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Starcraft Against Diseases presents...
Vancouver S.A.D. SC2 Charity LAN Tournament
Hey everyone,
I want to thank everybody for showing up yesterday! I think the tournament turned out really well and I want to give SPECIAL THANKS to GoatRope, CheAse, Cedstick, ChToniC and Chris from DNA Cafe for their great support for the tournament; you guys really made the tournament a lot better than I expected.
The tournament went on for a LOT longer than I expected (5+ hours longer....) I can't believe it lol. Rope and CheAse must have crazy soar necks right now; I cant thank you enough for dedicating 15 hours of your time casting games non-stop. Also, big thanks to Chris from DNA for giving us a huge discount on the venue fees.
We only had about 44 players show up (including a few backups) rather than 64, but I think it worked out in the end because if everyone showed up we probably wouldn't have finished by.... 3am? lol. I really want to post the brackets but since the brackets were pretty messed up due to missing players there were quite a few byes I'll just post the top results (I'll try to be more organized next time around.. sorry about this).
Total Pool: $1020
Donation to Charity: $300 + ($5 extra Donation from someone, sorry for forgetting your name!) = $305 (still talking with Stalife where it's going)
Prize Pool: $720
1st Prize: $360 Stalife
2nd Prize: $180 Neans
3rd Prize: $110 KawaiiRice
4th Prize: $70 FireZerg
5th: SCanenome, badguy
7th: AlphaIIOmega, TooFresh
9th: Kira, Ice, BaBy, Chronopolis
I hope you guys enjoyed the stream from Rope and hopefully we have some podcasts of the event soon.
Although I was quite exhausted at the end, I had tons of fun meeting everyone there and really enjoyed all the games that I was watching. I hope you guys had fun as well, and hopefully show up again when we host S.A.D. #2! Thanks everyone for supporting a good cause, the local scene and SC2 in general.
Justin Yu
Bracket has been created. I don't know if anyone is still around reading this, but this bracket was generated using ELO for top/bottom 8, and random for the rest. See you guys all tomorrow!
*****UPDATE3***** Bracket has been removed as I am expecting a lot of changes on the day of the tournament. Sorry for making things so confusing but I'm just doing it so that everyone is happy about the whole process and to make it fair as possible. So here is another poll suggested by Stalife:
Poll: Seed top/bottom 8 according to ELO and randomize the rest?
Yes, randomize the rest. (28)
No, seed according to ELO for all. (12)
40 total votes
No, seed according to ELO for all. (12)
40 total votes
Your vote: Seed top/bottom 8 according to ELO and randomize the rest?
(Vote): Yes, randomize the rest.
(Vote): No, seed according to ELO for all.
So this poll will run to Oct 8th, and I will generate the actual bracket on the 9th after checking in the players.
*****UPDATE2***** Some people have been suggesting that we seed the brackets according to ELO points. An example of this is found HERE. Basically, the highest ELO would be seeded with lowest ELO, 2nd highest EL with 2nd lowest ELO etc. The other alternative would be to randomize the seeding. Let me know what you guys think by voting below!
****UPDATE**** Venue has changed to DNA internet cafe in Richmond for reasons such as venue fee, space and Time constraints. Prize pool will get bigger as well as the donation amount! Also, the tournament won't be as long since we will have more computers. Also, date is now set to be October 9th, 2010.
It is going to be on Oct 9th
Check In: Starts at 10:00AM until 10:45AM at DNA Internet Cafe. Please don't be late! If you have not checked-in by 10:45AM, backup players will take your place and you will be DQed from the tournament. Tournaments will begin at 11:00AM and should be over before 6:00PM (Should be 6~7 hours long)
DNA Internet Cafe
Unit 175
4351 No.3 Road Richmond B.C. V6X 3A7
Registration Fee: $30 at the door
64 players Max tournament, double elimination Style as per Challonge
Winner group will Start Best out of 3 from Ro16 - Ro8, and Best out of 5 for Semi and Final
Loser group will Start Best out of 3 from 2nd Ro16 - 2nd Ro8 and Best out of 5 for Semis and Finals.
