To be fair, even if there was multiple services like twitch, we still couldn't watch HSC. It doesn't matter how many stream providers exist, you still have to choose one.
SPL just used Youtube.
Youtuve does´nt work in germany, HSC is a german tournament and TaKe is german. Although it would technically be possible for the rest of the world, it will not happen.
Wow ... what a smart answer. Ustream and Justin did exist side by side before twitch AND we were watching on both of them. It "will not happen" only because Blizzard says so and because any worldwide competition to twitch is kinda dead. That is bad, but it is a manmade problem and not a "universal constant that can not be changed".
It will not happen, because the GEMA shut´s youtube down over here, whenever songs are played. Please try to understand my argument the next time, before you go ad hominem.
<rant> This incident will have hopefully some repercussions. Whoever at Blizzard thought it be such a good idea to force the whole world into one streaming service.. (re tournament guildelines)
There is 2 possiblities - blizzard has a SLA with twitch, then twitch will look quite bad there - blizzard has no sla, then the person who did that deal should get another job
Either way Blizzard WILL be forced to look into alternatives and contingency plans for multiple/backup services to broadcast their content now (WCS) What happens today can happen again, and it will happen for sure if twitch for whatever reaons is forced out of business or gets bought by a big player like M$, FB or Google. The more successful Esports will be, the more like a buyout of Twitch become. The scene is well advised to find, use, build alternatives and not put all the egs in one basket.
I can now get the A stream on but it's not actually streaming anything. B stream is running for me via twitch but I'm scared to refresh it.
RotterdaM08 If @Millgoswser makes it to the Round of 8 ( He's in a group with Stephano, Mana & Taeja ) he will shave of his hair :D ALL of it. :D #HSC 18 minutes ago from web
I have nothing against MaNa and TaeJa but please lose.
On June 22 2013 20:23 govie wrote: Twitch nhas never let me once in 2 years. Yes, sometimes some lag etc, but it streamed and it was free content. Since when is a monopoly bad when the services provided are free?
Monopoly is always bad, makes no difference if it's "free content" or not. What do you even mean by it being free? Twitch is not a non-profit organization.
Yes, when applied to the private sector, which in this case Twitch is part of.
Twitch isnt a monopolist, do your freakin homework. There leaderofthepack in oligopoly, because there are alternatives.
So can you name a few equally good alternatives to Twitch for gaming streams?
Not as good, but there are alternatives yes! Twitch just the best out there. A bit like apple was when they released the ipod with intunes, they were first, so have better product and biiggest marketshare. Its logical. But if twitch sucked nowadays compare to competition, they would not be the biggest now would they.
So you should name Take a few of these alternatives. So he can switch. Else we have a problem, I don't think twitch will be online within 15 minutes...
"sry, but the new blizzard tournament guidelines released 2 weeks before force tournament organizers to stream via twitch. theres no other option."
I thought this guideline is only for tournaments with <10k prizemoney?!