Well....I played Riven a lot before she was cool, so HA!
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United States10671 Posts
Well....I played Riven a lot before she was cool, so HA! | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
I've seen Irelia exactly zero times since preseason (exluding wickd) and i watch tons of streams. | ||
184 Posts
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Czech Republic5053 Posts
On February 02 2013 06:55 imanoobcs wrote: Anyone who says you just have to carry harder or do better to get out of low elo is full of it and has never been there. Once you are there, you are stuck there for life. Im about to make a new account to leave this wasteland. Man the throws. Every single game looks like this. ![]() If you're euw I can carry your account to prove you wrong. You have every right to be frustrated but losing sight of your goal and objective just because of that is bad. If you put, I don't know, cloudtemplar in your situation, he would be able to escape easily. Stay positive! | ||
United States8519 Posts
I don't understand, how hard is it to come to tribush and wait until Riven burns her e/q and then just annihilate her? It seems like the easiest gank ever, but every time a Riven does this, my jungler just abandons me completely. I rarely die to this, but getting behind because you can't even approach creeps without losing half your health is really problematic. -.- | ||
184 Posts
On February 02 2013 08:45 zer0das wrote: I hate it when Riven's go red pot, then load up on a bunch dorans blades and long swords (but no wards), and your jungler just sits there and lets you get shoved all day long. Like what the hell are you supposed to do? If you cs, you take like a billion and a half damage, and then your jungler is like herp derp I'm going to let you get abused all day long and ignore the fact Riven is pushing. I don't understand, how hard is it to come to tribush and wait until Riven burns her e/q and then just annihilate her? It seems like the easiest gank ever, but every time a Riven does this, my jungler just abandons me completely. I rarely die to this, but getting behind because you can't even approach creeps without losing half your health is really problematic. -.- Because hes probably tending to every other lane that is losing just as bad as you are. If riven is sitting on dorans blades and long swords its probably early game, heck possibly pre 6 depending on how much you have fed the riven by now. A junglers job is not to babysit your lane and make you feel like a bad ass cause he camped your lane and let you take all the kills. Just man up and farm under the tower where its safe and let the jungler do his thing. People like you are the reason I go to a game and mute every single person before the game even starts. Just because you play top doesnt make it so you have to go 12376-0 every single game. Your not going to be the #1 star player every game. Get used to it buttercup. | ||
United States8519 Posts
On February 02 2013 09:13 imanoobcs wrote:Because hes probably tending to every other lane that is losing just as bad as you are. Your response assumes an awful lot about me as a player. I don't complain about what the jungler is doing 99% plus of the time, because I'm fully aware I'm not the only thing that's happening on the map. What exactly have I said that is unreasonable? If someone isn't warding and they're sitting on top of on of your towers, why wouldn't you gank? They burn all their cooldowns, you move in, get an easy kill. The end. What exactly about that is unreasonable? The enemy jungler might show up? Well who cares, you're so close to tower there's almost no chance of dying anyways. And I actually warded, whereas my opponent didn't. So that the likelihood of that is almost zero. If they accomplish something somewhere else? I'm fine with that, but leaving this situation alone for really long periods of time when nothing else is going on is extremely foolish. I'm not going into specifics of the game, but our jungler didn't accomplish anything anywhere else. Clearly you think I'm a twat anyways. Oh well, not like I care about your opinion. | ||
184 Posts
On February 02 2013 09:52 zer0das wrote: Your response assumes an awful lot about me as a player. I don't complain about what the jungler is doing 99% plus of the time, because I'm fully aware I'm not the only thing that's happening on the map. What exactly have I said that is unreasonable? If someone isn't warding and they're sitting on top of on of your towers, why wouldn't you gank? They burn all their cooldowns, you move in, get an easy kill. The end. What exactly about that is unreasonable? The enemy jungler might show up? Well who cares, you're so close to tower there's almost no chance of dying anyways. And I actually warded, whereas my opponent didn't. So that the likelihood of that is almost zero. If they accomplish something somewhere else? I'm fine with that, but leaving this situation alone for really long periods of time when nothing else is going on is extremely foolish. I'm not going into specifics of the game, but our jungler didn't accomplish anything anywhere else. Clearly you think I'm a twat anyways. Oh well, not like I care about your opinion. Dont take it personally. Im not trying to insult you as a person but rather lanes that complain about their junglers being trash cause they are not making you win your lane. You said yourself you dont understand why they dont gank when it appears so easy. Junglers have to manage where they are on the entire map and not a single lane. So does jungler feel its more beneficial for themselves to secure their blue or gank your lane and reveal they are top and then lose their blue to counter jungling. Also every time they gank, they lose cs and xp they could use to their advantage. If a jungler camps your lane or ganks every 30 seconds, they are going to be half the level and without items come 20 minutes. They have to farm the jungle and cover lanes as well. I did not see your game and maybe the jungler was running in circles around the nexus, but my guess is he was trying his best and your shouldnt point the finger at the jungler when your lane goes sour. Cause a lot of junglers will mute you and you can forget about a gank in the future. Sorry if you took it as a personal insult. | ||
