On October 07 2011 05:53 Murdock wrote: Stefano looks like the only foreigner that will be able to succesfully compete here
Jesus fucking christ, this europride is beyond disgusting.
This is the first pool, there are 12 other players in the pools. And we haven't seen how the Open Bracket players will do against the pool players yet.
Europride? He just dissed every european player in the tournament except Stephano.
I don't see any other reason to hype him up to be the only foreigner able to compete at IPL3, regardless of the other players.
It would be Stephanopride. If it was europride there would be mentions of Thorzain, Ret etc.
But why is there Stephanopride? There's definitely zergpride and europride, but I don't think there are any other Stephanos than Stephano himself.
Why there's stephanopride? This man is a freaking genius, that's why!
On October 07 2011 05:45 Bleak wrote: Watching "pro" zergs keep all their infestors and units in 1 group and 1-a them is horrible to watch.
Stephano is one of the few zergs who doesn't do that lol
Pretty sure he did in this game just now.
Yeah because he makes a mistake and does it once he's magically always 1-A'ing his infestors around the map in one control group. Great observation.
Is Stephano paying you guys money to "defend" him?
I'm not even trying to "attack" him, my comment wasn't even aimed at him at all, I've seen many Zergs do it all over the place. It's just terrible to watch.
Three infestors are still three infestors. 450 minerals 450 gas. A unit that pays its worth in energy. Just keep them in the back if you are not sure, it isn't hard to do that.
I don't feel the need to defend any player but I do hate when people make retarded statements, like saying someone has horrible control because he once let some infestors die to tank fire from the high ground. I didn't even respond to your comment so I don't see the point though.
My comment was as retarded as some of his fans who jump on anyone that says even something slightly negative about him.
As I've said before, many Zergs keep their infestors with their units in big engagements. Then the infestors get focused down and they lose them. It doesn't matter if you do it once or five times in a game, it's a big mistake no matter what, it's basically losing them when you could have saved them.
Stephano was already ahead in this game so it didn't matter, but in another game in future, if he keeps doing the same thing again maybe he'll lose 7 or 8 and it'll be lights out for him. It's a common mistake that many Zergs do and one that I hate to watch. I just pointed that out, but people feel the need to "defend" him when noone actually attacked him in the first place.