So what the hell is the deal with shew and avilo... Anyone care to explain?
I think its mainly a joke, lzgamer and avilo have a bit of a history now and shew is good friends with lz so I think shew called out avilo on his application vid and avilo responded. :D
moman's video is just awesome and he is a very good zerg too. grubby/artosis are maybe not the best known players skill wise but i think they deserve a spot in the league anyways because it's gonna way more intresting with them and the have the effort to work really hard for this league. man .. don't wanna be on the spot to decide between all this players.
Grubby in the league! Oh my GOD! First time I saw his stream ever... got home from working like 10 hours should probably get to sleep since I have to getup at the crack of dawn and go back downtown and work but I was like, man I'll just check Teamliquid REALLY quick, I can't resist. Lo and Behold, Manuel's Stream!
On March 11 2011 13:40 Slardar wrote: Grubby in the league! Oh my GOD! First time I saw his stream ever... got home from working like 10 hours should probably get to sleep since I have to getup at the crack of dawn and go back downtown and work but I was like, man I'll just check Teamliquid REALLY quick, I can't resist. Lo and Behold, Manuel's Stream!
@Shaunnn - Trust, I follow TL streams religiously. This is the first time I saw Grubby's. Just so excited, and I'm very happy to see at 5 in the morning his micro is still impeccable. Just 4gates a guy to death with his micro. I LOVE it ^^
So what the hell is the deal with shew and avilo... Anyone care to explain?
It looks like avilo botoxed half his face... must be some sort of disease... either way, this kid is close to the most BM player I've ever played against. Like how he talks about making money like 13 times in his application, clearly we all know what he's in this for. Hope someone with his sort of attitude and behavior won't make it as sad as it is to wish misfortune on someone. It'd be better for the community if this kid stayed at home.
You know, you're pretty lucky, as such a random and direct personal insult against a player would usually be insta-ban on TL, but since it's "me" looks like there's no TL mods in sight....hmmm..
Also, call the math support line, I believe I mentioned the desire to earn money playing starcraft once in my interview.
So what the hell is the deal with shew and avilo... Anyone care to explain?
It looks like avilo botoxed half his face... must be some sort of disease... either way, this kid is close to the most BM player I've ever played against. Like how he talks about making money like 13 times in his application, clearly we all know what he's in this for. Hope someone with his sort of attitude and behavior won't make it as sad as it is to wish misfortune on someone. It'd be better for the community if this kid stayed at home.
There is maybe 60 players I can think of from europe alone that are more skilled than him so I really doubt he will get a spot
Hello? Professional gaming is about making money. I love the game just like every other person that has made one of these "application videos." But we are playing to be professionals, so yes, that does mean we would like to have ways to earn a living playing starcraft. Clearly. Hint: "professional" gaming
And contrary to the hater propoganda bandwagon...i'm pretty good!
So what the hell is the deal with shew and avilo... Anyone care to explain?
It looks like avilo botoxed half his face... must be some sort of disease... either way, this kid is close to the most BM player I've ever played against. Like how he talks about making money like 13 times in his application, clearly we all know what he's in this for. Hope someone with his sort of attitude and behavior won't make it as sad as it is to wish misfortune on someone. It'd be better for the community if this kid stayed at home.
I wouldn't be worried unless they want to invite one guy to stir up some controversy.
On another note... I liked MoMaN's video.
If they invited me it'd be because they recognize i'm a good you honestly think NASL is going to invite players to "stir up controversy?" That just sounds stupid.
So what the hell is the deal with shew and avilo... Anyone care to explain?
It looks like avilo botoxed half his face... must be some sort of disease... either way, this kid is close to the most BM player I've ever played against. Like how he talks about making money like 13 times in his application, clearly we all know what he's in this for. Hope someone with his sort of attitude and behavior won't make it as sad as it is to wish misfortune on someone. It'd be better for the community if this kid stayed at home.
You know, you're pretty lucky, as such a random and direct personal insult against a player would usually be insta-ban on TL, but since it's "me" looks like there's no TL mods in sight....hmmm..
So what the hell is the deal with shew and avilo... Anyone care to explain?
It looks like avilo botoxed half his face... must be some sort of disease... either way, this kid is close to the most BM player I've ever played against. Like how he talks about making money like 13 times in his application, clearly we all know what he's in this for. Hope someone with his sort of attitude and behavior won't make it as sad as it is to wish misfortune on someone. It'd be better for the community if this kid stayed at home.
There is maybe 60 players I can think of from europe alone that are more skilled than him so I really doubt he will get a spot
Hello? Professional gaming is about making money. I love the game just like every other person that has made one of these "application videos." But we are playing to be professionals, so yes, that does mean we would like to have ways to earn a living playing starcraft. Clearly. Hint: "professional" gaming
And contrary to the hater propoganda bandwagon...i'm pretty good!
