USA29055 Posts
I'ma talk with the facts I got which was "warturtle" or w/e WAS msg'ing him while he was playing.
you can bitch about respect all you like but I didn't like the way that went down and yeah, we were late and yeah we didn't respond to pm's still doesn't call for what happened.
You can claim none of it happened all you want. I'm not calling for your head to roll or saying it was some huge ordeal.. j ust saying I didn't like it. Plain and simple.
sorry I dont have the logs because my computer crashed or I would post them, maybe he was confused because I was questioning him about it. Obviously I allowed you guys to advance and on review of replays it was clear it was not inka playing for machine.
Sorry for any misunderstandings if there where some. It is pretty hectic dealing with a player telling you how much someone else cheated, and he did the same thing last week.
no1 got dq'd idk why u guys would even bring this up, now its backfiring big time on ur team becuz of how poorly you act/acted in the past
Warturtle seems pretty overwhelmed with all the drama going on in this weeks tournament. Just a suggestion, but maybe you can find a co-host next week so you don't have to deal with all these issues alone, and all at the same time.
This tournament has given me all the reason i need to not play this game again until there is a patch. The only race that won games while we played was protoss. Thats it
Just play Protoss.
Blame the race, not the players :D!
On April 12 2010 07:45 BentoBox wrote: Blame the race, not the players :D!
From the wiki... "Incontrol played Protoss instead of Zerg as well" Its his main race in sc2.
GG everyone kiwi you played well.
Please post replays after, especially QXC's replays. Thanks!
QXC- Beautiful banshees harass!
Wow, unbelievably good banshee harass from QXC against CauthonLuck
WOW just WOW at QXC, that was some amazing Banshee madness.
Also, all-kill in semi finals is pretty big.
QXC da beast.
For some reason I was 100% convinced you were doing your anti-banshee build with ghosts/ravens due to the early tech lab and no unit count, didn't even bother making a starport to "trick" you. Haha, showed you.
gg^^; gl in tourney
Nony commentary is hilarious!
nony commentary is amazing