15:00 - Phenix harass at the forth. - Double void ray. - Roro scouts everything - Tunnelling cloaws. - Warp prism, +1 armore and +3attack. - +2 range started. - SH in production and corruptors. - 5th for Roro. - corruptors and phenix fight. - Rain is pushing accross the map with 2void his phenix and a ground army. Kills a lot of corruptors. - Deny the 5th. Meanwhile +2 carapace, hive and - 3more gate, robo bay. - Rain goes for the 4th (behind it on HG)
17:00 - Colo range. - Zealot runby kills roachs in ex fifth. - Rain drops in the main but corruptrs kills the WP as it is warping. - Rain didn't go for the 4th cause locust. - Zealot ryuunby in natural. - Roro cleaned proxy pylons. - Zealots in nat still killing roachs. (- Burrowed roaches are scouted and killed in rain nat. - Rain takes his 3th north east.
19:00 - Roro as retaken his 5th. - Roro attack the rocks in rain natural. with roaches. - Roro is pushed back without the help of Rain's main army. - Roro Moving back his swarmhost to his 5th. - Phenix harass at the fourth. Roro have 4guys in his guyser. - I forgot production tab - Storme, +2 armor, +1 shield, colo - Vipêrs +3/+3 and production tab is hiddeN.
22:00 - Pathogene glands and second spire. - Tons of spores. - SH pushing the 4th. - Rain moving to the nat by the rocks. - +3 shiled ? +2 ? not sure +21armor too. Or +3. I'm tired. - Fleet beacon. - WP in production. - Rain pulls back his army but a stalker squad break the rocks and go to the main. - +2 flyer attacks. - Stalkers still alive, killing queens and ovie. - +1 melee and +1 fleyr armor. - Void ray and oclo in prod. - I'm really tired. - Corruptor in prod.
25 : 00 - Random colo killed in the middle of the map. Phenix are killed. - Huge zealot arping in the main. WP is killed by corruptors. - Zealots kills the greater spire and +2 flyer is canceled. - +2 air weapons for Rain and +3 shield (i'm sure now). - Another spire and infestors in prod. - Rain is DESTROYINFG the 5th with storm, FF and a ton of respect. - Rain taking his 5th base. - R140/Roro159 (damnit they're both with an R) - Well it wasn"t that bad. 5th is still alive for Roro. - 3 stalker harrassing the 4th. - Colo and infestor in prod. - Stalkers in prod.
27:00 - Rain is pushing in the forth and storm all the swarm host. Corruptors can't kill much. - 4th is killed. supplys are 191Z/171P (so Zerg and Protoss). - Rain is rteally fine despise the zerg being maxed. - BTW the oracle is still alive. - Rain pushing the 5th of roro. Storming the corrupotrs. Supply are unchanged. - There's a runby of somesort at the 4th of rain with roaches. - Here's the oracle defendeing the runby.
32:00 -Rain feedback oversserrs. - Rain have 5colo and a archon. - Runby at the 4th of Rain is cleaned up. - P187/Z200 - Vipers in prod. +2/+2 air for Roro. - 6th for Rain. - Roro is retaking his 5th in the bottom (ex 44th). - Rain is pushing the nat. - Fungals vs storm. Nearly all templars dies - Runby in the building 6th of rain But he defenses it. - Zealots runby in the main and in the building base at bottom right. Both defended. - Oh no. Cute blink micro kills the base. - Another stargate and +3 aiur attack for Rain. - Disapointed by the lack of carrier. - Roro is pushing the left base of rain. - Zealot runby heading for the nat again.
34:00 -Rain apparently have a drak shrine and warps DT to defend his left base. - Zealots runby at the natural kills static defense. 3 dts get into the main of RORO. - DT target infestation put but does not get it. - Roro puhsing the centrral base of rain with locusts. - Proxy pylon near roro's main is killed. - DT hitting the bottom lefet base and killing it. - Rain pushing into the natural. - Roro is supply blocked. Oh no 194Supply. - Roro try to rebuilt his base at the bottom left and gets insta killed then build it again. - Rain is taking the base just top right of Roro's nat but is killed by SHJ.
37:00 - STOP ATTACKING I CAN'T FGOLLOW !!!!! - Locusts kill the central base. - Rain pushing in Bootom left. - Storms locust. -blink to get vipers. micro to evadege fungal. - Fungal on stalkers - Colossus are pulled and killed by corruptors. - Daminit that old. - P137/Z193 - Roro is playing REALLY well from what i can gather (meaning not much because i barely watch the game while typing).
