I am everything but dissapointed.
Working in the industry since 5 years and I can honestly say I have been doing a ton of bad events. That said I need to point out that this one really wasnt one of them. Sure, some things didn't work. Sure, it was annoying and I felt sorry for the guys at home who couldnt watch the stream they were looking for. But the people at the venue did everything they possibly could have done to try and fix it. U guys prepared for this event long in advance (also tested it beforehand etc.) and what counts the most, u put your heart into it, trying to make it the best u can because it was important to u and every single person here should do nothing other than appreciate your effort. Things just cannot always go right, thats how the universe apparently works.
All I can say is that I am grateful I got asked todo the hosting there, I enjoyed working with u guys at the first Heat tournament u asked me to, and the same applies for this one aswell despite the issues. You have done all you could to make it as nice as possible for everyone at home aswell as at the venue itself. There are things you can neither controle nor forsee and I am very sure the next event is going to be great!
I wanna thank everyone who has been patient and understanding, aswell as everyone who helped out or tried to help out, be it with a comment here on tl or otherwise.
And if there was only fucking (s'cuse me) 5 dollars of stream revenue and just a single donation, I'd say it was absolutely worth the effort because every single person..every single cent..and every event such as this one, makes a difference and helps the world aswell as our community.
Loads of blahblah, to get to the point: Thank you for the event and I personally hope for many more heat events to come! 
ps: sorry for the typos, I am still tried lol
I'll admit, I was a bit annoyed with the delay at the beginning, thinking "why couldn't they test the f**ing sound beforehand ??". I just had to realize that I completely forgot about Murphy's law on the one hand and that it's all about charity on the other hand. Also, with the stream being for free, you don't have the right to be annoyed when a gift from somebody is not perfect 
I think you all did a great show for the audience who paid their entrance fees and Special Endrey saved everyone's day who was watching the stream with his polar bear impersonation. Thank you for all your hard work, for everyone's patience and for this awesome tournament
I hate to jump on the bandwagon here, but does anybody know when/if there will be vods of this?
the vods of my backdoor casts are currently beeing uploaded. dont know about those from the mainstage just yet
On February 06 2012 03:50 Special Endrey wrote: the vods of my backdoor casts are currently beeing uploaded. dont know about those from the mainstage just yet
I wonder if it will have the random cameo's too, if anyone runs into these let us know where to find them...other viewers will might what i'm talking about. xD Though i understand if you cut this out if they're your collegues or w/e Endrey.. =D
Hey TBO,
I was there yesterday on site and in the end I really enjoyed it. I admit I get a little cranky when I have to wait somewhere for 2h and it doesnt start. Working in IT I know how it is and I know all the shit that can happen and will happen if you least expect it or need it too, but in the end on theses days im only a normal guy getting a little frustrated that again at a live event i have to sit in a chair for 2h. I applaud you for doing the interviews with TLO and TB to give us at least a little entertainment that helped and was nice. After everything started I had greart time yesterday. Even my gf who isnt really inte SC2 got really into it and enjoyed the evening. So maybe that gets your spirit up a little, you entertained a non Starcraft fan that evening. I admit the great TLO games helped
In the end all I wanna say is, I feel kinda sorry for being "mad" at you for all the waiting (it wasnt really personal directed at u, more a frustration about waiting ) yesterday and that it still was a great little tournement especially since TLO won something and I was F**** there We had a great time ....
PS.: I live in Berlin and seeing this was now the 2nd event I was at in berlin and recognized a lot of people from the first, is there a way to help? Id really like getting involved and lending u guys a hand with this sorta stuff.
On February 05 2012 20:27 TBO wrote: I feel like a criminal.
I want to apologize for the huge messup. I'm entirely responsible myself for all the technical issues. We got a fine sound signal out of the audio mixer for the on-site sound system and when connecting speakers or headphones instead of the 2 different sound cards we had on the production computer we also had a very clear signal there.
I still don't quite understand what happened, especially as when we tested it before we got a good signal into the computer. My biggest offence probably is that I tried to make the production work like it was planned to instead of realizing that it would be better to give up some parts but have the basics working. In the end the fixes we tried to do messed up the video production too anyways.
I could go into lengthy details what caused us to lose so much time that despite being at the venue since Thursday we couldn't get stuff done properly when it mattered, but in the end it comes down to mistakes on my side.
I'm so sorry for the players, Totalbiscuit, the audience and most of all the charities.. You deserved better.
I disappointed you.
Aurel Wünsch
Nah, you did well, Aurel.
There is only so much you can do, and given the circumstances you did all you could. I can attest to that because I was sitting right next to you, Schlumpfine, and Gowerly (awesome tech stuff btw, Mr Heat Map Guy! ) for quite some time. I'm glad I could help out some with updating the thread and assisting Schlumpfine.
Let me know if you need help for the next installment of HEAT or a similar event in Berlin.
Shoutouts to all the tech guys, Aurel, Marco, Schlumpfine, Gowerly, the CK-99 staff, the players for the great games they played, Soe for hosting and the great player interviews, TotalBiscuit for the relentless professional casting, Dennis a.k.a. TaKe for the guest casting, and Special Endrey for the impromptu casting from a freezing office! Well done! 
Next time I will stay until the end again.
it was a great event. Next time we fu** murphy