On December 01 2012 13:20 calQL8r wrote: I am new to GSL, should I get light ticket or premium? i don't really plan on watching in korean or on my phone. is the extra $30 worth the enhanced high quality thing or is regular high quality good enough?
If you have a big screen or can't stand good, but not perfect quality, go for it. The regular is good imo (it's like 540p or something ? perhaps 640 ?) The EHQ is 2MB so it seems a little more than 720p.
On December 01 2012 13:22 figq wrote: ZvZ might be a better option for the finals, because at least there won't be any balance whining about the result from that particular series.
There will still be tons of balance whine that it was only zergs that made it to the finals : /
On December 01 2012 13:21 Fission wrote: I seriously hope the mods start handing out permanent account bans for whining in LR threads, I'm so sick of it. The terrans are playing OBJECTIVELY worse in these games. Ryung's 11/11 was absolutely awful. Balance has nothing to do with this shit, cut it out.
Agreed. I get so frustrated sometimes. When Terran is winning Zergs don't mind (I love watching Terrans win, esp. Gumiho/Innovation/Flash) but it feels anymore like EVERY game a zerg wins causes LR thread to be flooded with disgusting amount of whining. Honestly I think I'm just going to go back to watching the tournaments and doing my own thing like when I first started watching GSL... the community is so negative and pessimistic now (including staff of TL). It's sad. Clean it up guys, the community used to be much better than this - I've been reading LR threads for a year now and its gotten much worse progressively.
On December 01 2012 13:22 proofy wrote: I hope to see game 3 end in 5 seconds with 2 fungals because that is what makes sc2 the best spectator sport.
Not a balance whine but a design whine. SC2 is a very knife's edge game (from all three races, T, P, and Z can melt armies in seconds).
I'm not a BW elitist either... BECAUSE WC3 DIDN'T HAVE THAT EITHER! (Long gradual wins or loses rather than "oh no, I was caught out of position for 2 seconds and lost the game").
(Though I admit I like watching SC2 more than WC3.)
On December 01 2012 13:23 Nausea wrote: Mike Morhaeim on phone with DB: "Not looking good, we might have to kick David Kim." DB response "Right, right, right"