On June 03 2011 13:28 barbsq wrote: i have a challenge for a brave soul find me league of legends soccer, as in the one with soraka as the ball
thats really old, alistar doesnt trample. You could probably use Vayne instead of tristana now
Poppy prob would have been better than trist. Lower CD....zzzz But yeah, vayne an even better choice now.
if there were a 6v6 map, lee sin and tristana on opposite teams for fairness
On June 03 2011 14:13 Phrost wrote: thats really old, alistar doesnt trample. You could probably use Vayne instead of tristana now
dude soraka has locket
not sure what to say tristana de-yordled?
a 4 minute video showcasing the other team failing epically? -.-
Wait a sec...
what is this... I don't even... I think the karma team wins but not sure because revive is gay.
It only makes any sense if you've been reading reddit recently. Not that the picture is funny if you've read the topics, was some random crap about running a heal team.
We decided to ARAM it since it was so dumb to play it out. And yes, karma was OP.
Guardsman. Bob. is. my. God. And a wonderful singer/song writer <3 Much better than this justin beiber or rebecca crap we have today. :D
Straight outta Johto 18973 Posts
While not something that's funny, this LoL song is really, really good. No YT link, but on the page there's an embedded music player.
On June 10 2011 01:39 Lanzoma wrote: Wait a sec...
I saw this on reddit LOL I was like o dese guise look familiar
............... lol ................
Hey, that's only 1 month old. Good find.
UR SO MEAN Someone posted it on facebook so I clicked play and it sounded retarded, so I didn't actually look at the date