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what could I have done better in this TvZ? http://drop.sc/347311
I guess I should've been more aggressive and dropped or something like that. But my upgrades were only a little behind and I switched to marauders as soon as I saw hive being upgraded.
Probably not the best place to take a fight, but I had probably lost by that point TT
Can someone share with me a replay from a macro terran BIO heavy style? and somewhere to download replays from the pros?
With the recent resurgence in roach-baneling play in TvZ, would it be wise to start to play more of a tank/heavy 3base turtle style with a 2/2/1 timing, adding a lot more marauders if Zerg is heavy on roaches and banes? Because whenever I start to poke at around 12 min., the 12:30-13 min. roach/bane max just slaughters me, and my mines hit roaches and do no damage. Is there a better way to deal with this new play or is a WoL style play the way to go?
On July 04 2013 08:25 PinheadXXXXXX wrote: With the recent resurgence in roach-baneling play in TvZ, would it be wise to start to play more of a tank/heavy 3base turtle style with a 2/2/1 timing, adding a lot more marauders if Zerg is heavy on roaches and banes? Because whenever I start to poke at around 12 min., the 12:30-13 min. roach/bane max just slaughters me, and my mines hit roaches and do no damage. Is there a better way to deal with this new play or is a WoL style play the way to go? Yes, the "WoL style" is optimal against lings/banes/roaches.
United States2186 Posts
On July 03 2013 21:02 TheDwf wrote: Hey, look who's there!
Ya coming back for a bit!
On July 04 2013 06:17 Juice! wrote:It might sound strange but i reaaaally struggle against zerg ... there is just no way i can beat them :/ atm i have 1-14 on ladder vs zergs  I've tried macro games always like rax CC, CC first, reaper CC, helbatdrop CC, ... they always seem to win pretty easy against me  I'm kinda getting sick of it since i have 70% TvT and 83% TvP ... TvZ is really holding me down. Is there a good all in i could do on 1-2bases (not 8-8-8 or proxy stuff .. just basic inbase mass, scv pull attack?)
Mvp's late 2 base bio hellbat medivac scv pull allin is going to be your best bet. It requires very good micro over an extended period though. Check out his games in WCS Europe season 1, particularly the finals versus Stephano and I believe earlier playoff tvzs versus TLO. The Star Station game is a very good display.
If you are having difficulty versus zerg in standard games the likely problem is your engagements. I'm guessing either bad splits, no presplits of bio or mines, or not watching your army well enough are the likely culprits.
On July 04 2013 08:25 PinheadXXXXXX wrote: With the recent resurgence in roach-baneling play in TvZ, would it be wise to start to play more of a tank/heavy 3base turtle style with a 2/2/1 timing, adding a lot more marauders if Zerg is heavy on roaches and banes? Because whenever I start to poke at around 12 min., the 12:30-13 min. roach/bane max just slaughters me, and my mines hit roaches and do no damage. Is there a better way to deal with this new play or is a WoL style play the way to go?
Roach bane ling is a bad efficiency army composition that has a window of opportunity of extremely explosive power. In order for it to pay off he has to massacre your army (which he can in that 12-15 min window) then transition with that advantage - though often he just wins outright. The later the game goes, the more medivacs and mines you get, and especially when you get 3-3, the better you can fight roach ling bane with bio mine medivac. It's just extremely rough before you hit critical mass of each and your production isn't entirely there yet.
Thus your goal is to weather that period of his strength then just bully him around before he can transition out of it. That means turtling with tanks/bunkers while dropping him and preventing him from getting new bases easily.
Personal story: when I played lzgamer at this mlg I had played maybe 50 real games of sc2 in half a year and didn't understand bio/mine that well. I got overrun on belshir vestige with a huge roach/bane/ling army at my natural at maybe 14 minutes (no tanks, 1 bunker) despite having a very large bio/mine army and solid micro. It ended with my natural burning and probably a 60-80 supply army in my main with just one dropship running around at his 3rd/nat, some medivacs, and no other units, which is pretty much a gg scenario.