Wow it's like a perfect LR improvisation that actually matches the game, then ?
No, players are given a live feed of FFW_Rude's LR, then they play accordingly. It's all his fault Reality and SK went on for so long
17:00 - Colo range. - Zealot runby kills roachs in ex fifth. - Rain drops in the main but corruptrs kills the WP as it is warping. - Rain didn't go for the 4th cause locust. - Zealot ryuunby in natural. - Roro cleaned proxy pylons. - Zealots in nat still killing roachs. (- Burrowed roaches are scouted and killed in rain nat. - Rain takes his 3th north east.
19:00 - Roro as retaken his 5th. - Roro attack the rocks in rain natural. with roaches. - Roro is pushed back without the help of Rain's main army. - Roro Moving back his swarmhost to his 5th. - Phenix harass at the fourth. Roro have 4guys in his guyser. - I forgot production tab - Storme, +2 armor, +1 shield, colo - Vipêrs +3/+3 and production tab is hiddeN.
22:00 - Pathogene glands and second spire. - Tons of spores. - SH pushing the 4th. - Rain moving to the nat by the rocks. - +3 shiled ? +2 ? not sure +21armor too. Or +3. I'm tired. - Fleet beacon. - WP in production. - Rain pulls back his army but a stalker squad break the rocks and go to the main. - +2 flyer attacks. - Stalkers still alive, killing queens and ovie. - +1 melee and +1 fleyr armor. - Void ray and oclo in prod. - I'm really tired. - Corruptor in prod.
25 : 00 - Random colo killed in the middle of the map. Phenix are killed. - Huge zealot arping in the main. WP is killed by corruptors. - Zealots kills the greater spire and +2 flyer is canceled. - +2 air weapons for Rain and +3 shield (i'm sure now). - Another spire and infestors in prod. - Rain is DESTROYINFG the 5th with storm, FF and a ton of respect. - Rain taking his 5th base. - R140/Roro159 (damnit they're both with an R) - Well it wasn"t that bad. 5th is still alive for Roro. - 3 stalker harrassing the 4th. - Colo and infestor in prod. - Stalkers in prod.
27:00 - Rain is pushing in the forth and storm all the swarm host. Corruptors can't kill much. - 4th is killed. supplys are 191Z/171P (so Zerg and Protoss). - Rain is rteally fine despise the zerg being maxed. - BTW the oracle is still alive. - Rain pushing the 5th of roro. Storming the corrupotrs. Supply are unchanged. - There's a runby of somesort at the 4th of rain with roaches. - Here's the oracle defendeing the runby.
32:00 -Rain feedback oversserrs. - Rain have 5colo and a archon. - Runby at the 4th of Rain is cleaned up. - P187/Z200 - Vipers in prod. +2/+2 air for Roro. - 6th for Rain. - Roro is retaking his 5th in the bottom (ex 44th). - Rain is pushing the nat. - Fungals vs storm. Nearly all templars dies - Runby in the building 6th of rain But he defenses it. - Zealots runby in the main and in the building base at bottom right. Both defended. - Oh no. Cute blink micro kills the base. - Another stargate and +3 aiur attack for Rain. - Disapointed by the lack of carrier. - Roro is pushing the left base of rain. - Zealot runby heading for the nat again.
34:00 -Rain apparently have a drak shrine and warps DT to defend his left base. - Zealots runby at the natural kills static defense. 3 dts get into the main of RORO. - DT target infestation put but does not get it. - Roro puhsing the centrral base of rain with locusts. - Proxy pylon near roro's main is killed. - DT hitting the bottom lefet base and killing it. - Rain pushing into the natural. - Roro is supply blocked. Oh no 194Supply. - Roro try to rebuilt his base at the bottom left and gets insta killed then build it again. - Rain is taking the base just top right of Roro's nat but is killed by SHJ.
37:00 - STOP ATTACKING I CAN'T FGOLLOW !!!!! - Locusts kill the central base. - Rain pushing in Bootom left. - Storms locust. -blink to get vipers. micro to evadege fungal. - Fungal on stalkers - Colossus are pulled and killed by corruptors. - Daminit that old. - P137/Z193 - Roro is playing REALLY well from what i can gather (meaning not much because i barely watch the game while typing).
Wow it's like a perfect LR improvisation that actually matches the game, then ?
it's mostly observations when you LR. I hardly understand games as well when I LR too
17:00 - Colo range. - Zealot runby kills roachs in ex fifth. - Rain drops in the main but corruptrs kills the WP as it is warping. - Rain didn't go for the 4th cause locust. - Zealot ryuunby in natural. - Roro cleaned proxy pylons. - Zealots in nat still killing roachs. (- Burrowed roaches are scouted and killed in rain nat. - Rain takes his 3th north east.
