Ogod what a terrible game lol
Irelia shyv duo top vs renekton and shittalk him from the first min. he's ok, but cant really leave tower. Malphite and kogmaw somehow lose 2v1 bot vs Corki. WW is basicly just dead weight for the first 30 minutes, not doing anything productive. Like, literally, nothing. he's lvl6 at 11 minutes and doesnt get an ult gank off before laning is completly abandoned in favour of mad roaming. Mad.
This game was so all over the place, it was a slaughter. Holy carp, katarina doesn't like bruisers xD. So, they basicly won top and mid (traded 1v1 with karthus, but got the worse side of creeps dieing off... and he ults for a couple kills) and bot, their jungler was ahead. Everything was pushed in on us, 1 inhib open... then corki dcs. YAYIFICATIONS! DIE!
How the fuck do I get teams that lose to jungle soraka. Doesn't even make sense.
Top lane picks wukong into rumble and dies horribly, jungle feeds top lane even more and bot lane loses. Dunno how I even get queued with these people.......
Frustrating games tonight.
First game I'm Kog with Janna against Vayne Taric bot. I figure it will mostly just be a farm fest. Unfortunately, it's pretty clear early on that Janna doesn't know how to play Janna at all, throwing out completely random whirlwinds and shields, never when we actually need them (I main Janna too). Also, constantly getting caught out of position. Having a poor support wouldn't have been so bad if she wasn't constantly trying to pick fights with them, even when they were ahead. I try to help her out when she does, though that results in one of us dying most of the time (I sympathize too, Janna's a hard champion to learn). She starts feeding, then I start feeding. At the end of the game, team blames exclusively me for Vayne getting hyper fed and us losing the lane so hard.
Seeking some vindication, I decide to go back to my main Janna and play some games. Next game goes better. Still a loss, but not nearly so bad. Unfortunately, one mistake causes me to die early and give first blood to their jungler. Ally Heimer calls me an idiot, and from that point on, pretty much any bad things that happen during the game are automatically my fault. I do better as the game goes on, finishing with 2/3/25 and a lot of clutch saves (including on Heimer himself), but still, that Heimer was relentless. I'm pretty much on tilt by now.
Game 3, I'm first pick, I choose Janna. Enemy team chooses Alistar Corki. Perfect, they choose Alistar vs Janna, we should be set. Then my ally locks in Tristana as our AD carry. Turns out Tristana doesn't know how to last hit either, constantly pushing the lane, only getting mediocre rather than appallingly bad cs because of Tristana's E (maybe that's why he chose her). Anyway, Tristana is constantly aggressive against Alistar Corki, jumping in at bad times and unsurprisingly, starts feeding them. Lane goes poorly, no ganks/support from jungler or mid. Mid Galio is starts harassing me because I didn't shield a tower as it was being attacked by enemy minions, so now I'm the target of all his future harassing. Game goes poorly, they sneak baron, I'm blamed for that even though it was never safe for me to go there and ward (although to be fair, I should have asked for help). Another bad game, and it's apparently all my fault again.
Of course, I'm really tilted by now, and I'm queuing up pretty much to seek some validation. Once again as Janna, end up with free week Ezreal. Gets out-csed by enemy Graves by almost double, even from the very beginning. He wasn't getting zoned or anything, just did poorly at csing. Starts harassing me because I told him staying alone at the tower while he went back to shop, with Blitz and Graves at level 9+ is a great way to get dived and die. Asks if I've ever played support before.
Thankfully, later on, team realizes that Ez is not very good, and sides with me. Even though we lose, our Lee Sin offers a friend invite. By this point, I don't care that we lost, just happy to have been validated.
Definitely not a good reason to play all those games.
my championship level AD carry: 96 farm at 30 minutes, finishes build last on team, does no damage 55 minutes into game, "kites" but misses the critical element of actually shooting inbetween movement, lowest damage on team, lowest gold on team
Last game, as a support, with 0 minion killed, i had the most gold on my team. Fucking noob/troll team, our fizz proceeded to feed smthg like 2/13...
i'm broken. I just can't play solo que alone anymore, it's too much. I need someone to duo que with or something. I can't handle the stupidity and lack of maturity found in some of my teammates. I gank first blood for our mid and then another kill top to start 2-0, but bot lane dies a minute later and says "not playin with this tard" and trolls the rest of the game.
2 games later I land 3 hooks but graves took smokebomb -> quickdraw at level 1 and 2 claiming "it's safer, trust me". How do these people get past 1600?
