[NA IHs] Running at Dusk - Page 58
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New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! | ||
United States3359 Posts
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Canada929 Posts
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Ivory Coast6262 Posts
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United States12 Posts
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United States1850 Posts
- Ingame name sYz Adrenaline - Rank and division Never Placed - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Jungle/ADC (althgouh I've been playing every role) - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Amumu/Shen (maybe Lee Sin) Vayne/Ashe | ||
10417 Posts
![]() + Show Spoiler + From the draft, I like team two better. Initiations are pretty good on both sides but I feel like Purple Side has a much higher potential to burst as Kogmaw doesn't provide the kind of immediate damage as Orianna does. I think Amumu and Leona make for better initiates than Ashe/Blitz/Sejuani depending on the kind of fight. Varus has amazing counter-initiate as well so it's a lot safer to be Purple in my opinion. As long as they don't mess up or get into drawn-out poke/siege fights they should have the advantage. Also, Kog is running teleport which is questionable in my opinion, but we'll see. Game start! Good ward by Leona spots out the invade, blue team gets one down on purple's blue buff Pooshlmer, try taking W at level 1. It's stronger vs buffs which are all you can take and it's better during leashes where someone usually tanks for you. You will never find a gank at level 3 in bot lane with Amu unless your opponents are retarded even if there are no wards. Rush 6 on Amumu and only gank top and mid until then. Seju's level 5 to your 3 at the moment because you wasted time bot. You're still wasting time bot, there's never a gank in bot lane until 6 and it delays you from hitting your power timings when you camp without success. Omnom, with your flash down and no mana or HP you should know better than to sit around mid after forcing out Kog. Getting to safety is the utmost concern when you can't escape a jungler simply showing up. Imagine that as soon as you put any aggression down that their jungler immediately starts coming from the closest position. That's worst case scenario and it will happen a LOT if you play like that. Good job on the Renek kill top Dusty but probably be a little safer afterwards, you may have been able to escape if not for the greed ![]() Sylverfyre should have stayed top and regained his advantage instead of roaming to mid after mid countered the counterinitiate. Top's far behind, and I'm not sure about the matchup but it seems like Singed dumps on Renekton all day. Because blue is so far ahead they take dragon. Omnom roaming too early for a lane that's hard to kill. Should have just been taking wraiths or warding. Nice try on the arrow up mid, didn't pay off though. Poosh should now be camping bot with Amu ult basically on cooldown. Leona + Varus + Amumu really hard to escape. That fight was crazy and everyone could have played better. Om blew ult on Kog who flashed to safety (which was nice) then got counterinitiated on by Seju, making Singed have to flip Seju to try and save but it didn't matter because of ult, Amumu missed a bandage because he threw it in a very low percentage situation (tbh i don't even think it was in range at all) and then Varus and Amumu stuck around way too long chasing greedily which allowed Seju and Ashe to clean everything up. Basically everyone is getting too greedy this game and overextending into bad teamfights which are swinging this game back and forth lol. At 20 mins, Blue's 5k ahead. K I stopped analyzing but Omnom you gotta rethink your Orianna game, it's costing you guys a lot of fights. EVERYONE NEEDS TO WORK ON SKILLSHOTS | ||
United States3359 Posts
yeah ![]() live and die by the worth | ||
United States2626 Posts