19:00 - Roro as retaken his 5th. - Roro attack the rocks in rain natural. with roaches. - Roro is pushed back without the help of Rain's main army. - Roro Moving back his swarmhost to his 5th. - Phenix harass at the fourth. Roro have 4guys in his guyser. - I forgot production tab - Storme, +2 armor, +1 shield, colo - Vipêrs +3/+3 and production tab is hiddeN.
22:00 - Pathogene glands and second spire. - Tons of spores. - SH pushing the 4th. - Rain moving to the nat by the rocks. - +3 shiled ? +2 ? not sure +21armor too. Or +3. I'm tired. - Fleet beacon. - WP in production. - Rain pulls back his army but a stalker squad break the rocks and go to the main. - +2 flyer attacks. - Stalkers still alive, killing queens and ovie. - +1 melee and +1 fleyr armor. - Void ray and oclo in prod. - I'm really tired. - Corruptor in prod.
25 : 00 - Random colo killed in the middle of the map. Phenix are killed. - Huge zealot arping in the main. WP is killed by corruptors. - Zealots kills the greater spire and +2 flyer is canceled. - +2 air weapons for Rain and +3 shield (i'm sure now). - Another spire and infestors in prod. - Rain is DESTROYINFG the 5th with storm, FF and a ton of respect. - Rain taking his 5th base. - R140/Roro159 (damnit they're both with an R) - Well it wasn"t that bad. 5th is still alive for Roro. - 3 stalker harrassing the 4th. - Colo and infestor in prod. - Stalkers in prod.
27:00 - Rain is pushing in the forth and storm all the swarm host. Corruptors can't kill much. - 4th is killed. supplys are 191Z/171P (so Zerg and Protoss). - Rain is rteally fine despise the zerg being maxed. - BTW the oracle is still alive. - Rain pushing the 5th of roro. Storming the corrupotrs. Supply are unchanged. - There's a runby of somesort at the 4th of rain with roaches. - Here's the oracle defendeing the runby.
32:00 -Rain feedback oversserrs. - Rain have 5colo and a archon. - Runby at the 4th of Rain is cleaned up. - P187/Z200 - Vipers in prod. +2/+2 air for Roro. - 6th for Rain. - Roro is retaking his 5th in the bottom (ex 44th). - Rain is pushing the nat. - Fungals vs storm. Nearly all templars dies - Runby in the building 6th of rain But he defenses it. - Zealots runby in the main and in the building base at bottom right. Both defended. - Oh no. Cute blink micro kills the base. - Another stargate and +3 aiur attack for Rain. - Disapointed by the lack of carrier. - Roro is pushing the left base of rain. - Zealot runby heading for the nat again.
34:00 -Rain apparently have a drak shrine and warps DT to defend his left base. - Zealots runby at the natural kills static defense. 3 dts get into the main of RORO. - DT target infestation put but does not get it. - Roro puhsing the centrral base of rain with locusts. - Proxy pylon near roro's main is killed. - DT hitting the bottom lefet base and killing it. - Rain pushing into the natural. - Roro is supply blocked. Oh no 194Supply. - Roro try to rebuilt his base at the bottom left and gets insta killed then build it again. - Rain is taking the base just top right of Roro's nat but is killed by SHJ.
37:00 - STOP ATTACKING I CAN'T FGOLLOW !!!!! - Locusts kill the central base. - Rain pushing in Bootom left. - Storms locust. -blink to get vipers. micro to evadege fungal. - Fungal on stalkers - Colossus are pulled and killed by corruptors. - Daminit that old. - P137/Z193 - Roro is playing REALLY well from what i can gather (meaning not much because i barely watch the game while typing).
Wow it's like a perfect LR improvisation that actually matches the game, then ?
No, players are given a live feed of FFW_Rude's LR, then they play accordingly. It's all his fault Reality and SK went on for so long
Oh. So he looks like a hero while HE'S ACTUALLY HURTING ESPORTS !
15:00 - Phenix harass at the forth. - Double void ray. - Roro scouts everything - Tunnelling cloaws. - Warp prism, +1 armore and +3attack. - +2 range started. - SH in production and corruptors. - 5th for Roro. - corruptors and phenix fight. - Rain is pushing accross the map with 2void his phenix and a ground army. Kills a lot of corruptors. - Deny the 5th. Meanwhile +2 carapace, hive and - 3more gate, robo bay. - Rain goes for the 4th (behind it on HG)
17:00 - Colo range. - Zealot runby kills roachs in ex fifth. - Rain drops in the main but corruptrs kills the WP as it is warping. - Rain didn't go for the 4th cause locust. - Zealot ryuunby in natural. - Roro cleaned proxy pylons. - Zealots in nat still killing roachs. (- Burrowed roaches are scouted and killed in rain nat. - Rain takes his 3th north east.
