On July 15 2012 04:32 SeraKuDA wrote: I really enjoy this Soe.
She's got a great accent.
She's trying to hard to sound british. I can't figure it out.
For non-english speakers when they first learn to speak their future accent is heavily influenced by the way english speakers speak around them. Maybe she learned with some british people and picked up the accent.
On July 15 2012 04:37 TheProphet_ wrote: When might stephano go up against mc?? They have 30000 to give to the winner but they cant get someone to make decent brackets and update them ?
On July 15 2012 04:32 SeraKuDA wrote: I really enjoy this Soe.
She's got a great accent.
She's trying to hard to sound british. I can't figure it out.
Part of how europeans pick up their accent is from people they play with, and the only english-speaking people on european servers are british.
Also in school at least in sweden, the english that is taught is british english mainly. You pick up american english from shows and movies and stuff. (and maybe not in germany since more content is dubbed rather than subbed compared to sweden, so I've heard).
On July 15 2012 04:38 m0ck wrote: Check his match-history.. I was sure he would lose because he hasn't been practicing. It's unbelievable that he can keep winning.
On July 15 2012 04:32 SeraKuDA wrote: I really enjoy this Soe.
She's got a great accent.
She's trying to hard to sound british. I can't figure it out.
For non-english speakers when they first learn to speak their future accent is heavily influenced by the way english speakers speak around them. Maybe she learned with some british people and picked up the accent.
On July 15 2012 04:36 dizzy101 wrote: I don't get why interviewers let him get away with that lame bragging... "I never play blah blah..." It's so transparent, come on.
people buy into it, too.. quite irritating tbh
He was spending the day yesterday playing terran on NA ladder, Illusion was streaming yesterday and ran into a few games where Stephano just gg'd at the start of the game playing as terran, so who knows.
On July 15 2012 04:37 Kevan wrote: It wouldn't surprise me if Stephano is actually practicing day and night.
if he is indeed practicing, then nobody has found his smurf account yet. on all of his known accounts theres a pretty empty match history for the past month
lol at people saying "she's trying to sound British."
yeah, that's how Europeans think when they learn english. They can either learn how to speak without an accent, or learn how to speak with a British accent. Obviously Europeans should strive to speak english like Americans, lest they be accused of trying to sound British
stephano reminds me of Grrr. I don't know if anyone else thinks so, but just with his very laid back attitude to things, but also the fact that he can still crush his foes.