Hello everyone I am here today to finally show you guys the same build I used in my WCS matches verses Revival. So lets get to it!
I originally made this build randomly on the spot and decided that it actually had potential, and since I have been asked a lot to make a guide I finally decided it is time! So here we go.
I made video guide of my doing a voice over of a game I played while doing the build which can be found over here :
The build order can be found here :
9 pylon 13 gateway 14 gas 16 pylon 18 cyber 19 make a zealot to and check with a probe if you ar e being proxy hatched, if not cancel zealot and proceed with build 21 nexus 21 pylon (at ramp) (scout after you put this pylon down) 21 mothership core 23 gas 24 stalker 28 twilight 32 double gateway at ramp At around 8-10 workers at your natural, pull one probe of each gas and send to your natural. ~6 minutes blink should be started 38 double gas ~7 minutes start to add on gateways while constintaly making probes Go up to 8 gateways and stop at 16 probes each mineral line and 2 in each gas. 7:45 move out, if he has lings in front of your base and trying to deny you from moving out feel free to warp in 3 stalkers. if not warp in at proxy pylon and continue on with the attack
I was literally about to bust out my notebook and start taking notes haha, thanks for the help! I love these kinds of attacks as Protoss.
But now that I main Zerg, I'm curious what kinds of things Zerg does against this that are really frustrating? Other than game changing cheese/unorthodox type stuff that changes any normal gameplan.
On August 11 2014 12:07 Kommatiazo wrote: Same link for the replays! :/
I was literally about to bust out my notebook and start taking notes haha, thanks for the help! I love these kinds of attacks as Protoss.
But now that I main Zerg, I'm curious what kinds of things Zerg does against this that are really frustrating? Other than game changing cheese/unorthodox type stuff that changes any normal gameplan.
To be honest I have only lost a couple times when doing this build, a couple times when I screwed up my micro and another time when my friend blindly tried to hard counter it by going really fast mass hydra ling.
This is very strong because the gas timings on the natural usually indicate something else than a pre 10 min 2 base attack. On the other hand this build is very scoutable on 2 player maps.
Even in the case an overlord scout gets denied by three stalkers or so, that should tip you off.
On August 12 2014 10:54 brickrd wrote: have you ever played against mass +1/+1 upgraded zergling style with this build?
This was going to be my next question actually. I haven't played this in a while, and I know that I haven't seen any pro zergs do it for a while now (though I may have just missed it). I think it's a really fun way to play out a PvZ so I was curious if it wrecks this mass unupgraded stalker play or not. Especially, if not, WHY not? Seems like it might on paper, but it may be more of a blind counter type relationship? Like you can't reactively go into that style of play AFTER scouting this type of 2 base blink timing or something?
Do you know JonSnow? <Insert obligatory "You know nothing, Jon Snow" joke>
I can't seem to make this work consistently against top 5 diamonds/masters. They usually get ling hydra or quick speed roach with burrow + lings and they often disrupt the build by trying to break through my ramp with speedlings which slows me way down because i have to defend that before I can push. In most the games when I attack they have an overwhelming amount of units and I can't ever break them...
I also wonder if we could do this off like FFE and make it look like parting's immortal sentry (that also gets one stalker early to deny scouting). It would incur a roach response (or a muta one), which all die to blink stalkers like :D
hits earlier, comes off a 1 gate fe instead of ffe. squeezing the forge in this build would be pretty much after the TC which would only let you get +1 attack anyways which makes pretty much no difference (+2 attack is the critical point for stalkers vs lings)