On September 02 2013 12:04 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Gonna be taking notes on this game for you guys! ![]() + Show Spoiler + From the draft, I like team two better. Initiations are pretty good on both sides but I feel like Purple Side has a much higher potential to burst as Kogmaw doesn't provide the kind of immediate damage as Orianna does. I think Amumu and Leona make for better initiates than Ashe/Blitz/Sejuani depending on the kind of fight. Varus has amazing counter-initiate as well so it's a lot safer to be Purple in my opinion. As long as they don't mess up or get into drawn-out poke/siege fights they should have the advantage. Also, Kog is running teleport which is questionable in my opinion, but we'll see. Game start! Good ward by Leona spots out the invade, blue team gets one down on purple's blue buff Pooshlmer, try taking W at level 1. It's stronger vs buffs which are all you can take and it's better during leashes where someone usually tanks for you. You will never find a gank at level 3 in bot lane with Amu unless your opponents are retarded even if there are no wards. Rush 6 on Amumu and only gank top and mid until then. Seju's level 5 to your 3 at the moment because you wasted time bot. You're still wasting time bot, there's never a gank in bot lane until 6 and it delays you from hitting your power timings when you camp without success. Omnom, with your flash down and no mana or HP you should know better than to sit around mid after forcing out Kog. Getting to safety is the utmost concern when you can't escape a jungler simply showing up. Imagine that as soon as you put any aggression down that their jungler immediately starts coming from the closest position. That's worst case scenario and it will happen a LOT if you play like that. Good job on the Renek kill top Dusty but probably be a little safer afterwards, you may have been able to escape if not for the greed ![]() Sylverfyre should have stayed top and regained his advantage instead of roaming to mid after mid countered the counterinitiate. Top's far behind, and I'm not sure about the matchup but it seems like Singed dumps on Renekton all day. Because blue is so far ahead they take dragon. Omnom roaming too early for a lane that's hard to kill. Should have just been taking wraiths or warding. Nice try on the arrow up mid, didn't pay off though. Poosh should now be camping bot with Amu ult basically on cooldown. Leona + Varus + Amumu really hard to escape. That fight was crazy and everyone could have played better. Om blew ult on Kog who flashed to safety (which was nice) then got counterinitiated on by Seju, making Singed have to flip Seju to try and save but it didn't matter because of ult, Amumu missed a bandage because he threw it in a very low percentage situation (tbh i don't even think it was in range at all) and then Varus and Amumu stuck around way too long chasing greedily which allowed Seju and Ashe to clean everything up. Basically everyone is getting too greedy this game and overextending into bad teamfights which are swinging this game back and forth lol. At 20 mins, Blue's 5k ahead. K I stopped analyzing but Omnom you gotta rethink your Orianna game, it's costing you guys a lot of fights. EVERYONE NEEDS TO WORK ON SKILLSHOTS Aside from my laning/blatently obvious mistakes, it just felt the teamfights were out of our control. In every single fight, it was just a dive fest between singed/amumu and rek/sej. We forced each other out of position, and kog/ashe kited way better than me and varus did. I couldn't ball/ult without them going out of my E range, and the last teamfight where I tried to do it, me and varus got locked up by sej. We also had pretty bad coordination and never got a good engage where I could ult the carries before I had to run the fuck away from sej/rek. | ||
Canada6655 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
I think a few mistakes made were that Singed needed to be tankier (as he noticed a little late that time he realized he had 32 MR vs kog's sorc+haunting guise) and less AP built. It was frustrating for me to lane against him, but once i got the spectre's cowl i felt pretty stable. I shouldn't have opened boots (Dshield was in fact correct, I was thinking it wouldn't have been good vs singed and I hate hate hate rejuv5pot and dont really like tiamat.) I don't really remember how the fight in mid went down which I came in for cleanup, but it made me feel REALLY good to flash ult into that fight and then never get kited because i still had both charges of E up (had i tried to E into the fight, i wouldn't have had the second tick of E) I felt like we used/played around kog's poke pretty well. The baron was a little too ballsy, we should have laid off baron and just forced a poke war (which we basically auto win) before doing baron after we poke down critical people like Amumu and Leona (without those two to engage + amumu's smite, there's not much threat of getting trapped in a bad fight. no offense singed, but "run at them" is only so effective, especially with a build focused on damage.) Even when kog'maw DID get successfully dove, the divers were just diving into so much damage from our comp that it turned out to not be as effective as purple team wanted it to be. We could pretty easily focus down Amumu/Leona/Singed with our resist shreds+peeling CC. We also got a nice objective lead early even though kills were pretty even (and spread evenly about our team. When killscore was 7-6 @ the pause time, we had all died once, but we also had knocked all outer towers down and gotten a dragon) | ||