Fortunately that dropship managed to keep him from sending reinforcements to my main, so after over a minute or two of chewing away at his army with new production I cleared it after losing a bunch of buildings. He was on 4 bases at this point to my 3 with maybe 30 scvs and a depleted army, but I still had maybe 7 medivacs and my 3-3 was nearly done, so I rallied everything to his 4th while sending one dropship to keep harassing his 3rd and prevent a 5th. I lost the battle seemingly badly at his 4th, but no matter. I kept the rally to the watchtower and kept forcing fights at his 4th. I lost every one for what feels like 10 minutes straight due to his excellent micro against my mines, but this pressure kept him from sending units elsewhere except to ward off my drops, so I got my own 4th up. Then suddenly I started winning fights and razed his 4th. From here I upped the tempo considerably, dropped every remaining base, and killed his 6 broodlord/6 corruptor army during his transition process.
Lesson here: roach bane might blow you apart in the midgame but if you keep forcing fights you can win due to sheer cost efficiency even being very far behind.
May I have some help please? I realized that I didn't upgrade way too late. I think I got my 4th and 5th late. Not enough SCV later on in game. I did not get turrets because I wanted to keep the aggression on his side of the map so that he can not harass me. I wish I could drop more but I am trying not to because I think my macro slips up trying more than one drop at a time. I thought that we both had no money towards the end but he just came out of nowhere with 69 mutas followed by 69 ultras. I feel like I didn't have enough money for ghosts but should I have just teched to them anyways so I could have 5~ ghosts and less MM or just keep getting more MM and no ghosts like I did. My medivac count was probably low too :/
Hello dear help thread! I know it's bad form to ask for help about a game I won, but I honestly found this game as frustrating as a lot of my losses.
Summary: I open cc first (on an impulse: normally I rax cc), lose some mining time to a fast oracle, make the wrong addon on my factory (and never have time afterward to fix it), produce some marines and marauders, and generally spend the rest of the game walking around the map, sniping protoss bases, and trying to not lose my whole army more times than I strictly have to.
The reasons I found it frustrating were that it took so long to wear my opponent out, and that I constantly felt like I was one lost army or missed macro cycle away from getting walked over by a colossus ball. Maybe these are just the nature of the matchup? Is it normal for terran to produce twice as many units as protoss and spend a lot more resources during the game? That's something I associate more with zerg.
I'm very bad in general, and on top of that quite new to terran (switched from zerg to random starting with hots beta). I think it's mainly my poor engagements (well, maybe my severe greedy streak) that are holding me back. The engagement at 23min is a good example of the sort of thing that loses me most of my terran games, against any race. (Usually I die to the counterattack immediately following a battle like that, and I was honestly expecting to here.) I'd love any suggestions for improving those, or of course my game in general. Thanks!
[re-watching at 23min again... I'm not sure why I stopped retreating my units up the hill... something must have diverted my attention elsewhere... is that really most of the reason why it went so badly?]
twice as many workers faster limit denied third destroyed all his lolossi
got a-moved and lost.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm I think it's time for me to stop playing for a while.
I'm at a point skillwise on the ladder (high diamond) where I get cheesed almost every game and I'm not quite good enough to hold off the cheese every single game so I can never get to the next level where I won't be getting cheesed as often. Being able to hold off cheese is not what I consider fun. I know there are people really good at it, I am so obviously not one of those people.
On July 05 2013 05:49 korsarz wrote:twice as many workers faster limit denied third destroyed all his lolossi got a-moved and lost. http://drop.sc/347474
lol even before clicking on the link I knew you were talking about vs. protoss based on description.
First thing I would suggest you do is change up your build in the first 4 mins. Just look how much gas you had. Most people who do the reactor rax before units immediately go into double repear instead of the 1 reaper 1 marine like you did. After first 2 reapers immediately go into double marine production. Then as their gas piles up again they use that gas to build factory. If you are worried about not being able to hold off protoss aggression than stop mining gas all together and put up a couple more raxes along with your cc.
