On September 16 2013 03:26 Megabuster123 wrote: I don't understand TvZ right now.
I really don't understand how that works at all.
The better player usually wins. I know, it's an insanely hard concept to grasp!
The better player always wins. How do we know who the better player is? The player who won, of course.
"undeserved win" is a concept that was invented by fanboys to justify the losses of the players they like. If you've been on TL long enough, you know that.
On September 16 2013 03:26 Megabuster123 wrote: I don't understand TvZ right now.
I really don't understand how that works at all.
The better player usually wins. I know, it's an insanely hard concept to grasp!
The better player always wins. How do we know who the better player is? The player who won, of course.
"undeserved win" is a concept that was invented by fanboys to justify the losses of the players they like. If you've been on TL long enough, you know that.
Its still untrue that the better player always wins. Its untrue in real life and certainly untrue in Starcraft
Unfortunately we can't get the best pros in the world to commit to best of 101s to get a reasonable sample size.
On September 16 2013 03:26 Megabuster123 wrote: I don't understand TvZ right now.
I really don't understand how that works at all.
It sorta works like ZvT worked in WoL - Z has to damage T enough before their macro kicks in.
Not really
It just seems like it's really easy for terran to take map control, and an eco lead right off the bat. So even though terran has more cost efficient units, zerg doesn't really ever take a macro lead all game.
On September 16 2013 03:20 ShroudeD wrote: The only zerg player that can get it done in ZvT along with Soulkey
Dong Rae Gu
Jaedong can do it too, if it's not in a final. He beat Taeja 2-0 last week.
What did he beat Taeja 2-0 in?
I think it was the IEM NY qualifier, not sure, let me check.
Hmm okay. I'd still favor Taeja over Jaedong in any live setting.
Yeah probably, just saying Jaedong can also beat any Terran, even if the last 2 finals didn't make it look like that. People are to quick with judging a player's match ups. And putting DRG over Jaedong because of one great performance in his group is stupid imo. Jaedong made 4 major finals in 3-4 months and beats lots of good terrans.
the way DRG played in his group, if he makes that his standard performance, he could easily rise up to be the best zerg on the planet.
On September 16 2013 03:26 Megabuster123 wrote: I don't understand TvZ right now.
I really don't understand how that works at all.
The better player usually wins. I know, it's an insanely hard concept to grasp!
The better player always wins. How do we know who the better player is? The player who won, of course.
"undeserved win" is a concept that was invented by fanboys to justify the losses of the players they like. If you've been on TL long enough, you know that.
Weren't DH the ones who decided a tie with coinflips though? :p
On September 16 2013 03:29 SinniS wrote: Taeja to take it all, the kid looked so beastmode this weekend.
Reminds me of last year where he was on a roll on stood in another semifinal against Life. Hopefully the series today is closer.
He was on a roll to the degree where he was so confident in his skills that he left his supply depots down and died to a few lings :D
Are we talking about Taeja or MKP?
The only terran life bopped harder than mkp was taeja. Life had a sick 7-0+ record against taeja and the games weren't even close most times. Hope to see a repeat of that!
MMA 3-2 Innovation in epic back and forth series, games of the year. Innovations micro is godly, but MMA:s multitasking is just unreal. Dropping in 3 different places and ghosts nuking the shit of Innovation, Innos supply is dropping, INNO GG'S MMMA IS IN THE FINALS
Life kills Taeja, just absolute slaughter. Artosis cursed him, he didnt care. He said he had jetlag, he didnt care. Wrists were hurt, doesnt matter. Okay everyone is scared now, how can this guy be stopped? Camera switches to Nightend in the crowd, he's terrified and crying against Harstem's shoulder.
MMA 4-0 Life. Just EZPZ, Life...total disaster. "SO BAD" - MC 2012. This werent the games of the year, it was MMA coming back. Just outplayed.
Everyone is crying, im crying like a little baby. So happy....everyone in the crowd are in tears. Robert cant even give him the trophy, he hugs MMA and they just cry. Smix proposes to MMA, MMA rips the check, I DONT NEED UR MONEY ROBERT
On September 16 2013 03:26 Megabuster123 wrote: I don't understand TvZ right now.
I really don't understand how that works at all.
It sorta works like ZvT worked in WoL - Z has to damage T enough before their macro kicks in.
Not really
It just seems like it's really easy for terran to take map control, and an eco lead right off the bat. So even though terran has more cost efficient units, zerg doesn't really ever take a macro lead all game.
Terran doesn't have the eco lead in TvZ, in an even game the eco graphs should always be roughly equal until Zerg saturates his fourth/goes over 80 drones (by which time he has more income than Terran).
MMA 3-2 Innovation in epic back and forth series, games of the year. Innovations micro is godly, but MMA:s multitasking is just unreal. Dropping in 3 different places and ghosts nuking the shit of Innovation, Innos supply is dropping, INNO GG'S MMMA IS IN THE FINALS
Life kills Taeja, just absolute slaughter. Artosis cursed him, he didnt care. He said he had jetlag, he didnt care. Wrists were hurt, doesnt matter. Okay everyone is scared now, how can this guy be stopped? Camera switches to Nightend in the crowd, he's terrified and crying against Harstem's shoulder.
MMA 4-0 Life. Just EZPZ, Life...total disaster. "SO BAD" - MC 2012. This werent the games of the year, it was MMA coming back. Just outplayed.
Everyone is crying, im crying like a little baby. So happy....everyone in the crowd are in tears. Robert cant even give him the trophy, he hugs MMA and they just cry. Smix proposes to MMA, MMA rips the check, I DONT NEED UR MONEY ROBERT