Ladies and gentlemen, it is page 143 and any patchzerg, balance related commentary and the usual bashing etc from this point on will be met with harsh moderation.
On December 01 2012 07:35 Tayar wrote: lol zvz is funny. DRG basically just decided he could outmicro scarlett and was right.
no..he had the right idea for a followup in a 8pool vs 8pool scenario which it seems like scarlett hasnt had much experience with (most zergs probably haven't). going for a fast expo like she did after that makes no sense to me, when you're only on 11 drones. basically a build order win for DRG
he did early ling/bane attacks 3 games in a row.
you can't compare games 1 and 2..with game 3. it's nothing similar to go ling/bane attack in 2 base vs 2 base games...8pool zvz is so different, and neither player got speed in game 3. (whereas in the other games, both zergs had speed when any bane aggression was happening)
in the context of my original statement you are making a distinction without a difference. in all 3 games DRG's gameplan was to be aggressive with early attacks that required him to outmicro his opponent.
On December 01 2012 07:42 Zenbrez wrote: Beautiful stim? That's a new one O.o
Why not beautiful chronoboost
As a zerg I can say with absolute certainty say there are beautiful creep tumours out there.
Remember when half map creep-spread was breathtakingly good play?
those were the times when TvZ was really fun to watch (not saying it was perfectly balanced tho, because it probably was slightly T favored)
Also infestors were fairly unseen
That was when all the zergs cried it was useless without actually trying it enough, so it was buffed with +20% damage to armored to promote using it... Right?
People were actually trying it, but if it makes you feel better...
Winning one tournament pre-patch doesn't make you impervious to patch zerg accusations. The whole "patch zerg" thing doesn't really have anything to do with if they were good pre-patch or if they were gonna be good. Just that, after the patch they are better, which for Snute is actually debatable.. (seems about the same level? not sure don't know eu scene that well)
It's not just if they were good after the patch. Then you could call Stephano, Nerchio, Life... ANY GOOD ZERG a patch zerg. It's not about if they perform well after the patch... it's relative to how they did before. No shit most good zergs will continue to play well, and even better after their race was buffed.
Winning one tournament pre-patch doesn't make you impervious to patch zerg accusations. The whole "patch zerg" thing doesn't really have anything to do with if they were good pre-patch or if they were gonna be good. Just that, after the patch they are better, which for Snute is actually debatable.. (seems about the same level? not sure don't know eu scene that well)
Snutes results got notable in the very end of 2011, the problem is that there is quite a bit of delay between a player getting good and people recognizing him. But his skill level seemed about stable for all of 2012 (Or rather: had the same improvement as everyone else), So it´s quite safe to assume, that he is no "patchzerg", if such a thing exists. + the patch would´t really help him in ZvZ.
Winning one tournament pre-patch doesn't make you impervious to patch zerg accusations. The whole "patch zerg" thing doesn't really have anything to do with if they were good pre-patch or if they were gonna be good. Just that, after the patch they are better, which for Snute is actually debatable.. (seems about the same level? not sure don't know eu scene that well)
prepatch 53.69%, post patch 58.82%
People as dedicated as Snute will get better, with or without patch.
dont care either way whether he is or not, i was just curious and went to find out. altho his records stopped at sept this year, so that kinda sucked