19:00 - Roro as retaken his 5th. - Roro attack the rocks in rain natural. with roaches. - Roro is pushed back without the help of Rain's main army. - Roro Moving back his swarmhost to his 5th. - Phenix harass at the fourth. Roro have 4guys in his guyser. - I forgot production tab - Storme, +2 armor, +1 shield, colo - Vipêrs +3/+3 and production tab is hiddeN.
22:00 - Pathogene glands and second spire. - Tons of spores. - SH pushing the 4th. - Rain moving to the nat by the rocks. - +3 shiled ? +2 ? not sure +21armor too. Or +3. I'm tired. - Fleet beacon. - WP in production. - Rain pulls back his army but a stalker squad break the rocks and go to the main. - +2 flyer attacks. - Stalkers still alive, killing queens and ovie. - +1 melee and +1 fleyr armor. - Void ray and oclo in prod. - I'm really tired. - Corruptor in prod.
25 : 00 - Random colo killed in the middle of the map. Phenix are killed. - Huge zealot arping in the main. WP is killed by corruptors. - Zealots kills the greater spire and +2 flyer is canceled. - +2 air weapons for Rain and +3 shield (i'm sure now). - Another spire and infestors in prod. - Rain is DESTROYINFG the 5th with storm, FF and a ton of respect. - Rain taking his 5th base. - R140/Roro159 (damnit they're both with an R) - Well it wasn"t that bad. 5th is still alive for Roro. - 3 stalker harrassing the 4th. - Colo and infestor in prod. - Stalkers in prod.
27:00 - Rain is pushing in the forth and storm all the swarm host. Corruptors can't kill much. - 4th is killed. supplys are 191Z/171P (so Zerg and Protoss). - Rain is rteally fine despise the zerg being maxed. - BTW the oracle is still alive. - Rain pushing the 5th of roro. Storming the corrupotrs. Supply are unchanged. - There's a runby of somesort at the 4th of rain with roaches. - Here's the oracle defendeing the runby.
32:00 -Rain feedback oversserrs. - Rain have 5colo and a archon. - Runby at the 4th of Rain is cleaned up. - P187/Z200 - Vipers in prod. +2/+2 air for Roro. - 6th for Rain. - Roro is retaking his 5th in the bottom (ex 44th). - Rain is pushing the nat. - Fungals vs storm. Nearly all templars dies - Runby in the building 6th of rain But he defenses it. - Zealots runby in the main and in the building base at bottom right. Both defended. - Oh no. Cute blink micro kills the base. - Another stargate and +3 aiur attack for Rain. - Disapointed by the lack of carrier. - Roro is pushing the left base of rain. - Zealot runby heading for the nat again.
34:00 -Rain apparently have a drak shrine and warps DT to defend his left base. - Zealots runby at the natural kills static defense. 3 dts get into the main of RORO. - DT target infestation put but does not get it. - Roro puhsing the centrral base of rain with locusts. - Proxy pylon near roro's main is killed. - DT hitting the bottom lefet base and killing it. - Rain pushing into the natural. - Roro is supply blocked. Oh no 194Supply. - Roro try to rebuilt his base at the bottom left and gets insta killed then build it again. - Rain is taking the base just top right of Roro's nat but is killed by SHJ.
37:00 - STOP ATTACKING I CAN'T FGOLLOW !!!!! - Locusts kill the central base. - Rain pushing in Bootom left. - Storms locust. -blink to get vipers. micro to evadege fungal. - Fungal on stalkers - Colossus are pulled and killed by corruptors. - Daminit that old. - P137/Z193 - Roro is playing REALLY well from what i can gather (meaning not much because i barely watch the game while typing).
39:00 - I'm going to get tendinitis on my left wrist. - Rain attacking the left base with swarm host. then moving his army to reattack the central base. - Rain thinks he's Flash and try to defend. - Central base killed again (no cancel). - DT killing the right base of Roro (he cancels). - Rain pushing into the natural via th right. - He could be sandwish by locust but no.
