Bye bye streammmm......+ Show Spoiler +So far 1-1 in the 2nd Bo8
On May 27 2011 07:14 antilyon wrote: can someone LR this, or at least keep the thread upfated, i'm pretty curious to know if there are any players in HoSeo able to compete at Code S. Check my spoiler tags. I put some scores in them but the stream just died due to weather so I'm heading off to bed now.
It came back. Looks like the guy they told artosis to look out for is going to lose. He lost a lot of SCVs to blue flame hellions.
Gotta love the production value of this.
rachel is such a hottie. she pitches my tent for sure!
United States97274 Posts
On May 27 2011 09:47 SpecFire wrote: uhh who won this? + Show Spoiler +san vs tassadar in the finals. the only GSL players so not really a surprise. San will probably win. Finals about to start I think
Storms and electrical issues brought down our streaming rig so the finals of NS HoSeo will be broadcast in front of CotH: Zenex at 3pm EST on Saturday 5/28/11! Tune in to find out the winner of this epic PvP final and stick around for games between Zenex's up-and-coming players!
Weather is being nnoyinh really wanna watch this >.<
i completely missed this :/ glad the finals is not over yet.
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Israel2209 Posts
What were the final results? the CSN site isn't with those too unfortunately.
On May 29 2011 17:09 Noam wrote: What were the final results? the CSN site isn't with those too unfortunately.
I'll update them in just a bit mate just woken up after a long night of casting heh.
They are updated, sorry about that thought they were already fixed!
do you know how small that pic is? cant see the results at all..
Israel2209 Posts