Nights like these make we want to quit this game so much.
FFFFFFUUUCKKKK STOP PUTTING ME IN RETARDED TEAMS PLEASE!!!! Top fed, mid fed, jungle tried to be cool counterjungling (and not ganking), failing horribly. Only bot lane (mine) was doing decently... But then all the other lanes just gank bot, and my teammates didnt even call mia -.-
I'm also getting heartily sick of ranked, been trying to push my way out of the 850-900 elo range for a week now after tanking a couple of months ago by dropping 15 games in a row and going from 1200-800 in a week, depressingly some of which weren't even due to terribleness by others (though I only didn't have the best performance in maybe 2 of that 15, it wasn't ENTIRELY not my fault ;P).
Now I can't seem to win more than 50% of my games despite carrying about 80% of them really hard (even carrying on support getting scores like 1-2/0-2/15-20+, with team kills around the 25 mark). Even the ones I lose I end up with by far the best scores on my team.
I'm playing AD carry since that seems to be role you can actually carry on traditionally, but despite having an average midgame KDR of 5:1 on graves I've yet to win a game. The other lanes just feed feed feed and I end up having to deal with a yorick with 250 armor and a mallet at 30 minutes or something similar and end the game only a few kills up. I just had my first actual bad score (like 1-9) on him thanks to a voli support who pushed the lane up, couldn't land a fling didn't ward leaving us open for ganks, all of which I avoided and converted one for my kill, but then our mid came down and fed MF while I was backed, so did our jungler and I traded another death for 2 kills for voli. MF ended up like 5/2 by 15 mins and just bullied me the whole game, whenever there was an engagement I got either burned down by her or jumped on by a warwick and focused. In every case I came within like 20 health of trading, even 1v2. All I could think was if I the damn baddies hadn't fed my lane, I would be up 4 kills, not down 5.
Is AD really the best role to play? I've been trying jungling more now and have won every game I've played as hecarim, most of those I've played as wick. Is jungle a better choice to drag me out of this shithole?
On July 18 2012 23:06 Thereisnosaurus wrote:
Is AD really the best role to play? I've been trying jungling more now and have won every game I've played as hecarim, most of those I've played as wick. Is jungle a better choice to drag me out of this shithole?
It really doesn't matter what you play to be honest. I played literally only pantheon/morde for all of 1200-1500. only then did I branch out and start learning other champions
Blind pick EUNE
The picture speaks for itself mostly. Teemo and Twitch immediately say "US BOT" (probably premade) where they proceed to feed the double kill to Taric. Also, look at their CS. Cait mostly feeds, but it doesn't matter, we just get roflstomped by fucking Karthus every teamfight we get low. Team keeps focusing Mundo and Amumu in that order.
+ Show Spoiler +
I had my first legitimate BR in ranked yesterday. I honestly thought people were exaggerating the silliness of those situations, but very very no.
I was third pick, BR was last. I call jungle when everyone else was talking roles, this guy saying nothing the whole time, of course. I grab Skarner, put on Smite, and wait for the countdown before I see "jungler me or feed" from the guy who hasn't said anything yet. I scramble to click Taric in the last 8 seconds, and mention that in the future, it's better if he diversified his champ pool so he could play other roles.
"no i mid or junglr only, fk u"
That was the last time he spoke in "English", as soon as we got in he started typing in what I could only assume to be Brazilian or Spanish. It's been a while since I took high school Spanish, but I was fairly certain most of it was gibberish. Nonetheless, Riven jungle, repeatedly fucked up ganks, 1-2 before the 10 minute mark. We asked him to type in a language we could understand, rather politely from everyone surprisingly, and only got another "fk u" in reply.
The last straw, apparently, was when she was taking another blue from our mid (I think he was LB), and the enemy jungler and bot went over to steal. I typed mia, I pinged, and me and Kog went to intercept, but of course she was at half fighting blue and died nearly instantly. Cue another 3 messages of non-english swearing and the word "afk".
We all laughed about it, but it was pretty fucking terrible.
Also, nobody but Wukong buys wards. What the fuck.
Its not worth raging about normals, few people take them seriously.
On July 19 2012 02:28 Goozen wrote: Its not worth raging about normals, few people take them seriously.
My normals are way more tryhard than my ranked games.
