On November 02 2014 13:47 The_Templar wrote:On November 02 2014 13:43 The_Templar wrote:On November 02 2014 13:40 The_Templar wrote:On November 02 2014 13:36 The_Templar wrote:2:00
soO going hatchery first against CC first.
Barracks/gas for TaeJa.
Gas/pool for soO.
Two queens for soO.
TaeJa scouting with an SCV.
Bunker at TaeJa's front.
soO getting zergling speed.
Factory for TaeJa.
TaeJa getting a second refinery.
soO poking in with an overlord.
Starport for TaeJa, which soO sees.
soO's overlord gets out.
Hellions for TaeJa.
TaeJa getting hellions.
soO getting a third base.
Lair on the way for soO.
Banshee on the way for TaeJa.
soO's overlord pokes in again and sees the tech lab on the starport.
TaeJa getting a third CC.
Stim for TaeJa.
TaeJa 56 vs
soO 60
Overlord sees just about everything in TaeJa's main.
Spores in soO's bases.
Two engineering bays for TaeJa.
Baneling nest on the way for soO.
Spire on the way for soO.
soO also has two evolution chambers.
+1/1 for both players.
TaeJa 69 vs
soO 70
TaeJa denies some creep.
Banshee gets into the main base of soO with a banshee.
Four more barracks for TaeJa.
TaeJa 76 vs
soO 82
Baneling speed for soO.
Mutalisks on the way for soO.
+1 flier attack for soO.
TaeJa 97 vs
soO 98
Combat shields on the way for TaeJa.
+2/2 for both players.
TaeJa poking onto the edge of creep.
TaeJa 125 vs
soO 134
TaeJa not denying creep well.
soO is on four bases against 3.
TaeJa has a viking with his army.
TaeJa clearing creep now.
TaeJa 156 vs
soO 161
TaeJa adding on hellbats and a thor.
soO getting +1 flier armor.
Concussive shells on the way for TaeJa.
soO finds a widow mine and doesn't take too much damage.
Engagement in the center where widow mines kill mainly zerglings.
TaeJa doesn't split terribly well but they trade evenly.
TaeJa 144 vs
soO 160
Infestation pit for soO.
TaeJa moving out again.
+3/3 for TaeJa.
Fourth CC for TaeJa.
TaeJa 158 vs
soO 185
Banshee going for the fourth base of soO.
Overlords going to the corner right next to the banshee.
Two marines bait out 2 banelings.
Mutalisks clean up a viking and a banshee.
Hive for soO.
TaeJa 188 vs
soO 199
soO preparing an attack.
TaeJa taking a fourth base.
soO tries attacking off creep.
TaeJa maxes out and moves out.
Turns out the banshee is still alive, whoops.
TaeJa 199 vs
soO 193
soO going for a large ling/baneling/mutalisk counter.
Ultralisk cavern for soO.
TaeJa finishing +3 attack.
TaeJa does a drop which is cleaned up.
TaeJa adding on a marauder.
Ultralisk armor for soO.
TaeJa 198 vs
soO 195
TaeJa dropping the fifth in the center while landing units outside the base.
TaeJa breaks the fifth but doesn't kill it.
soO pushes him back as TaeJa splits badly.
Ultralisks on the way.
TaeJa adding on some marauders.
6th base for soO near TaeJa's natural.