41:00 - Rain took the central base again. - Roach runby at the left base. - Locust killing the central base (gets cancels). - P173/Z187 - Dt kills one of roro's spires. - AND KILLS THE SECOND. - Rain army is going to his central base that he's trying to rebuild AGAIN. - Roro tries to runby the left base but gets denied. - Bunched of stalkers gets fungaled and kill outside of the central base.
17:00 - Colo range. - Zealot runby kills roachs in ex fifth. - Rain drops in the main but corruptrs kills the WP as it is warping. - Rain didn't go for the 4th cause locust. - Zealot ryuunby in natural. - Roro cleaned proxy pylons. - Zealots in nat still killing roachs. (- Burrowed roaches are scouted and killed in rain nat. - Rain takes his 3th north east.
19:00 - Roro as retaken his 5th. - Roro attack the rocks in rain natural. with roaches. - Roro is pushed back without the help of Rain's main army. - Roro Moving back his swarmhost to his 5th. - Phenix harass at the fourth. Roro have 4guys in his guyser. - I forgot production tab - Storme, +2 armor, +1 shield, colo - Vipêrs +3/+3 and production tab is hiddeN.
22:00 - Pathogene glands and second spire. - Tons of spores. - SH pushing the 4th. - Rain moving to the nat by the rocks. - +3 shiled ? +2 ? not sure +21armor too. Or +3. I'm tired. - Fleet beacon. - WP in production. - Rain pulls back his army but a stalker squad break the rocks and go to the main. - +2 flyer attacks. - Stalkers still alive, killing queens and ovie. - +1 melee and +1 fleyr armor. - Void ray and oclo in prod. - I'm really tired. - Corruptor in prod.
25 : 00 - Random colo killed in the middle of the map. Phenix are killed. - Huge zealot arping in the main. WP is killed by corruptors. - Zealots kills the greater spire and +2 flyer is canceled. - +2 air weapons for Rain and +3 shield (i'm sure now). - Another spire and infestors in prod. - Rain is DESTROYINFG the 5th with storm, FF and a ton of respect. - Rain taking his 5th base. - R140/Roro159 (damnit they're both with an R) - Well it wasn"t that bad. 5th is still alive for Roro. - 3 stalker harrassing the 4th. - Colo and infestor in prod. - Stalkers in prod.
27:00 - Rain is pushing in the forth and storm all the swarm host. Corruptors can't kill much. - 4th is killed. supplys are 191Z/171P (so Zerg and Protoss). - Rain is rteally fine despise the zerg being maxed. - BTW the oracle is still alive. - Rain pushing the 5th of roro. Storming the corrupotrs. Supply are unchanged. - There's a runby of somesort at the 4th of rain with roaches. - Here's the oracle defendeing the runby.
32:00 -Rain feedback oversserrs. - Rain have 5colo and a archon. - Runby at the 4th of Rain is cleaned up. - P187/Z200 - Vipers in prod. +2/+2 air for Roro. - 6th for Rain. - Roro is retaking his 5th in the bottom (ex 44th). - Rain is pushing the nat. - Fungals vs storm. Nearly all templars dies - Runby in the building 6th of rain But he defenses it. - Zealots runby in the main and in the building base at bottom right. Both defended. - Oh no. Cute blink micro kills the base. - Another stargate and +3 aiur attack for Rain. - Disapointed by the lack of carrier. - Roro is pushing the left base of rain. - Zealot runby heading for the nat again.
34:00 -Rain apparently have a drak shrine and warps DT to defend his left base. - Zealots runby at the natural kills static defense. 3 dts get into the main of RORO. - DT target infestation put but does not get it. - Roro puhsing the centrral base of rain with locusts. - Proxy pylon near roro's main is killed. - DT hitting the bottom lefet base and killing it. - Rain pushing into the natural. - Roro is supply blocked. Oh no 194Supply. - Roro try to rebuilt his base at the bottom left and gets insta killed then build it again. - Rain is taking the base just top right of Roro's nat but is killed by SHJ.
37:00 - STOP ATTACKING I CAN'T FGOLLOW !!!!! - Locusts kill the central base. - Rain pushing in Bootom left. - Storms locust. -blink to get vipers. micro to evadege fungal. - Fungal on stalkers - Colossus are pulled and killed by corruptors. - Daminit that old. - P137/Z193 - Roro is playing REALLY well from what i can gather (meaning not much because i barely watch the game while typing).
Wow it's like a perfect LR improvisation that actually matches the game, then ?
No, players are given a live feed of FFW_Rude's LR, then they play accordingly. It's all his fault Reality and SK went on for so long
Lol, I almost burst out laughing when readign this, I m in the middle of my open space...
