On August 12 2011 12:13 Condor Hero wrote: [quote] LOOOOOOOL god damn bronze league...
zergs gonna have more than just brood lords. brood lords with just pure lings are amazing.
LOLz someone who thinks they know what they are talking about.
BL + Ling would get stomped by that comp, but keep thinking that.
cant argue with idiots anymore
So you resort to insults? Stay classy.
Well, hes not really wrong, when you use a comment like "BLs are terriblt against blinkstalkers" you are begging for comments like that. its like saying mutas are terrible against marines.... well yes, thats why you dont use but one unit. The fact remains that the Issue of cost effectivity lies in Idras comp not the races possibilities...
He said BL plus pure Ling, which is terrible vs that comp. Lings get stopped by FF and 1 shot by that many Colossi, and then the stalkers can just Blink under the BLs.
BL+Infestor would be better, but again depends more on their mistakes than your skill.
Listen you bronze league moron, ling infestor ultra rapes stalker collosus sentry, so stfu, you just suck, and so does idra in zvp, all he does is cry about balance, when he does the same roach hydra corruptor shit that noone does now adays. Go watch good zergs, idra is some dumb nerd that thinks hes a tough guy, id knock the shit out of him if he bad mouthed me at a lan. fuken dumb nerd, looks like a little turtle. he deserves to be banned from ipl, who does he think he is? Idras infestor micro is also a joke, just watch his stream, he cries about balance with literally every single thing, when the game is well balanced. His macro is what takes him far, not his on the spot thinking and micro, hes such an annoying figure of the community now.
This post is full of class lol.
I'm not seeing much of a point in the midst of all that garbage.
Youre garbage, theres a lot of truth behind that rage.
Did you actually make an account just to rage about how Idra bm'd? Jesus people, why do some of you care so much about what he says?
On August 12 2011 13:00 OmiDeLta wrote: HEY. DOWN HERE. EARLIER IN THIS THREAD. WAS THAT SO-CALLED SPOILER TRUE? Can anyone confirm or deny? Soon as someone does I'll shut up...
noooooo don't answer that! As long as there is doubt, we can remain in a blissful semi-unspoiled state. :D
Well if you deny it, it's not saying it won't happen. I'm just hoping for a "Nobody knows the results yet; the guy was just trolling."
On August 12 2011 12:04 FighterHayabusa wrote: [quote] The early game econ advantage Zerg can gain is nullified by two things for Toss:
1. Most are melee units so a wall will stop them; and, 2. Force fields will keep roaches at bay.
The biggest issue for Zerg is one of cost efficacy. The problem is that this is fine in the early to mid game, but you cannot continue that economic lead into the late game. At some point you have to stop making drones or you won't have an army. That is what you saw in these games. As the game goes longer the ability to wage a battle where your units aren't cost effective declines as your opponent approaches your income.
you are absolutely correct, a roach/hydra comp is not cost effective against toss endgame even with corruptors to handle collosi. If your gonna do this you need to keep the collosicount down alot while maintaining a supplylead. This is not something as a zergplayer you will win a majority of the games using. There is though the unit called the infestor that has proven to add cost effectivity to the zerg even in ZvP. Claiming that the zerg as a race have a hard time being costeffective is wrong, that comp is the problem and something most zergs stopped using a long time ago in lategame.
Broodlords can aswell be probably the most costeffective unit in the game... why not use it?
BLs are terrible vs Blink stalkers....
LOOOOOOOL god damn bronze league...
zergs gonna have more than just brood lords. brood lords with just pure lings are amazing.
LOLz someone who thinks they know what they are talking about.
BL + Ling would get stomped by that comp, but keep thinking that.
cant argue with idiots anymore
So you resort to insults? Stay classy.
Well, hes not really wrong, when you use a comment like "BLs are terriblt against blinkstalkers" you are begging for comments like that. its like saying mutas are terrible against marines.... well yes, thats why you dont use but one unit. The fact remains that the Issue of cost effectivity lies in Idras comp not the races possibilities...
He said BL plus pure Ling, which is terrible vs that comp. Lings get stopped by FF and 1 shot by that many Colossi, and then the stalkers can just Blink under the BLs.
BL+Infestor would be better, but again depends more on their mistakes than your skill.
Listen you bronze league moron, ling infestor ultra rapes stalker collosus sentry, so stfu, you just suck, and so does idra in zvp, all he does is cry about balance, when he does the same roach hydra corruptor shit that noone does now adays. Go watch good zergs, idra is some dumb nerd that thinks hes a tough guy, id knock the shit out of him if he bad mouthed me at a lan. fuken dumb nerd, looks like a little turtle. he deserves to be banned from ipl, who does he think he is? Idras infestor micro is also a joke, just watch his stream, he cries about balance with literally every single thing, when the game is well balanced. His macro is what takes him far, not his on the spot thinking and micro, hes such an annoying figure of the community now.
User was temp banned for this post.
He doesnt deserve to be banned from IPL nearly as much as you deserve to be banned from TL. And I find it interesting how you acuse him if thinking that he is a tough guy, and immediatly afterwards begin talking about how you could beat him up.
I'm really confused by Idra. He says he is a pro, yet I see him bitching about toss and terran all the time, yet when you look it his unit comps you see some huge deficiencies, especially when it comes to infestors.
He blames people for his lack in play. Seems like to me he is a very egotistical player that will always look last upon himself for faults. Not to take away anything away from him as he is a very, very good player, but I think he overestimates his own skill.
Just in that game against Mana he stayed roach-ling-infestor the entire game. He didn't take extra gases to tech to infestor which would have completely denied those stalkers and tbh Mana's collosus count wasn't that high. Mana played a straight game and honestly outplayed Idra even though Idra had opportunities to increase his chances to win.
Honestly I don't mind Idra's BM in gameplay. There is always some trash talking in professional sports I don't see what SC2 should be any different. Some BM keeps it interesting and adds an emotional element into e-sports which I believe is sorely needed.
The fact that people are raging about Idra's BM is frankly good for the longevity of e-sports as it keeps spectors emotionally involved and brings them back to watch more.
Yes Mana and WhiteRa!!! <3 Oh man I would love if either of them! So glad Mana won especially since the word is (since I missed it) that IdrA BMed him when Mana is so manner, and he also came back from being down 2-0. As for WhiteRa, it sucks that he has to knock out Strelok, but doing it in convincing fashion is great for him. Hopefully he's prepared for his weaker match ups though... then again this is all already.