I dont know if I agree when people call this a really old build or w/e. months and months ago it was rather constantly making collosi and somewhat fewer GWs. 1collosi w/o range does not a collosi deathball make =). And to those whining about him going all in, well, what is he supposed to do? As I see it that is his only realistic option when DRG gets the gold base up.
Im curious though how this tac would fair against a more infestorheavy build? Or would nani simply have made more collosi and less sentries in that case? Cause if not infestor/roach would probably have crushed that utterly. But hey, so many things would have done so much more for DRG then what he did. no air, no burrow nor movement, no banedrops, no infestors, no ultras(obviously no ultras just saying ::p ) against that many sentries seems like a bad idea. Especially close air meta where its alot harder to get a surround then cross or other maps and with no real way to handle FFs you NEED flanking options, and then I dont meen 50% from behind and 50% from the front in semismall chokes, you need a huge spread.
wp though nani, sad to have missed your previous games!
On November 21 2011 08:09 Kireak wrote: hmm, does naniwa have asbergers? Serius question
It's aspergers afaik no statement has been made regarding naniwa and his issues, so nobody knows for sure.
well I wouldn't be surprised. many really talented people suffer some form of social developmental impairment. kinda like how the best artists are depressed, etc.
Giving intersting answers in interviews is hard. He's trying to focus on playing, doesn't want to say something that would cause drama and he has an interviewer who doesn't really know what he's talking about. And his English isn't that great either. Of course he just wants to get it over with.
So crazy. I think its plausible that Naniwa is the best player in the world right now, I don't know what else to conclude from these results.
One tourney doesn't make you the best player?
I know, but beating the best players in the world head to head does. Its just so rare that 1 player faces and beats all of them in the same tourney run.
It's one thing to win a tourney while getting a great lineup, but Naniwa has beaten the best players in the world each of the past 3 days.
Who would you pick to beat him right now? Nestea? MVP? DRG? MMA? MC? Huk? Leenock? Taeja?
There's no home field advantage at MLG and Naniwa is cleaning house.
On November 21 2011 08:09 Fukinkou wrote: Always so akward... Why? :_S
Not trying to be racist at all here, but I have several friends from Stockholm and they all kinda act like that. Theyre great dudes but they come off as very weird/awkward until you get to know them(some even after you know them). From my experience at least, Swedes like Jinro seem to be the minority.
Aye, we're an awkward country with awkward people. It's got to do with Jante-lagen, get one of your swedish friends to explain that one to you >.>
Haha will do. The only time i was ever in Sweden i was too young to remember anything about it, but my friends always tell me things that are kinda funny(to me at least). I thought it was hilarious that my friend was studying to become a "Landmeister"(sp?) and had classes with the prince of sweden.
Guys a friend on mine is swedish, and he´s kinda the most charismatic and outgoing person i know. Dont generalize this
On November 21 2011 08:20 Sc2ggRise wrote: soooo when are we going to stop calling ourselves foreigners, especially when we're the ones hosting the tourney?!
Never. Korea has by far the biggest scene and the best players. Unless that changes and a massive cultural shift happens somewhere else, it will never change.
Definitely the best players, but I don't know about the biggest scene. I think the rest of the world has the firmly bigger scene right now.
On November 21 2011 08:19 Wipples wrote: Gotta say I can't see anyone but naniwa winning this. I don't think Leenock can beat DRG 4 times in a row, and i don't see DRG beating Nani 4 times in a row.
In my perfect world Leenock will pwn face and take it :D
but they don't have to win 4 times in a row.... lol
Yes DRG does. Nani is up 2-0 going into a Bo7 meaning DRG needs 4 wins....
On November 21 2011 08:20 Sc2ggRise wrote: soooo when are we going to stop calling ourselves foreigners, especially when we're the ones hosting the tourney?!
Never. Korea has by far the biggest scene and the best players. Unless that changes and a massive cultural shift happens somewhere else, it will never change.
Korea is NOT the biggest scene for SC2. Not yet. It's just the best.