New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! |
United States37500 Posts
The wonders that an entirely new patch can bring. If you played Jungle/Bruiser Fizz before 5.3, it was a bad build. Just because Riot decided to gut Fizz and demolish his AP build doesn't suddenly make Jungle/Bruiser Fizz legitimate prepatch. You'd have more ground to stand on if somehow overnight Fizz became popular non-AP and Riot didn't touch him (e.g. Nidalee).
That said, there's still a world of difference between AP and AD Fizz vs. Standard and Shiv/Zzrot Portal Shen. I don't see how you can tell anyone with a straight face that the latter is good practice for IHs. At least for Fizz, he's still fulfilling his position as a DPS source, whether as AP or AD build. Shen is supposed to be a frontline tank. What positive alternative is Shiv/Zzrot Shen supposed to bring to his team? You function worse as a 5 man unit because of trashcan builds cause those champions are dead weight in 5v5 team fights.
On March 01 2015 08:13 NeoIllusions wrote: The wonders that an entirely new patch can bring. If you played Jungle/Bruiser Fizz before 5.3, it was a bad build. Just because Riot decided to gut Fizz and demolish his AP build doesn't suddenly make Jungle/Bruiser Fizz legitimate prepatch. You'd have more ground to stand on if somehow overnight Fizz became popular non-AP and Riot didn't touch him (e.g. Nidalee).
That said, there's still a world of difference between AP and AD Fizz vs. Standard and Shiv/Zzrot Portal Shen. I don't see how you can tell anyone with a straight face that the latter is good practice for IHs. At least for Fizz, he's still fulfilling his position as a DPS source, whether as AP or AD build. Shen is supposed to be a frontline tank. What positive alternative is Shiv/Zzrot Shen supposed to bring to his team? You function worse as a 5 man unit because of trashcan builds cause those champions are dead weight in 5v5 team fights. I never said Zzrot/Shiv Shen was any good, but I was merely mentioning that in the past you were heavily against off-builds such as AP Tryndamere, which before the nerfs were really good. You also were against champions such as Tryndamere being played in IHs at all simply because it wasn't meta. Just because it isn't meta doesn't mean we should disallow it. That's merely what I'm trying to get at here.
We should allow people to still have flexibility, without completely dictating what they do/don't do. Of course completely troll builds such as full ASPD Nunu and Zzrot/Shiv Shen should be played as minimally as possible, but that doesn't mean everything else that isn't seeing any play in competitive play should be as well. At the end of the day, these are still casual games even if the intent is to promote playing as a group and helping others improve. You shouldn't restrict them to what they can/can't play unless it's just completely retarded.
PS: Jungle Fizz with Triforce was pretty decent before the patch. It's just that AP was better by a lot.
In my eyes there never was a restriction on what you could pick (I remember a jungle Graves game or two) or what you could build, but as long as your intention was to win as a 5 man team that was the utmost importance. Working on your early game (laning or ganking) while communicating with your team and then transitioning to either 5 man pushing, 4v1 split pushing, fishing for picks, or just general objective control was the general concept for playing in these games. Doing more than these at once or none of them shows an unwillingness to work together and is more toxic than any real item build, and should be disallowed.
I'm not sure why Zz'rot / Shiv Shen is a troll build.
Okay I mean, yes it's a troll build.
But it's a troll build within reason that can work with your team. I feel like that's something that I would see in ranked. I'd probably call it stupid, but it's not something that would make me dodge in champ select. Jungle Graves would make me dodge in champ select.
I feel like there's a real disconnect in this conversation in that not everybody is coming to the inhouses for the same thing. Some people are coming to learn and get better, other people are coming to teach, and still other people are coming to just have fun and play with their friends. I think it's important that everybody gets what they want, and that nobody is ruining the experience for anybody else.
So I think there's a difference between somebody who does a suboptimal pick or build, plays with the team and does their best anyway and learns from their mistakes, and somebody who intentionally does not play with the team and tries to ruin things for others.
I also think we need a new OP.
<3 Roffles etc etc etc
New York City13113 Posts
I stopped doing inhouses mainly because the learning environment was gone. Each night I can do one of two things:
1) Play ranked and work to improve 2) Play with friends and relax
I liked to play inhouses because it combined the advantages of both: no pressure, but also an opportunity to learn and improve from people way better than me. But it degenerated into people just having fun with each other. I don't have anything against that, I do that all the time, but if I'm just going to goof around I'd rather do that with my friends.
I understand that for many of you your "goof-off" friends are other TLers, but I don't think that coopting the TL inhouses is the appropriate vehicle for having fun with them.
You know the easiest way to satisfy both crowds would be to do the inhouses two nights a week.
Have one night where it's understood that we're going to play serious stuff, do a game, then stop and discuss the game, and if anybody fucks with that they're going to get kicked out.
And have a second night where we're just gonna play games and have fun.
On March 04 2015 08:11 Ketara wrote: You know the easiest way to satisfy both crowds would be to do the inhouses two nights a week.
Have one night where it's understood that we're going to play serious stuff, do a game, then stop and discuss the game, and if anybody fucks with that they're going to get kicked out.
And have a second night where we're just gonna play games and have fun. I dont think Neo or Roffles are suggesting games for the purpose of fun (at least in the sense of goofy stuff). The issue is the end goal of the inhouse; to improve, or to play legit games with comms. I think in both cases the environment is relatively serious and people who don't adhere to that get kicked out.
I just recently reached rank 30 and am looking to improve. I assume from the people I’m being paired with that I’m probably mid-high bronze elo, so pretty bad.
Are there enough low elo players that inhouse teams can be balanced out (e.g. each team has one newb, one mid elo player and 3 high elo players)? Or would it just be me and 4 platinum guys vs. 5 platinum guys and we would get stomped every game?
I wouldn't worry about that. Worst case scenario it would be 4 best plats + you vs the lower plats, and usually it's more mixed up anyway.
The bigger issue is whether the inhouses will occurr at all
Yeah there were 2 people in TS and 5 in the channel, and Tolkien didn't seem like he wanted to run it at all today so I bailed. Maybe next week I guess.
What can we do to make these popular again?
Encourage "clan" play. Buncha people in the channel, buncha people that show up to these when they do happen, encourage more people to show up in teamspeak and create 5's teams to play together friday through wednesday. Playing normals with people in the channel, new advertising, a new thread.
I mean there are plenty of ways to improve visibility and get people to show up to a specific day, but it involves a bit more work than I think anyone wants to put in for something that's just meant to be people who like each other playing together.
I think it's just something that will end up being something that happens every now and then. I don't think that you really make it more popular without bringing in a huge number of people that would be a bitch to organize anyway.
Actually yeah in EU if 10 people didn't show up for inhouses then we would just create a ranked 5 team and play, and that way encourage people to show up every week (and sometimes we would get enough for 5v5).
I miss EU inhouses ;_:
United States37500 Posts
Some of you should really just 5 stack normals from time to time. It doesn't always have to be IH format. I surmise it's easier to gather 5 than 10. zz
What kind of traffic does the new liquidlegends website get in comparison to teamliquid.net?
I'm starting to think this might be an issue of exposure rather than interest because most people who come to inhouses seem to enjoy the concept.
We all miss RaphaelSanzio, and want to accept him into our hearts and minds.
More IH's plx.
down for IH's,
maybe just do 5 man stack norm or rank if there's not enough ppl though
The king has returned.
Join TS channel and lol chatroom channel 'KissPlz' plz.
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