United States9316 Posts
Get into loading screen, game crashes. Have to restart client. LOLOL YOU GOTTA RE-DL THE PATCH BRO. The fuck. Literally the only thing in this game that really makes me rage, because it's unacceptable. | ||
United States1372 Posts
On February 02 2013 06:55 imanoobcs wrote: Anyone who says you just have to carry harder or do better to get out of low elo is full of it and has never been there. Once you are there, you are stuck there for life. Im about to make a new account to leave this wasteland. Man the throws. Every single game looks like this. ![]() You could always play champions that can hyper-carry or carry, the same way progamers and elo-boosters climb out of elo hell? | ||
England1046 Posts
My bloody wireless card conked out in champ select and even though I never even got into the game it still went on and my team had to 4v5, and I got my first ever leave. Why don't riot end the champ select if someone D/C's? Retarded. | ||
Germany11313 Posts
My adcs gets caught out of position, i throw lantern at him. He ignores it. Why does noone use that fucking lantern? It is so useful. You just need to click on it. OP ganks bot, op escape when you get caught, op everything. And people just ignore it, run by it, and then waste flashs or die when they could just click on the lantern. | ||
Germany1848 Posts
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France45622 Posts
Then Naut goes back to the jungle, and since he ganked level 3 he can't even clear fast and has no map presence with his huge ass cooldowns and no tankiness. Game was basically already over at that point with snowballing Renekton, double kill Draven and an AP Yi in the midlane. I was the Nautilus. Thrash Alaric. >_> Also somebody from my friend list that usually think he's really good, especially at playing AD or stuff like Riven/Elise (read: raceroll that doesn't require much for him to get fed) picks Draven to go with my Taric against Thresh+Vayne. Pretty easy, isn't it? Ward against Thresh, then zone Vayne using Draven's huge damage output to punish her, right? If Thresh engages on me, I stun Vayne as soon as I'm out of his, gg even if I die Draven can easily finish the job, isn't it? NOPE. He plays passively, doesn't try to even harass her at all, and when I ask if he wants to let them push or equalize the wave, he lets them push us all the way to tower, where I can't do much because I'm Taric and Vayne tumbles if I stun her, while I eat free harass from Thresh. So I can't even let him farm in peace. And I can't ward either because if I move he'll get zoned to hell and back, so when my wards die Nunu jungle just zooms zooms in lane with his mobis+blood boil and I have to sacrifice so we don't both die. Dude, learn to play according to your champ before you brag! >_< And he just stated Kha'Zix as one of his mains. *Dude, learn to play according to your champ rather than pick champs that just press buttons! | ||
Germany11313 Posts
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United States2316 Posts
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United States9006 Posts
I'm positive that the most frustrating thing in League is to play AD carry or support when your botlane partner is bad at their role. And you can't yell at him or ask him to do something different or explain why what he did fucked over the lane because nine times out of ten they'll act like an asshole about it. | ||
United States2316 Posts
![]() =/ already from Silver 2 to Silver 3 | ||
United States540 Posts
On February 03 2013 12:45 overt wrote: How come everyone that's bad at this game ends up playing support? It's like they all decided that it was an easy role and they wouldn't get raged at since it's the least popular role so all the bad players decided to pick it up. When in reality if your team has a bad support you're 100% fucked because best case scenario is that your AD carry gets zoned and way out CS'd but the most common scenario is that the enemy AD carry gets fed during lane phase and you get zoned. I'm positive that the most frustrating thing in League is to play AD carry or support when your botlane partner is bad at their role. And you can't yell at him or ask him to do something different or explain why what he did fucked over the lane because nine times out of ten they'll act like an asshole about it. I don't think it's that bad players choose to play support. It's that otherwise decent players who refuse to play support unless they absolutely have to get stuck with it every once in a while, so they'll do stupid stuff like buy bad items and never ward because they want to use the gold and try to carry. | ||
United States8519 Posts
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