Stop with the stupid TT1 discussion, this topic is no place for it and you can all express your likes and dislikes in a more respectful and constructive manner. ~Nyovne
On August 31 2011 18:42 Montana[TK] wrote: I don't even care if 1-1-1 is imbalanced, I just want Blizzard to remove it as it makes for shit atrocious games
I agree so much.
I am a bad player, so I can't comment on any balance issues. But these allins make watching TvP so awful. It sucks all the fun out of this matchup.
I agree aswell. The games have not been very entertaining so far. Hope we at least get one good TvP today.
I agree too. I'm a zerg player, so I don't freakin care about TvP balance issues,
but nowadays TvP is just SO EFFING BORING.
Terran all ins, Protoss tries to defend. Same shit all the time.
*I saw GSL yesterday, so please do not make stupid comments like "OMG you silly yesterday TvP macro game!"
On August 31 2011 18:50 provrorsbarn wrote: LOL at all the Mvp hate.....He did a prefect build......and hes playin for alot of money... You cant blame a guy for wanting to win.....
This. He is just punishing Huk's greedy style too
seriously. the stargate failed so hard and never using it again. getting twilight council lol... he couldve just gone 6 gates + robo and get mass units until mvp puts down his cc at his natural.
Let's be honest here, there are two things happening here. First, Terrans have been kicking Protoss around with strong tank/marine based timings vs. primarily gateway units (the 1/1/1, the 2/1/0 of the 1st game). Second, MVP is the best player in the world right now (did you see who he's beaten so far?). Combined, this looks destined for a quick 3-0.
On August 31 2011 18:43 aScle wrote: @sc2immvp: There needs to be a rule where you get disqualified if you use 1/1/1
oh the irony
But there isn't a rule. And he'd be a damn idiot not to do that build in the ro8 of code-s.
I don't like watching tvp these days but people really need to stop hating on the players. Playing to win is what they get paid to do.
He called it, apparently, dishonorable and is now doing it. He is, according to his own words, being dishonorable.
I think he meant the build with banshees and raven. Now, if he proceeds to execute that particular "dishonorable" build, then we can start calling him a hypocrite.
On August 31 2011 18:49 Netsky wrote: I don't think the Protoss players understand...
1gate fast expo is "all-in" because it is blind and you are relying on hope alone that the Terran doesn't execute a timing push.
MVP knows that HuK almost exclusively plays this style so he is using strong one-base play.
Protoss can stop 1-1-1, just because Protoss players choose not to and play risky fast expand builds, and then cry imba has nothing to do with real balance issues.
... Are you serious, do you just type out misinformation without knowing exactly what you are saying? YOU ARE REQUIRED to expo to hold off a 1-1-1, huk did it to PREPARE, but the thing is terran can just say hey, i'll 3 racks you and kill you for preparing for what isnt coming. protoss aren't all inning, they just don't have a choice. Know about what you're talking about before spewing stuff that may lead to others learning misinformation.
On August 31 2011 18:46 Binabik wrote: I understand game 1, Huk played greedy, but in game 2 it was just sad.......
so game 1 was greedy but when he made a Stargate, a Robo, a Twilight AND an expansion he wasn't greedy? riiiight.
if there wasnt any stargate, MvP would be doing an ordinary 1-1-1, u could see the starport with tech lab until he saw the VR. Which, in the end, a protoss wouldnt be able to holding a well-executed 1-1-1. if he wasnt expanding, he couldnt support his tech if he wasnt going twlight, then what else? collosi? do u know its more efficient to get charge against that than collosi when u are facing 4+tanks?
"Terran’s 1-1-1 build is quite controversial at the moment, what do you think about it?
Terran’s 1-1-1 build is quite easy to execute and also has a large win rate. However, I had already made a solution to it few months ago. I sometimes lose to it but developing and trying out new builds are important. Other protoss players should do that too. I hope this statement don’t develop into a controversy as it may be too cocky.