On February 10 2014 23:20 Extenz wrote: im still not sure about the korean Way to deal with Swarm hosts Which is constant harassment with the army, opposed to the skytoss mothership transition
because the skytoss transition more often than not leaves the toss on the MaNa side of things while there's a FireCake smiling from behing the wall of spores
17:00 - Colo range. - Zealot runby kills roachs in ex fifth. - Rain drops in the main but corruptrs kills the WP as it is warping. - Rain didn't go for the 4th cause locust. - Zealot ryuunby in natural. - Roro cleaned proxy pylons. - Zealots in nat still killing roachs. (- Burrowed roaches are scouted and killed in rain nat. - Rain takes his 3th north east.
19:00 - Roro as retaken his 5th. - Roro attack the rocks in rain natural. with roaches. - Roro is pushed back without the help of Rain's main army. - Roro Moving back his swarmhost to his 5th. - Phenix harass at the fourth. Roro have 4guys in his guyser. - I forgot production tab - Storme, +2 armor, +1 shield, colo - Vipêrs +3/+3 and production tab is hiddeN.
22:00 - Pathogene glands and second spire. - Tons of spores. - SH pushing the 4th. - Rain moving to the nat by the rocks. - +3 shiled ? +2 ? not sure +21armor too. Or +3. I'm tired. - Fleet beacon. - WP in production. - Rain pulls back his army but a stalker squad break the rocks and go to the main. - +2 flyer attacks. - Stalkers still alive, killing queens and ovie. - +1 melee and +1 fleyr armor. - Void ray and oclo in prod. - I'm really tired. - Corruptor in prod.
25 : 00 - Random colo killed in the middle of the map. Phenix are killed. - Huge zealot arping in the main. WP is killed by corruptors. - Zealots kills the greater spire and +2 flyer is canceled. - +2 air weapons for Rain and +3 shield (i'm sure now). - Another spire and infestors in prod. - Rain is DESTROYINFG the 5th with storm, FF and a ton of respect. - Rain taking his 5th base. - R140/Roro159 (damnit they're both with an R) - Well it wasn"t that bad. 5th is still alive for Roro. - 3 stalker harrassing the 4th. - Colo and infestor in prod. - Stalkers in prod.
27:00 - Rain is pushing in the forth and storm all the swarm host. Corruptors can't kill much. - 4th is killed. supplys are 191Z/171P (so Zerg and Protoss). - Rain is rteally fine despise the zerg being maxed. - BTW the oracle is still alive. - Rain pushing the 5th of roro. Storming the corrupotrs. Supply are unchanged. - There's a runby of somesort at the 4th of rain with roaches. - Here's the oracle defendeing the runby.
32:00 -Rain feedback oversserrs. - Rain have 5colo and a archon. - Runby at the 4th of Rain is cleaned up. - P187/Z200 - Vipers in prod. +2/+2 air for Roro. - 6th for Rain. - Roro is retaking his 5th in the bottom (ex 44th). - Rain is pushing the nat. - Fungals vs storm. Nearly all templars dies - Runby in the building 6th of rain But he defenses it. - Zealots runby in the main and in the building base at bottom right. Both defended. - Oh no. Cute blink micro kills the base. - Another stargate and +3 aiur attack for Rain. - Disapointed by the lack of carrier. - Roro is pushing the left base of rain. - Zealot runby heading for the nat again.
34:00 -Rain apparently have a drak shrine and warps DT to defend his left base. - Zealots runby at the natural kills static defense. 3 dts get into the main of RORO. - DT target infestation put but does not get it. - Roro puhsing the centrral base of rain with locusts. - Proxy pylon near roro's main is killed. - DT hitting the bottom lefet base and killing it. - Rain pushing into the natural. - Roro is supply blocked. Oh no 194Supply. - Roro try to rebuilt his base at the bottom left and gets insta killed then build it again. - Rain is taking the base just top right of Roro's nat but is killed by SHJ.
37:00 - STOP ATTACKING I CAN'T FGOLLOW !!!!! - Locusts kill the central base. - Rain pushing in Bootom left. - Storms locust. -blink to get vipers. micro to evadege fungal. - Fungal on stalkers - Colossus are pulled and killed by corruptors. - Daminit that old. - P137/Z193 - Roro is playing REALLY well from what i can gather (meaning not much because i barely watch the game while typing).
39:00 - I'm going to get tendinitis on my left wrist. - Rain attacking the left base with swarm host. then moving his army to reattack the central base. - Rain thinks he's Flash and try to defend. - Central base killed again (no cancel). - DT killing the right base of Roro (he cancels). - Rain pushing into the natural via th right. - He could be sandwish by locust but no.