So what the hell is the deal with shew and avilo... Anyone care to explain?
It looks like avilo botoxed half his face... must be some sort of disease... either way, this kid is close to the most BM player I've ever played against. Like how he talks about making money like 13 times in his application, clearly we all know what he's in this for. Hope someone with his sort of attitude and behavior won't make it as sad as it is to wish misfortune on someone. It'd be better for the community if this kid stayed at home.
I wouldn't be worried unless they want to invite one guy to stir up some controversy.
On another note... I liked MoMaN's video.
If they invited me it'd be because they recognize i'm a good you honestly think NASL is going to invite players to "stir up controversy?" That just sounds stupid.
Problem is you are nowhere near deserving one of the top 50 spots. I remember when you were QQing about zerg, and decided to play the race. Game starts and you say "I'm going to defend into autowin." Then you call me a faggot when you lose lol. Nobody see's you as a good player so please stop trying.
So what the hell is the deal with shew and avilo... Anyone care to explain?
It looks like avilo botoxed half his face... must be some sort of disease... either way, this kid is close to the most BM player I've ever played against. Like how he talks about making money like 13 times in his application, clearly we all know what he's in this for. Hope someone with his sort of attitude and behavior won't make it as sad as it is to wish misfortune on someone. It'd be better for the community if this kid stayed at home.
Wow what is your problem? Just watched his application vid, he didn't sound bm at all. Mentions the fans and e-sports multiple times. And wow the botox comment... maybe he was in a car accident or some kind of other accident and you go and make an insult like that? imo you should get a instant ban for shit like that. I'm not a fan of Avilo or anything, personally I would vote for Grubby, Moman or Artosis to get in but random hate towards players is just not cool.
So what the hell is the deal with shew and avilo... Anyone care to explain?
It looks like avilo botoxed half his face... must be some sort of disease... either way, this kid is close to the most BM player I've ever played against. Like how he talks about making money like 13 times in his application, clearly we all know what he's in this for. Hope someone with his sort of attitude and behavior won't make it as sad as it is to wish misfortune on someone. It'd be better for the community if this kid stayed at home.
You know, you're pretty lucky, as such a random and direct personal insult against a player would usually be insta-ban on TL, but since it's "me" looks like there's no TL mods in sight....hmmm..
So what the hell is the deal with shew and avilo... Anyone care to explain?
It looks like avilo botoxed half his face... must be some sort of disease... either way, this kid is close to the most BM player I've ever played against. Like how he talks about making money like 13 times in his application, clearly we all know what he's in this for. Hope someone with his sort of attitude and behavior won't make it as sad as it is to wish misfortune on someone. It'd be better for the community if this kid stayed at home.
There is maybe 60 players I can think of from europe alone that are more skilled than him so I really doubt he will get a spot
Hello? Professional gaming is about making money. I love the game just like every other person that has made one of these "application videos." But we are playing to be professionals, so yes, that does mean we would like to have ways to earn a living playing starcraft. Clearly. Hint: "professional" gaming
And contrary to the hater propoganda bandwagon...i'm pretty good!
So what the hell is the deal with shew and avilo... Anyone care to explain?
It looks like avilo botoxed half his face... must be some sort of disease... either way, this kid is close to the most BM player I've ever played against. Like how he talks about making money like 13 times in his application, clearly we all know what he's in this for. Hope someone with his sort of attitude and behavior won't make it as sad as it is to wish misfortune on someone. It'd be better for the community if this kid stayed at home.
I wouldn't be worried unless they want to invite one guy to stir up some controversy.
On another note... I liked MoMaN's video.
If they invited me it'd be because they recognize i'm a good you honestly think NASL is going to invite players to "stir up controversy?" That just sounds stupid.
Problem is you are nowhere near deserving one of the top 50 spots. I remember when you were QQing about zerg, and decided to play the race. Game starts and you say "I'm going to defend into autowin." Then you call me a faggot when you lose lol. Nobody see's you as a good player so please stop trying.
Nobody sees you as a good poster so why don't you just stop trying too. Theres no reason why someone shouldn't try to get into this and I really hope people aren't seeing applications getting bashed and deciding not to attempt to apply themselves. Everyone starts somewhere, if they are worthy they will get in, if not they won't. No need to hate and bash on people.
So what the hell is the deal with shew and avilo... Anyone care to explain?
It looks like avilo botoxed half his face... must be some sort of disease... either way, this kid is close to the most BM player I've ever played against. Like how he talks about making money like 13 times in his application, clearly we all know what he's in this for. Hope someone with his sort of attitude and behavior won't make it as sad as it is to wish misfortune on someone. It'd be better for the community if this kid stayed at home.
