On December 12 2011 00:43 Haemonculus wrote: Same player in next game... and autolocks Kayle? o.O
TAKE A BREAK (roughly 3-5 minutes) AFTER A GAME WITH A RETARD. Retards always click the "play again" button after a loss and matchmaking will always match you with the same people.
spinesheath's rules to solo Q, #1.
Riot hates it when i gain ELO. First game: Jungle cho, successfully gank Annie twice in mid, but bot feeds Vayne 4 kills in the same time. Top lane akali got shit on, and denied by gp. By 15 min.
By 25 min, sona is now 0-8-4, caitlyn is 1-4, akali is 3-3, im 2-0, AP EZ (WTF) is 1-3.
Vayne gets a quadra kill and wins.
Second Game, surrender at 20: Play zilean (we had yorick + vayne). First pick Yorick complains that my friend is last pick so can't possibly be good solo top. He's 0-4 by 10 min, ends 0-8-1... Mid annie goes 0-3, bot caitlyn never got past 50 farm
Third game: partially my fault, but partially because another vayne got fed off our soraka/cait bot. Literally, Me: "don't feed and we got this", "First blood, and ally has been slain! DOUBLE KILL!"
we get first barron, but lose 4. They get second barron, AND we lose 4. They all sucked but a vayne who was fed and an olaf who tanked the world for her. I took 2 turrets by backdoor, but then I d/c (COMCAST) and teamfight 4v5 and we lose.
On December 12 2011 09:38 CeriseCherries wrote: Riot hates it when i gain ELO. First game: Jungle cho, successfully gank Annie twice in mid, but bot feeds Vayne 4 kills in the same time. Top lane akali got shit on, and denied by gp. By 15 min.
By 25 min, sona is now 0-8-4, caitlyn is 1-4, akali is 3-3, im 2-0, AP EZ (WTF) is 1-3.
Vayne gets a quadra kill and wins.
Second Game, surrender at 20: Play zilean (we had yorick + vayne). First pick Yorick complains that my friend is last pick so can't possibly be good solo top. He's 0-4 by 10 min, ends 0-8-1... Mid annie goes 0-3, bot caitlyn never got past 50 farm
Third game: partially my fault, but partially because another vayne got fed off our soraka/cait bot. Literally, Me: "don't feed and we got this", "First blood, and ally has been slain! DOUBLE KILL!"
we get first barron, but lose 4. They get second barron, AND we lose 4. They all sucked but a vayne who was fed and an olaf who tanked the world for her. I took 2 turrets by backdoor, but then I d/c (COMCAST) and teamfight 4v5 and we lose.
a reoccurring theme here is fed vaynes a coincidence? I think not
Have you ever noticed how every time you play against a Tryndamere he always has his ult ready to use,but when you have a Tryndamere on your side he somehow manages to always have the ult on cd when he dives in on a teamfight.
On December 12 2011 09:42 Navi wrote:Show nested quote +On December 12 2011 09:38 CeriseCherries wrote: Riot hates it when i gain ELO. First game: Jungle cho, successfully gank Annie twice in mid, but bot feeds Vayne 4 kills in the same time. Top lane akali got shit on, and denied by gp. By 15 min.
By 25 min, sona is now 0-8-4, caitlyn is 1-4, akali is 3-3, im 2-0, AP EZ (WTF) is 1-3.
Vayne gets a quadra kill and wins.
Second Game, surrender at 20: Play zilean (we had yorick + vayne). First pick Yorick complains that my friend is last pick so can't possibly be good solo top. He's 0-4 by 10 min, ends 0-8-1... Mid annie goes 0-3, bot caitlyn never got past 50 farm
Third game: partially my fault, but partially because another vayne got fed off our soraka/cait bot. Literally, Me: "don't feed and we got this", "First blood, and ally has been slain! DOUBLE KILL!"
we get first barron, but lose 4. They get second barron, AND we lose 4. They all sucked but a vayne who was fed and an olaf who tanked the world for her. I took 2 turrets by backdoor, but then I d/c (COMCAST) and teamfight 4v5 and we lose.
a reoccurring theme here is fed vaynes a coincidence? I think not
WHY CANT MY VAYNE GET FED HUH? Vayne makes me so sad... so stronk... and when you think you can kill her, she tumbles and goes invisible
On December 12 2011 09:50 CeriseCherries wrote:Show nested quote +On December 12 2011 09:42 Navi wrote:On December 12 2011 09:38 CeriseCherries wrote: Riot hates it when i gain ELO. First game: Jungle cho, successfully gank Annie twice in mid, but bot feeds Vayne 4 kills in the same time. Top lane akali got shit on, and denied by gp. By 15 min.
