MLG DC Day 2 - Page 288
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Iceland1267 Posts
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198 Posts
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Germany2310 Posts
On October 17 2010 07:55 Kipples wrote: The problem with Select is his predictability. He has done the exact same strat for every game. Not that i'm saying it's OP, kiwi showed some good strengths and attempted to counter with inventive play, but Idra can watch Select's game and know EXACTLY what to expect. Selects best option is to change it up and deviate from what he has done every game. Select is an awesome player but it's sad that he doesn't deviate enough. What ever wins you games i guess, so he can't be faulted for that. "Yeah he uses mainly Bio + Medivac and Viking support". You could say that about any Platinum or Gold Terra but it's only SeleCT who is up there. It's not about the units, it's about how you use them. Everyone is expecting some hardcounter to that. The counter is just to play and multitask better than SeleCT, not some miracle-unit. And Idra won't know shit, because Select is never gonna play 3 rax pressure vs Zerg every time... You guys seem to forget that he only faced Protoss players recently. Of course he's gonna play a similar unit composition against protoss. You really think he's gonna do the same unit composition against Idra 5 times in a row? | ||
Germany1972 Posts
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Valhalla18444 Posts
On October 17 2010 08:03 Pills wrote: WTF with making Select having to win 2 BO3's to win the finals. Really disliking this. Why couldn't they just do a BO7? but its a double elimination tournament. idra hasn't lost a series yet, but select has. why would you put them on even ground in the final when idra hasn't seen the loser bracket yet? | ||
Estonia2559 Posts
On October 17 2010 08:02 Logo2010 wrote: He entertained the masses but top players know it was giving up. Thank you for giving us your opinion as a top player. Logo2010, star of tournaments such as ___________ and _________ 2010! | ||
United States29 Posts
On October 17 2010 08:01 imnotwearingpants wrote: A Korean living in America vs. an American living in Korea. What's next? A Kimchi hot pocket? rofl | ||
Canada1420 Posts
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United States1692 Posts
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United States3206 Posts
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New Zealand8185 Posts
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Canada4525 Posts
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Canada131 Posts
On October 17 2010 07:58 happyness wrote: I don't understand the hate at Select. Yes he goes MM, but he does it so much better than any other terran in NA that it throws everybody off guard. He didnt get this far by luck and really deserves to be where he's at. 95% of the comments regarding SeleCTs games are not insulting the player (which, for an internet forum, is damn near miraculous). It's complaining about a strategy that, even if laid out for an opponent pre-game, is still ridiculous for a protoss to counter. Remember reapers against zerg? No one is saying its that bad, it's just ... one of the things I love about this game is the chess match. The psychology. If a player can say "I'm going A-B-C, regardless of what you do" it takes away one of the most important elements that makes the game so addictive and compelling. | ||
Spain72 Posts
his ZvT its very good, however select was practising with sen:o | ||
Singapore5922 Posts
On October 17 2010 08:05 hp.Shell wrote: I don't understand that Liquid`Tyler vs SeleCT result. 3:4? Why was this a Bo7? I'd look myself but I don't want to dig through 280 pages of comments. Can someone enlighten me as to why this wasn't a Bo3? This was in Losers Round 8. The reason I ask is because the MLG bracket isn't updated yet and it says Liquid`Tyler 2:1 SeleCT. Very confusing. Also, had the match been a Bo3, would Nony have advanced instead of SeleCT? ![]() Tyler beat Select 2:1, sending him to the losers bracket. When they played again in the losers bracket, the format was BO7 with the previous 2:1 carrying over. | ||
Canada69 Posts
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United Kingdom171 Posts
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Australia3 Posts
On October 17 2010 08:04 NEgroidZerg wrote: Anyone who truly can't laugh and enjoy what huk did takes life and video games a little too seriously. This. All the way. | ||
Sweden5901 Posts
Idra is gonna get in real trouble this final. | ||
Sweden4644 Posts
On October 17 2010 08:01 Kishkumen wrote: His sponsor just posted his approval in this very thread. ^^ Uh, where? edit: nvm | ||
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