41:00 - Rain took the central base again. - Roach runby at the left base. - Locust killing the central base (gets cancels). - P173/Z187 - Dt kills one of roro's spires. - AND KILLS THE SECOND. - Rain army is going to his central base that he's trying to rebuild AGAIN. - Roro tries to runby the left base but gets denied. - Bunched of stalkers gets fungaled and kill outside of the central base.
-44:00 - Zealot runbys kills a queen. - Rain pushing central base. - Runby at the natural of roro. - Rain moving to the south then gets back when he sees no base. - Natural of roro gets killed. Or was killed beforre. - Stalker doing break dance and the blink. - Rain 's army move back to central base of his. - ANOTHER zealot runby in roro's naturalthen gets into the main targetting the hive. - A lone colossus is killed in the middle of the map. - Hive is killed. - DAMNIT STOP THAT. - Runby is stoped by roaches. - Sieging the central base with locusts.
19:00 - Roro as retaken his 5th. - Roro attack the rocks in rain natural. with roaches. - Roro is pushed back without the help of Rain's main army. - Roro Moving back his swarmhost to his 5th. - Phenix harass at the fourth. Roro have 4guys in his guyser. - I forgot production tab - Storme, +2 armor, +1 shield, colo - Vipêrs +3/+3 and production tab is hiddeN.
22:00 - Pathogene glands and second spire. - Tons of spores. - SH pushing the 4th. - Rain moving to the nat by the rocks. - +3 shiled ? +2 ? not sure +21armor too. Or +3. I'm tired. - Fleet beacon. - WP in production. - Rain pulls back his army but a stalker squad break the rocks and go to the main. - +2 flyer attacks. - Stalkers still alive, killing queens and ovie. - +1 melee and +1 fleyr armor. - Void ray and oclo in prod. - I'm really tired. - Corruptor in prod.
25 : 00 - Random colo killed in the middle of the map. Phenix are killed. - Huge zealot arping in the main. WP is killed by corruptors. - Zealots kills the greater spire and +2 flyer is canceled. - +2 air weapons for Rain and +3 shield (i'm sure now). - Another spire and infestors in prod. - Rain is DESTROYINFG the 5th with storm, FF and a ton of respect. - Rain taking his 5th base. - R140/Roro159 (damnit they're both with an R) - Well it wasn"t that bad. 5th is still alive for Roro. - 3 stalker harrassing the 4th. - Colo and infestor in prod. - Stalkers in prod.
27:00 - Rain is pushing in the forth and storm all the swarm host. Corruptors can't kill much. - 4th is killed. supplys are 191Z/171P (so Zerg and Protoss). - Rain is rteally fine despise the zerg being maxed. - BTW the oracle is still alive. - Rain pushing the 5th of roro. Storming the corrupotrs. Supply are unchanged. - There's a runby of somesort at the 4th of rain with roaches. - Here's the oracle defendeing the runby.
32:00 -Rain feedback oversserrs. - Rain have 5colo and a archon. - Runby at the 4th of Rain is cleaned up. - P187/Z200 - Vipers in prod. +2/+2 air for Roro. - 6th for Rain. - Roro is retaking his 5th in the bottom (ex 44th). - Rain is pushing the nat. - Fungals vs storm. Nearly all templars dies - Runby in the building 6th of rain But he defenses it. - Zealots runby in the main and in the building base at bottom right. Both defended. - Oh no. Cute blink micro kills the base. - Another stargate and +3 aiur attack for Rain. - Disapointed by the lack of carrier. - Roro is pushing the left base of rain. - Zealot runby heading for the nat again.
34:00 -Rain apparently have a drak shrine and warps DT to defend his left base. - Zealots runby at the natural kills static defense. 3 dts get into the main of RORO. - DT target infestation put but does not get it. - Roro puhsing the centrral base of rain with locusts. - Proxy pylon near roro's main is killed. - DT hitting the bottom lefet base and killing it. - Rain pushing into the natural. - Roro is supply blocked. Oh no 194Supply. - Roro try to rebuilt his base at the bottom left and gets insta killed then build it again. - Rain is taking the base just top right of Roro's nat but is killed by SHJ.
37:00 - STOP ATTACKING I CAN'T FGOLLOW !!!!! - Locusts kill the central base. - Rain pushing in Bootom left. - Storms locust. -blink to get vipers. micro to evadege fungal. - Fungal on stalkers - Colossus are pulled and killed by corruptors. - Daminit that old. - P137/Z193 - Roro is playing REALLY well from what i can gather (meaning not much because i barely watch the game while typing).