By 25 min, sona is now 0-8-4, caitlyn is 1-4, akali is 3-3, im 2-0, AP EZ (WTF) is 1-3.
Vayne gets a quadra kill and wins.
Second Game, surrender at 20: Play zilean (we had yorick + vayne). First pick Yorick complains that my friend is last pick so can't possibly be good solo top. He's 0-4 by 10 min, ends 0-8-1... Mid annie goes 0-3, bot caitlyn never got past 50 farm
Third game: partially my fault, but partially because another vayne got fed off our soraka/cait bot. Literally, Me: "don't feed and we got this", "First blood, and ally has been slain! DOUBLE KILL!"
we get first barron, but lose 4. They get second barron, AND we lose 4. They all sucked but a vayne who was fed and an olaf who tanked the world for her. I took 2 turrets by backdoor, but then I d/c (COMCAST) and teamfight 4v5 and we lose.
a reoccurring theme here is fed vaynes a coincidence? I think not WHY CANT MY VAYNE GET FED HUH? Vayne makes me so sad... so stronk... and when you think you can kill her, she tumbles and goes invisible
Last time I played vs a vayne as cait me and my lane partner (moakai) completely dominated her and panth lol. Had tower and like 2 kills in the first 10 min.
I think I'm going to stop playing supports for a bit. About 4/5 times my lane partner and I crush our lanes but we lose the game anyway because top or mid got massacred. Even playing as a jungler is starting to really tear at my patience. I think I'm going to start playing one of the solo lanes.
On December 12 2011 09:45 TheKefka wrote: Have you ever noticed how every time you play against a Tryndamere he always has his ult ready to use,but when you have a Tryndamere on your side he somehow manages to always have the ult on cd when he dives in on a teamfight.
Not only ones on my team, but also when I play him. >_>
I'm probably the worst Tryn ever though.
why are foreigners so bad?
In conclusion, I guess I'm a creeper.
In other news, the very few games I've been able to play lately due to finals have been fucktarded beyond all reason. I just bought Riven so I want to test out her matchups (common top lanes, ie Nasus, Singed, mebbe Panth, etc) Who do I face? Shen. Who the fuck still plays Shen? Q spam all day + shit tons of health + regen from Q spam + passive = useless Riven.
Whatever, I figure, I'm a bad Riven anyway, let's move on and play someone fun and stompy. I pick Xerath mid. Who do I lane against? YORICK. Vlad refuses to switch with me, so I manage to convince our jungler Noc to just sit on him all game. The whole time he isn't sitting on him I'm sitting at my turret as fucking Xerath without being able to farm because as soon as I W up, he drops all his goddamn ghouls on me and heals up. FUUUUUUU
I am so sad.. Why can't people play their lanes properly. AND WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR PEOPLE TO JUNGLE UDYR.
I also hate people who have just such a defeatist attitude. like yeah were behind but the other team is careless and all we need to do is farm to win AND THEN YOU GO AFK BECAUSE YOUR SUCH A LITTLE GIRL WHO LIKES TO CRY WHY NOT JUST PLAY IT OUT.
Yea people who give up early (lol in champ select screen) are kinda annoying. I do get that feeling myself sometimes but I don't go proclaiming it to my team over and over and stop trying. Last time that happened two teammates were fighting because some guy wanted to jungle noc and 1st pick just started calling him noob as if they played together before and knew he would suck with him...was weird when I found out he in fact never played with him before but flamed? We then proceed to be down like the 1st 10 kills of the game but win it anyway lol.
On December 12 2011 07:39 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On December 12 2011 00:43 Haemonculus wrote: Same player in next game... and autolocks Kayle? o.O TAKE A BREAK (roughly 3-5 minutes) AFTER A GAME WITH A RETARD.Retards always click the "play again" button after a loss and matchmaking will always match you with the same people. spinesheath's rules to solo Q, #1.
Yeah unless you are 2k+ and u are always forced to play with the same people. I had evening sessions that had the same people just swapping 1-2 max per team for 10 games in a row. And trust me even at high rating its full of retards (what's eve worse is that they think cuze they are highier rated than 99.9%of the LoL population they arent complete retards or act like a one. And if u want to dodge them you gotta wait like 15-20mins at best.
Today was a pretty bad LoL day. Reminds me of those crazy losing streaks I used to have on iCCup, except much more rage filled and far more frustrating.
