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On May 15 2013 06:26 Sent. wrote: What is the most common TvP opening now? I've been using a lot of widow mine expands but it seems like it doesn't work as well as it did few weeks ago.
From what I've seen a lot of pros (Flash, Heart, Bomber) are switching into a reaper expand with a fast eng bay. The build I've seen flash use is
12 rax 12 gas (pull guys out at 100 gas) 15 oc 15 reaper 17 cc 18 depot 18 reactor (put guys back in gas) bunker eng. bay (around 30 gas mined so that you can get +1 immediately) 6:00 2 rax (double TL when finished) 2nd gas factory 3rd gas after tech labs stim +1 armor starport +reactor factory combat shields 4th gas
From here it's pretty standard, push when your upgrades and Medis finish. either add 2 rax or a 3rd cc while you get your armory and 2/2.
Can somebody upload a replay of this build? I'm trying to learn it on my own and I always fail with each timing.
I see a lot of pro terrans that add hellbats to the standard comp in midgame TvP and then I see a lot of pro terrans who choose not to. Is there like a general consensus to this? To hellbat or not to hellbat?
On May 15 2013 06:26 Sent. wrote: What is the most common TvP opening now? I've been using a lot of widow mine expands but it seems like it doesn't work as well as it did few weeks ago.
From what I've seen a lot of pros (Flash, Heart, Bomber) are switching into a reaper expand with a fast eng bay. The build I've seen flash use is
12 rax 12 gas (pull guys out at 100 gas) 15 oc 15 reaper 17 cc 18 depot 18 reactor (put guys back in gas) bunker eng. bay (around 30 gas mined so that you can get +1 immediately) 6:00 2 rax (double TL when finished) 2nd gas factory 3rd gas after tech labs stim +1 armor starport +reactor factory combat shields 4th gas
From here it's pretty standard, push when your upgrades and Medis finish. either add 2 rax or a 3rd cc while you get your armory and 2/2.
Can somebody upload a replay of this build? I'm trying to learn it on my own and I always fail with each timing.
Heres a daily on it
On May 18 2013 20:38 gillon wrote: I see a lot of pro terrans that add hellbats to the standard comp in midgame TvP and then I see a lot of pro terrans who choose not to. Is there like a general consensus to this? To hellbat or not to hellbat?
Generally pros add hellbats if they see a very zealot heavy army as they make a nice meatshield as well as dealing some very nice damage to the zealots which allow the marines and marauders to melt them.
On May 15 2013 06:26 Sent. wrote: What is the most common TvP opening now? I've been using a lot of widow mine expands but it seems like it doesn't work as well as it did few weeks ago.
From what I've seen a lot of pros (Flash, Heart, Bomber) are switching into a reaper expand with a fast eng bay. The build I've seen flash use is
12 rax 12 gas (pull guys out at 100 gas) 15 oc 15 reaper 17 cc 18 depot 18 reactor (put guys back in gas) bunker eng. bay (around 30 gas mined so that you can get +1 immediately) 6:00 2 rax (double TL when finished) 2nd gas factory 3rd gas after tech labs stim +1 armor starport +reactor factory combat shields 4th gas
From here it's pretty standard, push when your upgrades and Medis finish. either add 2 rax or a 3rd cc while you get your armory and 2/2.
Can somebody upload a replay of this build? I'm trying to learn it on my own and I always fail with each timing.
On May 18 2013 17:08 gingerfluffmuff wrote: Thanks to you, TheDwarf for maintaining this thread! I am a noob terran and have a micro question:
Consider this: I have my marine marauder medivac army on hotkey 1, the vikings on hk2 and ghosts on 3 (or ravens). Most of the time i just follow-command a random maru with the vikings and the ghosts.
My question: If i want to drop with a medivac, how should i load it up and hotkey it for maximum efficiency?
Atm: I select group 1, shift-click on medivac to remove it from group 1 (and assign the selection as new group 1), then box a few marines marauder and right click on it. Then i move or stop group 1 to break the follow command of the remaining units. The selected medivac will then be send on the way with a few waypoints and an unload command. Then i ignore the drop entirely and try to engage the opponents main army when he tries to split it to deal with said drop.
Improvements: Should i change something or is there a better way to do it? Thanks for your time.
You're welcome (it's not "TheDwarf" though). Personally I load the Medivac (1. either ctrl-select Marines or Marauders, right click Medivac, stop; or 2. select group 1, right click Medivac, stop), then select group 1, remove the loaded Medivac from it, reassign and send the drop. So what you do is fine, it's just in a different order. I don't or rarely hotkey drops but it's a matter of preference.