Maybe that's why my elo is trash
On July 19 2012 02:17 Plague1503 wrote:Blind pick EUNE The picture speaks for itself mostly. Teemo and Twitch immediately say "US BOT" (probably premade) where they proceed to feed the double kill to Taric. Also, look at their CS. Cait mostly feeds, but it doesn't matter, we just get roflstomped by fucking Karthus every teamfight we get low. Team keeps focusing Mundo and Amumu in that order. + Show Spoiler +
I noticed that your team built a lot of magic resist.
On July 19 2012 06:06 remedium wrote:Show nested quote +On July 19 2012 02:17 Plague1503 wrote:Blind pick EUNE The picture speaks for itself mostly. Teemo and Twitch immediately say "US BOT" (probably premade) where they proceed to feed the double kill to Taric. Also, look at their CS. Cait mostly feeds, but it doesn't matter, we just get roflstomped by fucking Karthus every teamfight we get low. Team keeps focusing Mundo and Amumu in that order. + Show Spoiler + I noticed that your team built a lot of magic resist.
#1 Rule of playing against Karthus: You don't build magic resist so he can get his pentakill as easy as possible :p
I must be in the depths of hell right now. Every single support I've laned with has insisted on farming in bot, making me fall behind in gold, therefore items, therefore the game. And they are terrible to begin with, so we can't make the lane a kill lane either. I don't give a shit that it's normals. As Totalbiscuit once said, it's a team game, and by not taking it seriously, you are wasting other people's time (paraphrased).
Riot needs to make their level progression system by wins/loss cuz playing with level 30s who have no concept of actually playing the game is getting frustrating.
Also, Graves needs to get nerfed -.-
dammit riot account banned till the 1st
On July 19 2012 06:55 nohbrows wrote: I must be in the depths of hell right now. Every single support I've laned with has insisted on farming in bot, making me fall behind in gold, therefore items, therefore the game. And they are terrible to begin with, so we can't make the lane a kill lane either. I don't give a shit that it's normals. As Totalbiscuit once said, it's a team game, and by not taking it seriously, you are wasting other people's time (paraphrased).
Riot needs to make their level progression system by wins/loss cuz playing with level 30s who have no concept of actually playing the game is getting frustrating.
Also, Graves needs to get nerfed -.-
If you're AD, unless the support uses skills they shouldn't be able to out-last hit you. If they can, you need to improve your mechanics.
My personal QQ.
Fiddle has 2/3 hp left, and it's teamfight time. He has a freaking WotA and decides to back for hp. We're defending mid tower at this point 4v5 with fiddle, 3v5 without. I don't realize fiddle's backing and use orianna ulti on 5 and start the engage with a leona ulti on top of that. Irelia dives in and kills one person but we don't realize fiddle's not there so irelia explodes shortly after and we're forced to cede mid tower because fiddle's off jacking off.
We have the stupid dragon timer, I've pinged it for the last minute, counted it down in chat and fiddle is top. We try to contest 4v5 dragon, again getting 4x people in ori ulti but without fiddle's AoE damage to follow up, we lose dragon, lose kills, surrender game. Seriously, win lane, win game applies apart from when everyone is equal in skill to you meaning your team has to collectively win 2/4 of the lanes to be reasonably even.
Just played the mos wtfbbq holy fucking shit bad team mate game.
We had a decent early game got a bit of a lead with kills. So we try and push and right when were pushing our AD carry goes top then we lose the 4v5. i get mad but im still cool cuz its just one push and we traded 2 kills for 3 not to bad.
Second push mid i say WE NEED ALL 5, our AP decides nope im gona push bot when the whole fucking team is signaling him.
Third push, I get my spider sense that they are baroning, BAM we hit them get 3 kills for 1, and a baron steal. WITH BARON buff and 4v2 I signal to push, only to watch our AP decide to FUCKING jungle.........................................................
Fourth push, we defend them trade 3 kills for 2 kills go for top tower, our AD goes top to try and get the double tower kill when we can easy push in get the inhib and b out, he trys to be fancy and we cant take the inhib.
FIFTH Fucking push, by now im screaming at my teammates as weve had 5 great oppurtunitys and somebody differant keeps fucking it up, we get there inhibitor this time. but then our AP backs out when we could of gotten another.
Then 10 minutes later we lose two 5v5's because at this point all of these fail pushes have fed them enough. THen we can still maybe hold but our AP goes for a back door fail, gets killed.....
Holy fuck, i rarely rage at team mates but this game made me think I was going to have a heart attack.