as of this post, we have 83 players with 3 more whose ID's are still required.
Meldrath, SiguR, and CheAse, please make sure we get your IDs either in an edit to your original post, a reply, or an email to Tesla or myself so we can get you entered into the brackets.
Once registration closes, we will post the player list so you can verify the information is correct before the start of the tournament.
As an aside, if we can change the tournament dates so that we do not conflict with ESL Germany, we may do so. If this happens, the main post will be updated =)
Character Name: Powster Character ID: 380 Race: Protoss Rank: Diamond
Character Name: Zelica Character ID: 538 Race: Protoss Rank: Diamond
Character Name: Rigid Character ID: 175 Race: Zerg Rank: Diamond Team: None
Roar 909(will confirm when I'm home) Zerg gold quantum gaming
Character Name: Saracen Character ID: 276 Race: Zerg Rank: Diamond
Character Name: Hawk Character ID: 836 Race: Zerg Rank: Diamond League Rank #1
Character Name: Bluewolf Character ID: 820 Race: Protoss Rank: Diamond
Character Name: bakasan Character ID: 804 Race: Terran Rank: PLatinum League Rank #1
Character Name: Kyhol Character ID: 675 Race: R Rank:diamond
Character Name: Lorac Character ID: 449 Race: Protoss Rank: Diamond Rank Top 30 Team: None
Character Name: monitor Character ID: 835 Race: Zerg Rank: Top Platinum/low diamond Team: TeamSix
Canada1842 Posts
Character Name: Corinthos Character ID: 897 Race: Terran Rank: Diamond
Character Name: Floophead Character ID: 885 Race: Terran Rank: Plat right now, diamond when I play more. Team: vTgaming
edit: wrote ID wrong, my bad. Fixed now.
Character Name: goswser Character ID: 747 Race: Terran Rank: 400+ diamond Team: mG
Name: BorG ID: Will find it when I am home Race: Zerg Rank: Platinum