United States8298 Posts
On September 02 2013 12:32 imBLIND wrote: Aside from my laning/blatently obvious mistakes, it just felt the teamfights were out of our control. In every single fight, it was just a dive fest between singed/amumu and rek/sej. We forced each other out of position, and kog/ashe kited way better than me and varus did. I couldn't ball/ult without them going out of my E range, and the last teamfight where I tried to do it, me and varus got locked up by sej. We also had pretty bad coordination and never got a good engage where I could ult the carries before I had to run the fuck away from sej/rek. Agree about your assessment. Also you guys kinda didnt bulk up enough such that blitz could grab anyone he wanted without huge concerns. I remember one grab onto singed where we just blew away half his health without popping any major cooldowns and he had to summoner+ult away. It shouldn't be that safe to grab front liners. Can someone post the score screen? I'm not really sure, apart from singed, if your team's lack of bulk was a result of being behind, item choices, or both? | ||
United States8519 Posts
On September 02 2013 13:51 sylverfyre wrote:I hate hate hate rejuv5pot and dont really like tiamat.) I used to hate rejuv bead starts too, but keep in mind if you sell it, its only a 54 gold hit (which is like 3 minions). Having 5 pots and a ward against someone who is probably just gonna straight up run out of mana fairly early makes it really easy to sit and cs effectively. | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
On September 02 2013 13:56 sylverfyre wrote: Agree about your assessment. Also you guys kinda didnt bulk up enough such that blitz could grab anyone he wanted without huge concerns. I remember one grab onto singed where we just blew away half his health without popping any major cooldowns and he had to summoner+ult away. It shouldn't be that safe to grab front liners. Can someone post the score screen? I'm not really sure, apart from singed, if your team's lack of bulk was a result of being behind, item choices, or both? Only cause the Blitz was clearly Madlife. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
http://www.twitch.tv/waveofshadow Edit: http://www.twitch.tv/waveofshadow/b/455194759 VOD here! Atrioc (Pantheon) Jaybrundage (Malzahar) Pandabeardude (Hecarim) xusic (Lee Sin) Storrzerg (Caitlyn) vs Borne (Varus) Zdrastochye (Nami) Upperbound (Lulu) Umasi (Vladimir) CelestialChips (Rumble) Hopefully you guys enjoyed the cast! | ||
10417 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
On September 02 2013 14:33 WaveofShadow wrote: Gonna cast one for funzo. http://www.twitch.tv/waveofshadow Edit: http://www.twitch.tv/waveofshadow/b/455194759 VOD here! Atrioc (Pantheon) Jaybrundage (Malzahar) Pandabeardude (Hecarim) xusic (Lee Sin) Storrzerg (Caitlyn) vs Borne (Varus) Zdrastochye (Nami) Upperbound (Lulu) Umasi (Vladimir) CelestialChips (Rumble) Hopefully you guys enjoyed the cast! Atrioc playing such a beast pantheon, as expected from his guide. | ||
United Kingdom158 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
On September 03 2013 01:43 Hollandrock wrote: I would be interested in joining in with this. Registration - Hollandrock (EUW) Currently haven't played ranked, though I play vs mid-silver in normals. Top and jungle. Top : Riven and Renekton; Jungle : Elise and Lee Sin. This is NA only, sorry ![]() I think there's an EU one in a separate thread. | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
On September 03 2013 01:18 wei2coolman wrote: Atrioc playing such a beast pantheon, as expected from his guide. He was baiting Hecarim all game. I feel for Celest though, Umasi just straight up disrespected him all game and it worked. | ||
United Kingdom158 Posts
On September 03 2013 01:55 wei2coolman wrote: This is NA only, sorry ![]() I think there's an EU one in a separate thread. Hmm, yes. Thank you! | ||
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