Wow it's like a perfect LR improvisation that actually matches the game, then ?
it's mostly observations when you LR. I hardly understand games as well when I LR too
19:00 - Roro as retaken his 5th. - Roro attack the rocks in rain natural. with roaches. - Roro is pushed back without the help of Rain's main army. - Roro Moving back his swarmhost to his 5th. - Phenix harass at the fourth. Roro have 4guys in his guyser. - I forgot production tab - Storme, +2 armor, +1 shield, colo - Vipêrs +3/+3 and production tab is hiddeN.
22:00 - Pathogene glands and second spire. - Tons of spores. - SH pushing the 4th. - Rain moving to the nat by the rocks. - +3 shiled ? +2 ? not sure +21armor too. Or +3. I'm tired. - Fleet beacon. - WP in production. - Rain pulls back his army but a stalker squad break the rocks and go to the main. - +2 flyer attacks. - Stalkers still alive, killing queens and ovie. - +1 melee and +1 fleyr armor. - Void ray and oclo in prod. - I'm really tired. - Corruptor in prod.
25 : 00 - Random colo killed in the middle of the map. Phenix are killed. - Huge zealot arping in the main. WP is killed by corruptors. - Zealots kills the greater spire and +2 flyer is canceled. - +2 air weapons for Rain and +3 shield (i'm sure now). - Another spire and infestors in prod. - Rain is DESTROYINFG the 5th with storm, FF and a ton of respect. - Rain taking his 5th base. - R140/Roro159 (damnit they're both with an R) - Well it wasn"t that bad. 5th is still alive for Roro. - 3 stalker harrassing the 4th. - Colo and infestor in prod. - Stalkers in prod.
27:00 - Rain is pushing in the forth and storm all the swarm host. Corruptors can't kill much. - 4th is killed. supplys are 191Z/171P (so Zerg and Protoss). - Rain is rteally fine despise the zerg being maxed. - BTW the oracle is still alive. - Rain pushing the 5th of roro. Storming the corrupotrs. Supply are unchanged. - There's a runby of somesort at the 4th of rain with roaches. - Here's the oracle defendeing the runby.
32:00 -Rain feedback oversserrs. - Rain have 5colo and a archon. - Runby at the 4th of Rain is cleaned up. - P187/Z200 - Vipers in prod. +2/+2 air for Roro. - 6th for Rain. - Roro is retaking his 5th in the bottom (ex 44th). - Rain is pushing the nat. - Fungals vs storm. Nearly all templars dies - Runby in the building 6th of rain But he defenses it. - Zealots runby in the main and in the building base at bottom right. Both defended. - Oh no. Cute blink micro kills the base. - Another stargate and +3 aiur attack for Rain. - Disapointed by the lack of carrier. - Roro is pushing the left base of rain. - Zealot runby heading for the nat again.
34:00 -Rain apparently have a drak shrine and warps DT to defend his left base. - Zealots runby at the natural kills static defense. 3 dts get into the main of RORO. - DT target infestation put but does not get it. - Roro puhsing the centrral base of rain with locusts. - Proxy pylon near roro's main is killed. - DT hitting the bottom lefet base and killing it. - Rain pushing into the natural. - Roro is supply blocked. Oh no 194Supply. - Roro try to rebuilt his base at the bottom left and gets insta killed then build it again. - Rain is taking the base just top right of Roro's nat but is killed by SHJ.
37:00 - STOP ATTACKING I CAN'T FGOLLOW !!!!! - Locusts kill the central base. - Rain pushing in Bootom left. - Storms locust. -blink to get vipers. micro to evadege fungal. - Fungal on stalkers - Colossus are pulled and killed by corruptors. - Daminit that old. - P137/Z193 - Roro is playing REALLY well from what i can gather (meaning not much because i barely watch the game while typing).
Wow it's like a perfect LR improvisation that actually matches the game, then ?
No, players are given a live feed of FFW_Rude's LR, then they play accordingly. It's all his fault Reality and SK went on for so long
Oh. So he looks like a hero while HE'S ACTUALLY HURTING ESPORTS !
Oh just saying that one enjoys the game less when one LRs, so appreciate your Live Report heroes like Shellbot The_Templar and now FFW Rude :p
On February 10 2014 23:20 Extenz wrote: im still not sure about the korean way to deal with swarm hosts which is constant harassment with the army, opposed to the skytoss mothership transition
Yeah it's pretty risky, you have to make sure to be ahead on bases and just basically not let the zerg siege like what's going on now because Rains army is just too midgame focused compared to RorO's.