some trouble with food the last few weeks and lost like 7kg as a result.
Right now my stats are: Squat 5x5 @250/110kg Bench 5x5 @175/78kg PC 5x3 @175/78kg - could probably do more, form holding me back OHP 5x5 @ 105/47kg DL 300/134kg
Top weight 84kg @193m (187lb @6'3), ghats when I hit300x5 dl, I could probably pull 3 plate by christmas if I put the work in on dl, but I haven't deadlifted seriously/heavy in two months - it was just wrecking me too hard to keep playing rugby. No lift that puts on the thickness like a solid DL though, and no program that gives you confidence life SS. I suggest everyone try it out, shit is life changing.
It's cool to see more skinny tall guys that put on a ton of weight in this topic! I've been training for about a year now. I'm 1.93cm and went from skinny-fat and having never worked out ~78kg to 90kg and quite a bit leaner. I don't have a before picture but this is for future reference I guess. + Show Spoiler + I still want to drop to ~8% bodyfat and there's a lot more room to add mass!
damn apparently TL is just full of skinny muthafuckers. well guess ill post some pics of my fat ass. 5' 9" and 195lbs.
Started SL5x5 on oct 21st. stats are:
Squat - 205lb Bench - 150lb OHP - 105lb PC(just changed from BORow to these) - 115lb Deadlift - 215lb
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Well i'm not exactly tall at 179cm but i will add myself to the progress thread. Started at 64 kgs, no muscle only skinnyfat. (Couldn't do one pull up and had trouble benching the bar.) Sadly no before pic at that stage yet, i will look around and edit later if i ever find one. Started around 2 and a half years ago, never took training or nutrition seriously. Took long breaks of 3-4 months while training so i didn't really become big or lean. Changed that in November 2010, finally got serious about it and started gaining. November 2010 weight: 71kg. (I got measurements from then on, so if anyone wants to know them i can edit them later.)
Never did SS always bro-split, but i started building it around the big three, squat, deadlift and bench. And focused on progressing.
Bulked up to 76 kg till february 2011, stayed a while at this weight, then started a little cut to 73kg, first pictures is a little while after the cut. 19.06.2011 First set of pictures. (I'm really not good at posing.) + Show Spoiler +
Switched routines up, started training everything 2 times a week. Bulked up again, and still bulking. 27.11.11 Pictures (Still not good.) + Show Spoiler +82kg Caliper puts me at 13.1% but i'm probably more like 15% Current max lifts: Bench 6x87.5kg (1RM 100kg tested, can probably do a bit more now) Deadlift 5-5-4 with 150kg Squat 102.5kg 5 times OHP 6x60kg (1RM tested 70kg can probably do 75kg now) ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/QdXZn.jpg) ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ZgXXI.jpg) Beware underwear only: + Show Spoiler +
Start of SS maxes:
Squats: 155lbs x 5 Bench: 155lbs x 5 Deadlift: 185lbs x 5 Press 95lbs x 5
Current as of 12/5/2011
Pics! + Show Spoiler +
End of SS maxes:
Squats: 275 x 5 ||| 315 x 1 Bench: 225 x 5 ||| 275 x 1 Deadlift: 325 x 5 Press: 140 x 5
Oh yeah, 5'11" 155lbs->175lbs I dunno how many cm, but I'm at 79kg
the first half of 2011 was really good but then i just stopped eating right and just worked out whenever i could (stalled a lot).
Numbers: 168cm 67kg BW --> 74kg BW squat: 65kg --> 110kg press: 60kg --> 85kg overhead press: 40kg --> 70kg deadlift: 70kg --> 145kg barbell row: 50kg --> quit pull ups: 8~10x3 --> quit clean: 85kg snatch: 50kg
pics (january): + Show Spoiler +
pics (december): + Show Spoiler +
i'd say my upper body didn't change all that much (i feel fatter) but there was a huge improvement of my legs - i dont have a before pic but they were really skinny. overall i'm satisfied but i know i could've worked harder. 5 week break coming up soon. time to start again :D
I will totally post my before and after pics as well as a small summary of my lifting adventures so far. But right now i only have crappy cell phone pics
Getting kinda chubby here, but I'll post my current picture.