You know, you're pretty lucky, as such a random and direct personal insult against a player would usually be insta-ban on TL, but since it's "me" looks like there's no TL mods in sight....hmmm..
So what the hell is the deal with shew and avilo... Anyone care to explain?
It looks like avilo botoxed half his face... must be some sort of disease... either way, this kid is close to the most BM player I've ever played against. Like how he talks about making money like 13 times in his application, clearly we all know what he's in this for. Hope someone with his sort of attitude and behavior won't make it as sad as it is to wish misfortune on someone. It'd be better for the community if this kid stayed at home.
There is maybe 60 players I can think of from europe alone that are more skilled than him so I really doubt he will get a spot
Hello? Professional gaming is about making money. I love the game just like every other person that has made one of these "application videos." But we are playing to be professionals, so yes, that does mean we would like to have ways to earn a living playing starcraft. Clearly. Hint: "professional" gaming
And contrary to the hater propoganda bandwagon...i'm pretty good!
So what the hell is the deal with shew and avilo... Anyone care to explain?
It looks like avilo botoxed half his face... must be some sort of disease... either way, this kid is close to the most BM player I've ever played against. Like how he talks about making money like 13 times in his application, clearly we all know what he's in this for. Hope someone with his sort of attitude and behavior won't make it as sad as it is to wish misfortune on someone. It'd be better for the community if this kid stayed at home.
I wouldn't be worried unless they want to invite one guy to stir up some controversy.
On another note... I liked MoMaN's video.
If they invited me it'd be because they recognize i'm a good you honestly think NASL is going to invite players to "stir up controversy?" That just sounds stupid.
Problem is you are nowhere near deserving one of the top 50 spots. I remember when you were QQing about zerg, and decided to play the race. Game starts and you say "I'm going to defend into autowin." Then you call me a faggot when you lose lol. Nobody see's you as a good player so please stop trying.
I love how these things bring out random haters out of no where.
"Hey you!!! I remember you from 3 years ago!!! Yes, three years!! You were standing next to me at the bus stop, and goddamnit, I asked to borrow a nickel and you said 'sorry, i don't have one.' You obviously lied to me! How could you stoop to such a level! To this day I see you as scum sir, scum of the earth! And I will have my vengeance now in this forum post! aarrrrhghhhghh!!!!"
You know Avilo, the dude is not required to think that you are good. In any sports, there is always some fans that will trash players, stating that they cant play properly, that they are overrated, ect. It`s no different in Esport. That`s the risk you take when you expose yourself to the general public. You got to learn how to deal with it. People were trashing Jaedong of all people on his Twitter. If it happens to him, you bet its gonna happen to you. So you got to learn how to deal with it, and prove people wrong with results, not by replying to the critics on a internet forum.
On March 11 2011 14:17 HowSoOnIsNow wrote: You know Avilo, the dude is not required to think that you are good. In any sports, there is always some fans that will trash players, stating that they cant play properly, that they are overrated, ect. It`s no different in Esport. That`s the risk you take when you expose yourself to the general public. You got to learn how to deal with it. People were trashing Jaedong of all people on his Twitter. If it happens to him, you bet its gonna happen to you. So you got to learn how to deal with it, and prove people wrong with results, not by replying to the critics on a internet forum.
Just my two cents.
Well, I happen to browse the forums when I am not currently practicing you know. I have no problem with someone criticizing how I play, just like most players wouldn't have a problem with that. But personal insults about a player's appearance? Come on. Save that bullshit for clan x17 on bnet or your ventrilo, not the TL forums.
Grubby's video is up yo! Will be interesting to see if he gets in based on his e-fame/WC3 accomplishments as he obviously has no real SC2 acomplishments yet. I personally Really hope he gets in since grubby is the man and it will be fun to see how far he has come in only a few months of playing sc2 seriously. Feel like there are alot more people applying than I would have initial though, I mean there are like 30 or so videos up already, and no koreans, and missing alot of the major players from the big teams. Kind of sad alot/some of them will have to be turned down B(
On March 11 2011 14:12 superbabosheki wrote: Problem is you are nowhere near deserving one of the top 50 spots. I remember when you were QQing about zerg, and decided to play the race. Game starts and you say "I'm going to defend into autowin." Then you call me a faggot when you lose lol. Nobody see's you as a good player so please stop trying.
Speak for yourself. There's many people who recognize avilo's skill and expertise as a Terran player in the Starcraft community.
As far as the derogatory comments on avilo's appearance; it was vicious and uncalled for and if avilo had said those things about y'all, there would have undoubtedly been an instant ban. *just shakes my head in disbelief.