On May 18 2013 20:08 A Wild Sosd wrote: What does seeing 1 Gate a robo and a nexus going down mean?
Robo after 1 gate expand is standard and does not mean much, except "no immediate Oracle" and "no immediate Gateway pressure". You have to try to scout his transition. Unless Protoss scouted gas first, gate robo before expand should be considered as a red flag for an Immortal bust (or Protoss didn't get the memo that we're playing HotS).
How are you supposed to deal with 3 base ultralisk with queen support? I just played a game where I had a better economy, even on upgrades ( he went really fast double upgrades and so did I) i moved out to try and trade/do damage with 2/2 before he had ultras and killed off 4th and a ton of drones at the 3rd.. and he just a moves his utlras at me with queens. i spread at top of a ramp and barely any ultras even die... I have production going at home and he literally marches across and kills me anyway. I have no clue how to deal with this. At no point are the supplies in his favor, he really didnt have a lot of lings to back up.. Once he has ultras out i feel like i just cannot engage it at all, and if he comes for my base i just die no matter how bad his economy behind it is. I just don't know whether I should treat this like an all in and never move out of my bases.. doesnt seem to matter though when he can just walk into my 3rd or my natural wtih wall ins and win with transfuse anwyay.
On May 19 2013 02:39 Irre wrote: How are you supposed to deal with 3 base ultralisk with queen support? I just played a game where I had a better economy, even on upgrades ( he went really fast double upgrades and so did I) i moved out to try and trade/do damage with 2/2 before he had ultras and killed off 4th and a ton of drones at the 3rd.. and he just a moves his utlras at me with queens. i spread at top of a ramp and barely any ultras even die... I have production going at home and he literally marches across and kills me anyway. I have no clue how to deal with this. At no point are the supplies in his favor, he really didnt have a lot of lings to back up.. Once he has ultras out i feel like i just cannot engage it at all, and if he comes for my base i just die no matter how bad his economy behind it is. I just don't know whether I should treat this like an all in and never move out of my bases.. doesnt seem to matter though when he can just walk into my 3rd or my natural wtih wall ins and win with transfuse anwyay.
If you could supply a replay of the game it would be helpful!
On May 19 2013 02:41 XenoJesus wrote: how do we terrans deal with proxy 2 rax reaper? I tried to quickly get marauders and hellions out after seeing no rax but he overwhelmed me.
On May 19 2013 01:22 rice_devOurer wrote: should i get vikings just for sniping an offensive mothership core? (lategame)
Maybe 1 Viking. A late game offensive mother ship core can do almost nothing and you're far better off including those Vikings in your main army comp. 3 or 4 marines can do the job easily.
On May 19 2013 01:22 rice_devOurer wrote: should i get vikings just for sniping an offensive mothership core? (lategame)
Maybe 1 Viking. A late game offensive mother ship core can do almost nothing and you're far better off including those Vikings in your main army comp. 3 or 4 marines can do the job easily.
On May 18 2013 22:46 saaaa wrote: What do you think about delayed Factory FE with the Gas at 15 compared to a "normal" Fac FE with a Gas at 13 Supply?
Which one i should prefer?
For what MU?
15 Gas TvT and 15 Gas TvP are pretty standard, going into the marine/hellion/vac and mine/marine/vac respectively.
yeah sry i mean for TvT.
What opening should i prefer Rax 15 Gas or 13 Gas when i want to follow up with reactor fac fe and later into mech?
Is a 15 Gas FE safer against a 2 rax Opening because you have 4 marines instead of 2. I'm just not sure.
Or how should i ideally respond when i expect 2 rax reaper with a reactor Fac?
The 15 Gas TvT build I mentioned was used by Innovation and Flash, Flash went mech out of it so I'm sure you can too. I believe there's a thread on how to hold 2 rax reaper, so I would read that.
In TvT the standard 2rax reaper build is the one where you build your second rax after the second depot and orbital.
I've been playing 12/14 rax with 12 gas ofc, with a a slightly delayed orbital. It gives me a second reaper faster and usually my slight advantage gains momentum if the enemy goes reaper and scouts me and falls into my trap of 2 reapers.
On May 20 2013 03:19 herMan wrote: In TvT the standard 2rax reaper build is the one where you build your second rax after the second depot and orbital.
I've been playing 12/14 rax with 12 gas ofc, with a a slightly delayed orbital. It gives me a second reaper faster and usually my slight advantage gains momentum if the enemy goes reaper and scouts me and falls into my trap of 2 reapers.
Why do not pros use this?
Because depot-rax-gas-OC-rax-depot is more efficient and doesn't cut any economy besides the worker cut to get 12 gas.