5.00 StarTale_Curious is spawning as the orange Zerg in the 11 o'clock position. FnaticRC_aLive is spawning as the teal Terran in the 5 o'clock position.
Hatch first for Curious. aLive going for a rax on his ramp.
Pool next for Curious. CC next for aLive, on the expansion.
aLive faking bunker pressure, sends a single marine across the map and manages to pick off a drone. Bunker cancelled, and lings are running out towards aLive. Double gas and another CC going up for aLive.
Zerglings from Curious run up the ramp towards aLive, but two ligns fall to the Marines.
10.00 Factory coming in from aLive, Reactor on the Barracks next to the Factory, going Hellions. Fast third from Curious, third CC morphing into Orbital.
Two more Barracks added on for aLive. Roach Warren on the way for Curious, getting triple gas. Adding on Evolution Chamber.
Double Engineering bay coming in for aLive as he takes another gas. Stim started.
SCV scouts the fast third of Curious. Another Evolution Chamber and gas added on for the Zerg, Metbaolic Boost started. 1/1 on the way for aLive.
Hellions starting to fire on the Queen, pushed back by Roaches. aLive starting to shoot the rocks to his third as he sends his CC over.
1/1 melee on the way for Curious. 4 more Barracks and a Starport started by aLive.
lair coming in for curious. 2 more gas taken by Curious on his third. Macro Hatch and Baneling Nest added on.
Armory coming in for aLive.
15.00 Nice creep spread from Curious almost halfway across the map now. Concussive Shells and Combat Shields started by aLive. Spire coming in for Curious as he takes a fourth in the 12 o'clock position.
2/2 started by aLive, adding on another Barracks. Overlord speed started by Curious along with baneling speed.
aLive tries to take out a Queen but loses all his hellions to Zerglings! aLive tries to go for a drop in the natural and third, but overlords spot it.
2 more Barracks added on for aLive. Another macro Hatchery coming in for Curious, creep covering half the map now.2/2 melee started and +1 air attack.
Small engagement in the middle, aLive is cleaning up creep, but zergligns get a quick surround and banelings come in, getting a few good hits.
aLive sees Curious morphing banelings, on creep and near his base. aLive stims in to take them out befor ethey morph but there are too many zergligns for Curious! EVERYTHING dies for aLive, including the Medivac that falls to Mutalisks.
3/3 on the way for aLive, Infestation Pit and +1 air attack coming in for Curious. Mutalisks run into the third of aLive, killing multiple SCVs, goes for the main but there are marines there.
aLive starting to force the creep back again.
20.00 Pathogen Glands coming in for Curious, fifth base on the way at the third of the top right main. aLive is pushing up towards the fourth of Curious, cleaning up creep as he goes. Curious tries to go for a flank with banelings and zerglings. Curious runs in from the back and front, initial baneling hits mostly hit Marauders, but the flank hits a couple big groups of marines and aLive is pushed back.
Small group of units get fungaled in the top right and taken out by lings. aLive takes the middle and keeps cleaning up creep, Curious isn't watching and loses a bunch of Zergligns in spite of getting a surround, and he's forced to push back as aLive has a bigger army!.
aLive pushes the fourth of Curious, but is not able to take it out as Curious pushes him , doesn't get any good fungals and the banlings all fall!
25.00 aLive going for a fourth in the 6 o'clock position. 3/3, Ultralisk armor and Ultras on the way for Curious.
Fourth of aLive is forced to cancel, but rebuilt right after. aLive drops a few marines in the third of Curious, while running towards the top right base of Curious, but nice fungals go down and there are already zerglings waiting there, getting a nice surround.
aLive finally gets the fourth up. Small drop on the fifth of Curious isn't able to do anything as there's a Spine Crawler waiting.
+2 air attack coming in for Curious. Dropping the fifth of Curious again, but Corruptors take out the Medivac.
Curious is going for the fourth of aLive. Ultralisks take it out immediately. aLive is pushing the fifth and fourth of Curious, takes out the fourth but isn't targetting the fifth.
aLive tries dropping the third, but the medivac gets fungal'd. Curious rebuilds his fourth.
5.00 StarTale_Curious is spawning as the orange Zerg in the 11 o'clock position. FnaticRC_aLive is spawning as the teal Terran in the 5 o'clock position.
Hatch first for Curious. aLive going for a rax on his ramp.
Pool next for Curious. CC next for aLive, on the expansion.
aLive faking bunker pressure, sends a single marine across the map and manages to pick off a drone. Bunker cancelled, and lings are running out towards aLive. Double gas and another CC going up for aLive.