Just got done playing 4 games in a row where every single lane lost TERRIBLY (my own included) in normal draft. We somehow managed to win one because the enemy was as incompetent at team fighting as we were at laning, which salvaged the night somewhat. As much as I find other people playing shitty frustrating, it's million times more frustrating when I play poorly on top of that.
On December 12 2011 09:38 CeriseCherries wrote: Riot hates it when i gain ELO. First game: Jungle cho, successfully gank Annie twice in mid, but bot feeds Vayne 4 kills in the same time. Top lane akali got shit on, and denied by gp. By 15 min.
By 25 min, sona is now 0-8-4, caitlyn is 1-4, akali is 3-3, im 2-0, AP EZ (WTF) is 1-3.
Vayne gets a quadra kill and wins.
Second Game, surrender at 20: Play zilean (we had yorick + vayne). First pick Yorick complains that my friend is last pick so can't possibly be good solo top. He's 0-4 by 10 min, ends 0-8-1... Mid annie goes 0-3, bot caitlyn never got past 50 farm
Third game: partially my fault, but partially because another vayne got fed off our soraka/cait bot. Literally, Me: "don't feed and we got this", "First blood, and ally has been slain! DOUBLE KILL!"
we get first barron, but lose 4. They get second barron, AND we lose 4. They all sucked but a vayne who was fed and an olaf who tanked the world for her. I took 2 turrets by backdoor, but then I d/c (COMCAST) and teamfight 4v5 and we lose.
You probably shouldn't be 2-0 at 25 minutes when jungling and your team doing that poorly lol.
Besides unjustifiably giving you shit, what elo are you at? Your teams sound so horribly terrible. I don't even get teams that bad in normal queue, blind pick or draft. The worst I run into is one really bad player and one or two players who just get outplayed/don't deal with ganks well.
Except for today, I had a queue where I picked Sona to support. Guy wants to play ad and chooses Ezreal to bottom with me. Team counter picks Vayne, Soraka. We pick up kill on vayne due to me harassing, but he's still outfarmed then he starts feeding vayne, starts getting ganked when I have wards and CV seeing all of them coming. I get away (without summoners), he doesn't and he claims "I would have died anyway so I fought." All the while akali loses top, lets gp farm too much and cass mid can't do anything because of constant ganks and our jungle trundle is absolutely inconsequential compared to their nocturne.
Climbing at ELO at a steady pace tonight (mass gaming and just trying to carry as hard as I can), started the night at 40-40, 1016 elo. Now I'm at 46-42, but those 2 losses are so frustrating. First of the 2 losses I go jungle GP, start the game off 5-1, team is up 14 kills to 10 at ~ 20 minutes. I'm 3-4 shotting people all game but our team cannot engage as a group (one pick in the jungle after another) so despite me having 24k farm at the end of the game, a great build, and our whole team having a higher average farm (assuming I was in the middle instead of at 24k) we lose despite me being at 15/6/13.
Next loss I go Yi since he's usually a free win in low ELO. Their whole team stacks CC after seeing that, I still start off 6-0 but again due to terrible teamfighting we are crushed despite my lead because I'm chain CC'd while my team just does fuck all (annie was dropping tibbers before stun was up and it wasnt because she was following with a W either). Ironically of these 8 games, those 2 were my highest KDRs exluding a game as cait where they surrendered at 25ish and I had only died once.
I was one win away from 1800 on Saturday. A whole week's worth of hard work and I was feeling great. Then, apparently, Saturday evening is when the trolls are releases.
200 elo gone in 24 hours.
I wasn't even tilting, just got trolled non stop and I'm stubborn.
I thought I'd gotten away from the cheese after moving to LoL from SC2, but no. We had to play a double jungle team with 3 stupid laners (it was like, Fiddle, Cass, and Talon or something like that). Counter jungled our jungler to hell, ganks were fucking impossible to stop (Amumu/Shaco), and they all just piled Doran's items. The obvious counter to something like this is to farm and win late game, but damn. Need to vent.
On December 13 2011 00:52 jcarlsoniv wrote: I was one win away from 1800 on Saturday. A whole week's worth of hard work and I was feeling great. Then, apparently, Saturday evening is when the trolls are releases.
200 elo gone in 24 hours.
I wasn't even tilting, just got trolled non stop and I'm stubborn. T_T I feel ur pains. I broke my elo record last night and then immediately lost all of it, lol. I really need to learn to quit while I'm ahead.
I got matched up with Startale guys like 5 games in a row last night too. One game one of them went support shaco, and then got really mad at me when we lost our lane. T_T