Grand Final will be played by the winners from each group to determine the Champion Bo7
Bracket Sample
Estimated Matches Played (Maximum): 229
Estimated Prize Pool: ~$1200
Estimated Donation: ~$500
Prize Pool Distribution:
1st place: 50%
2nd place: 25%
3rd place: 15%
4th place: 10%
Map Pool:
Lost Temple
Scrap Station
Steppes of War
Blistering Sands
Delta Quadrant
Xel'Naga Caverns
Valhalla (prodiG)
Enigma (prodiG)
(prodiG maps can be found on B.net, Custom Games, Create then search iCCup)
Winner Group:
Ro64: Metalopolis
Ro32: Valhalla (prodiG)
Ro16: Scrap Station, loser picks next
Ro8: Steppes of War, loser picks next
Semi: Delta Quadrant, loser picks next
Final: Blistering Sands, loser picks next
Loser Group:
1st Ro32: Lost Temple
2nd Ro32: Enigma (prodiG)
1st Ro16: Xel'Naga Caverns
2nd Ro16: Delta Quadrant, loser picks next
1st Ro8: Steppes of War, loser picks next
2nd Ro8: Scrap Station, loser picks next
1st Semi: Valhalla (prodiG), loser picks next
2nd Semi: Blistering Sands, loser picks next
1st Final: Metalopolis, loser picks next
2nd Final: Lost Temple, loser picks next
Grand Final: Metalopolis, loser picks next
This is a Charity event; 30% of the proceeds will go to a registered charitable organization of choice by the Champion. If not, it will go to AMREF (canada.amref.org) for:
Creating healthy communities, fighting diseases, training health workers and reinforcing health systems.
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! As stated above, if you can and will make it to both of those dates please register now below following:
Game ID:
-You may bring your own keyboard / mouse if you wish.
-Headsets will be provided, but we might be short so please bring one if you have one (everyone has iPods right? =P) and it is mandatory for you to wear these during a match.
-You must play with the race you have registered with.
-We will not be providing you with a SC2 account.
Thanks guys
Registered Players
1 Sworn 892 T
2 Carefoot 310 R
3 Nakraka 834 P
4 Kira 736 Z
5 Zapt 365 T
6 Sixtyfour 881 P
7 Zeal 479 Z
8 Sarai 332 R
9 tSunami 992 P
10 yawn 159 Z
11 itwasluck 547 T
12 squintz 509 T
13 MayDay 490 T
14 joblagz 161 Z
15 Magrath 726 Z
16 Powar 348 Z
17 Marth 686 Z
18 jnay 194 T
19 dizzy 936 P
20 Stalife 925 T
21 muffincrisp 285 P
22 AcidiC 216 P
23 iNfeKtiD 750 Z
24 Chrome 214 P
25 toofresh 145 T
26 neans 693 T
27 sethr0 164 Z
28 starhunk 430 T
29 terran 151 T
30 Chronopoolis 407 P
31 Forseti 297 P
32 AlphaIIOmega 249 T
33 Barett 880 P
34 rope 707 P
35 xplodngKeys 201 T
36 Deeos 711 Z
37 BaBy 624 Z
38 BlakOut 129 P
39 Envy 474 T
40 KawaiiRice 954 T
41 GoSu 731 T
42 Errol 667 Z
43 Computer 708 Z
44 xdarkevil 714 Z
45 Tsularesque 573 P
46 AdrenalinG 537 R
47 SCanemone 238 P
48 FireZerg 882 Z
49 ymisofine 435 Z
50 Anatidaus 458 T
51 gorf 115 P
52 Clizz 282 T
53 Ice 579 T
54 Ganon 984 T
55 stoli 528 Z
56 Avarice 688 T
57 iNsight 183 R
58 UruzuNine 799 T
59 Bosma 565 T
60 DEAD 797 P
61 woslom 370 P
62 Yoshh 311 Z
63 Sugoidesu 487 T
64 OrzGY 560 Z
Backup Players
8 Renoir 495 T
9 Gaves 353 T
10 calvinstorm 243 T
11 owen 393 T
12 MoleTeo 292 P
13 badguy 435 P
14 fijity 240 Z