Zerglings from Curious run up the ramp towards aLive, but two ligns fall to the Marines.
10.00 Factory coming in from aLive, Reactor on the Barracks next to the Factory, going Hellions. Fast third from Curious, third CC morphing into Orbital.
Two more Barracks added on for aLive. Roach Warren on the way for Curious, getting triple gas. Adding on Evolution Chamber.
Double Engineering bay coming in for aLive as he takes another gas. Stim started.
SCV scouts the fast third of Curious. Another Evolution Chamber and gas added on for the Zerg, Metbaolic Boost started. 1/1 on the way for aLive.
Hellions starting to fire on the Queen, pushed back by Roaches. aLive starting to shoot the rocks to his third as he sends his CC over.
1/1 melee on the way for Curious. 4 more Barracks and a Starport started by aLive.
lair coming in for curious. 2 more gas taken by Curious on his third. Macro Hatch and Baneling Nest added on.
Armory coming in for aLive.
15.00 Nice creep spread from Curious almost halfway across the map now. Concussive Shells and Combat Shields started by aLive. Spire coming in for Curious as he takes a fourth in the 12 o'clock position.
2/2 started by aLive, adding on another Barracks. Overlord speed started by Curious along with baneling speed.
aLive tries to take out a Queen but loses all his hellions to Zerglings! aLive tries to go for a drop in the natural and third, but overlords spot it.
2 more Barracks added on for aLive. Another macro Hatchery coming in for Curious, creep covering half the map now.2/2 melee started and +1 air attack.
Small engagement in the middle, aLive is cleaning up creep, but zergligns get a quick surround and banelings come in, getting a few good hits.
aLive sees Curious morphing banelings, on creep and near his base. aLive stims in to take them out befor ethey morph but there are too many zergligns for Curious! EVERYTHING dies for aLive, including the Medivac that falls to Mutalisks.
3/3 on the way for aLive, Infestation Pit and +1 air attack coming in for Curious. Mutalisks run into the third of aLive, killing multiple SCVs, goes for the main but there are marines there.
aLive starting to force the creep back again.
20.00 Pathogen Glands coming in for Curious, fifth base on the way at the third of the top right main. aLive is pushing up towards the fourth of Curious, cleaning up creep as he goes. Curious tries to go for a flank with banelings and zerglings. Curious runs in from the back and front, initial baneling hits mostly hit Marauders, but the flank hits a couple big groups of marines and aLive is pushed back.
Small group of units get fungaled in the top right and taken out by lings. aLive takes the middle and keeps cleaning up creep, Curious isn't watching and loses a bunch of Zergligns in spite of getting a surround, and he's forced to push back as aLive has a bigger army!.
aLive pushes the fourth of Curious, but is not able to take it out as Curious pushes him , doesn't get any good fungals and the banlings all fall!
25.00 aLive going for a fourth in the 6 o'clock position. 3/3, Ultralisk armor and Ultras on the way for Curious.
Fourth of aLive is forced to cancel, but rebuilt right after. aLive drops a few marines in the third of Curious, while running towards the top right base of Curious, but nice fungals go down and there are already zerglings waiting there, getting a nice surround.
aLive finally gets the fourth up. Small drop on the fifth of Curious isn't able to do anything as there's a Spine Crawler waiting.
+2 air attack coming in for Curious. Dropping the fifth of Curious again, but Corruptors take out the Medivac.
Curious is going for the fourth of aLive. Ultralisks take it out immediately. aLive is pushing the fifth and fourth of Curious, takes out the fourth but isn't targetting the fifth.
aLive tries dropping the third, but the medivac gets fungal'd. Curious rebuilds his fourth.
29.30 Burrow researching for Curious. aLive is flying his main CC over to the fourth in the six o'clock position.
Ultras for Curious taking out the rocks on the 9 o'clock position. Small group of units going for the fifth of Curious agian, but Banelings take the group out immediately.
Sixth going up for Curious at the 9 o'clock now. Curious is going for aLive's base in the 6 o'clock, takes it out immediately. Huge fungals hit all the workers, and they die quickly. The army of aLive can not stand against the zerg swarm. Small group of units going for the fifth of Curious agian, but there are Zerglings there to clean it up.
Whaaa... I'm not going to lie. I would have taken curious as my last place pick. Somewhat because I'm not too familiar with him, compared to the others.. but still.. I could not have been more wrong about this guy. Mad props to Curious.