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I'm hoping one day to look something like Klokov, although I know that's shooting for the stars :p.
Took some pics with my phone so they're not very good. Don't have any "before" pic but I was about 90kg 172cm when I started lifting 21st of december 2010, with no prior exercise done.
Currently 172cm 85kg
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After viewing all your very naked pictures, I have concluded that I am sexier than you all. Trim that stomach fat and get bigger tits/shoulders/arms/everything
On December 07 2011 11:17 HardMacro wrote:After viewing all your very naked pictures, I have concluded that I am sexier than you all. Trim that stomach fat and get bigger tits/shoulders/arms/everything 
Why is it you aren't posting pics then? I think it's great that so many people are posting here; it helps others see how dedication slowly pays off. It'll be nice to keep threads like this updating over a longer time frame. I haven't even gained back 30 of the 45lbs I lost, but I'll probably post pics once I make a little more progress back to where I was. I found a nice starting pic at my recent minimum where I look like a skeleton (yet I was somehow 10lbs over my original weight).
Alright i want this thread to keep going nicely so im gonna post the pics i have of my progress on my cell phone here. But first a little background on my lifting experience.
I had a gym membership 2 years ago but had no clue what do do in the gym and had no idea about good nutrition. As a result i just stopped going after about 1 month of simply fuking around and not getting anywhere. Then about 6 months ago one of my good friends (remedysc who posts on TL HF thread) started going through the process of becoming an RCMP or cop. Both of us were small and skinny so he got a membership and we decided to get serious with this (i wasn't doing any rcmp or cop things i just wanted to get stronger). Thank god we found the TL HF thread because it helped tremendously. My friend got the SS book and we read the shit out of that book while learning about proper nutrition. So we go in for our first day and find out we are pretty damn weak.
Our starting lifts were something like: Squat-95lbs OHP- 45lbs DL- 95lbs BP- 95lbs PC- couldn't do these till after 2 weeks of practicing.
But we work hard and eat right for about 3 months and all our lifts go up. Squat- 220lbs OHP- 95lbs (hard to progress with this) DL- 275lbs BP- 165lbs PC-135lbs Then stupidity happens... and i (with the help of my friend somewhat convincing me) ride a bike off of a deck. Land on my shoulder and dislocate my AC joint. I have to spend a week sleeping sitting up, can't move my arm at all and doc says im gonna lose my throwing power (i play some football and rugby). The next month is me trying to do a speedy recovery so i can get back into the gym. + Show Spoiler + (Pic of shoulder after, swollen and bruised a bit) Recovery goes well after a little over a month and i head back to the gym knowing im gonna have to start from square 1. i could only use the bar on all the lift. And every lift was hard and mildly painful but i couldn't stand not being in the gym. So i worked through it and i worked hard. After about another 3 months of hard training i got my lifts back to where they were and even surpassed on some.
Sadly after that beer league football starts up and i love football so i play. A few weeks in i suffer another injury this time to my groin. I tear it and almost needed surgery, you could visibly see a gap where muscle used to be but was now gone. This hurt so much i couldn't sleep, walk, sit, it hurt to just lay down. So there goes pretty much every lift that requires me to use my legs. I still don't give up tho i will never give up. I do my best to recover from this quickly just like i did before and in just under a month i can squat again. Although after this i stopped doing SS and switched to a Power/Hypertrophy style of training. Thats my story so far and thanks for reading lol. Heres some stats. All lifts are steadily rising.
Starting bodyweight: 145lbs... Current: 165lbs Lifts after both injurys.... Current lifts Squat: 135lbs -- 210lbs DL: 135lbs -- 265lbs BP: 45lbs -- 175lbs OHP: 45lbs -- 125lbs
Aaaannndddd pics finally. (Before) + Show Spoiler + (Afters) + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + (this last one is what my shoulder looks like now after a lifting session, doesn't hurt but feels weird sometimes)