[GSL] Blizzard Cup Grand Finals - Page 47
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United States30730 Posts
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United States1310 Posts
On December 22 2012 16:21 prOpSnuffe wrote: Was this the first time Bisu played HotS or what? He looked totally clueless. He's looked clueless in WoL as well. Not much new there. | ||
Ace Frehley
2030 Posts
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United States5585 Posts
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3415 Posts
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United States5111 Posts
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Austria466 Posts
On December 22 2012 16:19 Geos13 wrote: I would bet money that abduct will be nerfed into the ground within 6 month of release. In both games building high tech units was pointless for the other race. *blinding cloud* will get nerfed into the ground range 1 rofl terran useless against BC? | ||
Canada2633 Posts
On December 22 2012 16:21 Maghetti wrote: I think the viper will ultimately have its ability to use abduct on massive units removed. It makes no sense that it can drag giant power units 1 by one under mass hydras. It would still be plenty strong if used on things like siege tanks, etc. The entire point of the ability is to abduct colossus | ||
Thailand1817 Posts
On December 22 2012 16:22 FrostedMiniWheats wrote: I normally like ZvZ and Nestea winning, but ZvZ in HotS doesn't seem too different =/. We'll see if either of these guys have something new to bring to the mu. From what I heard, it's totally different from WoL. Mutalisk is a must go to in HOTS. | ||
80 Posts
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Australia10252 Posts
On December 22 2012 16:23 Havik_ wrote: ZvZ Roach war with Binding Cloud will be lol, I actually really want to see this. GO NESTEAAAA!!! hahahhaha it'll be like two rugby teams colliding | ||
Canada1202 Posts
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United States17423 Posts
On December 22 2012 16:22 FrostedMiniWheats wrote: I normally like ZvZ and Nestea winning, but ZvZ in HotS doesn't seem too different =/. We'll see if either of these guys have something new to bring to the mu. Well with the infestor buff I think zvz is going to be pretty much exact same as WoL unless blizzard decides to nerf infestors again and hopefully they do. | ||
390 Posts
yeah srsly if blizzard increased the mineral mining (by removing the deccell accell) that is so stupid and should be removed. ruins tons of timing balance Eh, new expansion new timings. I think it will make the game much more interesting if current timings are mixed around. It means the game feels fresher and newer, and will help with any possible issues of the early games still playing out the exact same. The thing that worries me most is how fast the game will be a maxed out tech war. If 3rd bases stay so easy to get, with faster mining the game reaches the end tech much faster. It's much more intersting imo when there is more time between each tech, giving each player time to utilize each tech aswell as encourage responses to tech. No one really enjoys the Super fast hive into Broodlords, the game is literally nothing for the first 12 minutes, it kind of negates the idea of tech. I didn't even know they buffed mining though o.o. | ||
Netherlands232 Posts
On December 22 2012 16:21 prOpSnuffe wrote: Was this the first time Bisu played HotS or what? He looked totally clueless. Most likely it was 1 of his 1st games in HOTS, nearly none of the active korean progamers (both ESF and KeSPA) play it as WoL is still the game that is played so they rather just play and practice that instead of bothering with a game where blizzard is still patching causing any strategy they create be potentially destroyed by blizzard a week later. | ||
Sweden101 Posts
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United States95 Posts
They should put much more effort into the basic fighting units design, not tech units. | ||
United States7483 Posts
On December 22 2012 16:23 N.geNuity wrote: I don't know anything about hots really but how can blizzard think it's good to have people who are macroing still bank like 3k minerals 12 minutes in. The players are working off of what they were used to (WoL mining rates). It won't stay that way for too long once players get used to the new income rate. | ||
21 Posts
On December 22 2012 16:22 liberate71 wrote: I'm not sure if youre being serious or not. It ruins tonnes of timing balance in a game thats significantly different to its predecessor ?? hots builds ontop of woL so by changing the way minerals are mined it changes tons of timing balance in WoL which is what hots is trying to be built on top of currently this mineral buff effects zerg the most, as zerg is the race that will get 3bases and the most mining mineral drones earlier and faster than other races so taking a normal 15 minute game, zerg should receive lets say 3000 extra minerals from this by the 15 minute mark, while protoss and terran only receive 2000 extra the mineral trick increases mining rate by about 10%. its huge for zerg. | ||
Australia9580 Posts
On December 22 2012 16:22 Whitewing wrote: Oracles 2 shot workers super fast. You can wipe out a mineral line with 2 oracles in about 5 seconds, you need about 8 phoenix to do the same thing. Oracles are also good support for your army later on with time warp, which is a good late game replacement for forcefield. Oracles also fight fairly well early game against zergling or marine attacks, as they do bonus damage vs. light quite quickly, wheras phoenix run out of energy too fast to be of much help. Phoenix can shoot other air units while the oracle can't though, so it's not like the oracle makes the phoenix obsolete. Phoenix are still good. Skytoss is totally viable now, and very fun to watch. Really gets me hyped for Hots full on tournament. | ||
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