Normally people advice against camping outside protoss base like that because if they have a pylon outside or warp prism they can send in units to ruin your day. In any case, if you are going to do that pre-spread instead of lumping them up in a big ball. You probably could have won that engagement at 16 mins (the one you ran away from) if your units were spread.
You had a lot of workers but your main and natural were over saturated. Take a quick peak at the number on top of the command centre. 16/24 is optimal, but anything up to 24 is still OK but you had 28/22 on your main and 22/21 on your natural while your 3rd was sparse. That's 7 workers that literally aren't doing anything. You would be better off long distance mining with those 7. Around the point where you max out but can't kill the protoss (happens almost every game) is when you should be throwing up more command centres and production buildings to use up your minerals.
If possible try to take engagements on his side of the map so that when you inevitably lose the fight you have time to reproduce and make use of that bank you accumulated.
Honestly at this point you aren't playing bad. A lot of these things I am saying are kind of nit picking and doesn't make you win or lose games at your level. I suggest you work on one thing and one thing only, pre-spread your units. That is, form a big concave even before the fight happens. One thing that might help is to throw up sensory towers everywhere so you can always spread facing your opponent. Pro's don't build sensory towers everywhere because their game sense is so good they often know where their opponent is and they use scans constantly to find out exactly where and they don't want to waste too many resources on sensory towers.
How do you know when to transition into BC, raven, viking composition in the late game? And how do you stop an opponent in TvT when/after they transition to that composition?
On July 06 2013 04:35 Level10Peon wrote: How do you know when to transition into BC, raven, viking composition in the late game? And how do you stop an opponent in TvT when/after they transition to that composition? you need to have air control and try to do it when things are at a standstill
if they're doing it, just make viking/raven. add some thors if you're going mech. BCs can be kited and while they're good, I have -often- found that the first player to commit to BCs actually loses (assuming the other player properly scouts).
if you have more vikings, don't get beat by seeker missile or yamato, the higher viking count will be the better bet. then you can add in a couple of BCs if you want.
On July 06 2013 04:35 Level10Peon wrote: How do you know when to transition into BC, raven, viking composition in the late game? And how do you stop an opponent in TvT when/after they transition to that composition?
Stopping airterran. (A) If playing bio : Airterran isnt a bitch. Marines, vikings will do the trick (and mines if u have spare gas), no need to change your productionbuildings. ezpz win. (B) If playing mech : Add lots of mines (less hellbats) and vikings. See this promatch how its done Fantasy vs flash SPL
Are there "sleepers" in the ladder? By that I mean people who will give you free wins? Or Ai that give you wins? I played a supposed silver player today that in a 45 minute game only took 2 bases walked over one of my bases and all of my tech. Then retreated. I still had 3 other bases going so I kept building and just trying to watch the other bases and try to starve him. They never came for an attack again and I build 10 starports and 10 bunkers and just walked over him. It was really weird. I asked why they hadn't done any other bases and they didn't reply. Just curious.
On a side note, I was wondering, if I post a replay, where do I upload it to? I would like some advice as normally I can win maybe 1 game in 5 and most of the time when I watch the replay I have no idea what I am doing wrong. Thanks in advance.
I recently lost to a very odd composition and was wondering if it is actually viable, or if I was just behind. Phoenix, oracle, void ray, stalker, zealot archon. I might have lost too any SCVs against oracle harass, but phoenix harass kept me in my base while he expanded behind it, and also had some nice zealot backstabs. But eventually I would try to engage, but losing around 1/4 of my marines to lift meant I wouldn't have the dps or ability to kite against a gateway army. Also having no medivacs after each fight, really hurts.
How should I transition out of a mine drop in tvp? At the moment I'm starting stim as soon as possible as well as dropping extra rax an ebay and 2 more gases. Is this what I should be doing?
The standard transition is 2 more raxes. As the 2 raxes are building build a tech lab on the starport and a techlab on factory then swap them with your finished raxes and start your stim and combat shields. It's just another way to get to your standard 3 rax,starport in hopes of getting some damage done.