On June 23 2013 00:45 Juissi wrote: I'm not really getting the HSC feeling this time. I feel like all i see is games and adds so can't really say this tournament is unique at all compared to others.
On June 23 2013 00:45 Juissi wrote: I'm not really getting the HSC feeling this time. I feel like all i see is games and adds so can't really say this tournament is unique at all compared to others.
On June 23 2013 00:45 Juissi wrote: I'm not really getting the HSC feeling this time. I feel like all i see is games and adds so can't really say this tournament is unique at all compared to others.
I'm not seeing as many crowd shows as I remember in the past, which is a disappointment because that was half the reason people watched HSC, to see the atmosphere of the location.
On June 23 2013 00:45 Juissi wrote: I'm not really getting the HSC feeling this time. I feel like all i see is games and adds so can't really say this tournament is unique at all compared to others.
Pretty condensed because of the two hour delay today. Yesterday was very HomeStory-ish in my opinion.
On June 23 2013 00:41 Zarahtra wrote: Tzain finds SH interesting to watch, lol WHAT!?
Just because some people are very vocal about disliking swarm hosts on forums etc doesn't mean that everyone dislikes them. I love watching SH play.
It doesn't I suppose, but I die inside when I watch someone as brilliant as stephano just chill for 20 minutes doing nothing.
Don't expect pro players to use the swarm hosts correctly right away. By design you are supposed to constantly move them, instead of just letting them sit somewhere. It just takes time for people to become proficient at this.
The hatred for swarm hosts is a huge annoyance for me, zerg finally has a unit which encourages strategic and positional play and people hate it for spawning free units that are hardly different from siege tank shots or for promoting passive play when that's more on the players.
On June 23 2013 00:45 Juissi wrote: I'm not really getting the HSC feeling this time. I feel like all i see is games and adds so can't really say this tournament is unique at all compared to others.
did you not see MC singing yesterday?
I did not =) I quess i have just missed all the good stuff.
On June 23 2013 00:45 Juissi wrote: I'm not really getting the HSC feeling this time. I feel like all i see is games and adds so can't really say this tournament is unique at all compared to others.
I'm not seeing as many crowd shows as I remember in the past, which is a disappointment because that was half the reason people watched HSC, to see the atmosphere of the location.
In the first day the made a BBQ with crowd all over the place, it was great, and
On June 23 2013 00:34 ThomasjServo wrote: Didn't they play Neo planet already or am I just missing something about the map selection options for this stage.
According to Liquipedia they did indeed xD
That is what made em double take, I was updating and had a 0___o wat moment.
I checked the match history, the first was on Bel'Shir Vestige in fact.
the new guideline from blizz says alcohol and some stuff are forbidden on stream. So I think that is why we cant see the atmosphere and location so much like HSC 1-6.